If it's good or the goose ...

Is state sponsored assassination acceptable?

  • Of course not. All civilized nations should reject it outright.

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • Of course. If a nation deems it necessary.

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • American Exceptionalism! Duh.

    Votes: 1 5.3%

  • Total voters
Was taking out Bin Laden state sponsored assassination?

Nope. OBL was an international criminal. Any other stupid questions?

Are you and your LefTarded buddies appointed to decide who is and who isn’t an “international criminal”?
Do you have clearance and intel?

No, I'm basing my assessment on worldwide consensus. No country claimed him. He was a wanted criminal in Pakistan.

That said, I didn't support the way OBL was taken out. When we discovered his location, we should have insisted that Pakistan apprehend him - and then declared war on them if they refused.

“Worldwide consensus”?
So you develop your OPINIONS from the opinions of others?
Don’t you think accurate opinions derive from accurate intelligence?
Do you honestly believe the American public is ever privy to enough intel to arrive at an accurate opinion?
well this group in here thinks our country shouldn't protect our intelligence agencies and they should know everything. they have no lives any ways.
Was taking out Bin Laden state sponsored assassination?

Nope. OBL was an international criminal. Any other stupid questions?

Are you and your LefTarded buddies appointed to decide who is and who isn’t an “international criminal”?
Do you have clearance and intel?

No, I'm basing my assessment on worldwide consensus. No country claimed him. He was a wanted criminal in Pakistan.

That said, I didn't support the way OBL was taken out. When we discovered his location, we should have insisted that Pakistan apprehend him - and then declared war on them if they refused.

“Worldwide consensus”?
So you develop your OPINIONS from the opinions of others?
Don’t you think accurate opinions derive from accurate intelligence?
Do you honestly believe the American public is ever privy to enough intel to arrive at an accurate opinion?
well this group in here thinks our country shouldn't protect our intelligence agencies and they should know everything. they have no lives any ways.

These nutless fucks have no clue.
Nope. OBL was an international criminal. Any other stupid questions?

Are you and your LefTarded buddies appointed to decide who is and who isn’t an “international criminal”?
Do you have clearance and intel?

No, I'm basing my assessment on worldwide consensus. No country claimed him. He was a wanted criminal in Pakistan.

That said, I didn't support the way OBL was taken out. When we discovered his location, we should have insisted that Pakistan apprehend him - and then declared war on them if they refused.

“Worldwide consensus”?
So you develop your OPINIONS from the opinions of others?
Don’t you think accurate opinions derive from accurate intelligence?
Do you honestly believe the American public is ever privy to enough intel to arrive at an accurate opinion?
well this group in here thinks our country shouldn't protect our intelligence agencies and they should know everything. they have no lives any ways.

These nutless fucks have no clue.
none whatsoever.
*pResident is so mutually despised.

You speak of partisan cowards while vomiting forth the sort of language that only partisan cowards employ.

You don't like the language only because it intentionally triggers Cult45. However, this *pResident's poll numbers for the last 3 year don't lie, do they? He is despised by many.

No, I don't like it because it reveals you to be a mindless partisan with an IQ below 100.
A declaration of war doesn't justify killing hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women, and children. You cant hide behind that smoke screen.

Still, Congress declared war for Truman. They didn't for Trump.

So, how's your moral compass? If another country takes up state sponsored assassinations as a foreign policy tool, will you applaud it? Do you understand the concept of precedent? Do you understand the precedent that Trump just set?

Trump set no precedent. Are you kidding me? Im not sad at all for that general nor was I sad when O took out obl. My moral compass is fine.

Morality isn't about feeling sad. It's about the golden rule. It's about recognizing that if you claim something is ok for you to do, then it's ok for others - and if you claim something if wrong for others to do, it's wrong for you to do as well.

So, getting back to the question you're dodging - if another country condemned a US general as a criminal, would it be acceptable for them enter our country and kill him? It wouldn't be acceptable to me. Even if he was every bit the criminal the other country claimed, it's not their right to enter our airspace and carry out a death sentence.

Do disagree? Do you think it should be their right? Do you think it should be ours?

We didn't kill him in Iran, dumbass!

He spews forth about morality while creating intentionally false comparisons.

No comparison. Just a question. Have you asked yourself why you're afraid to answer it?
Soleimani was a combatant ...

So, more of the 'war on terror' bullshit? Everybody's a combatant and the theater of war is everywhere. Unending, ubiquitous war. I'll pass.

Killing Soleimani does not mean an unending, ubiquitous war is obviously certain. THAT it bullshit.

The war on terror logic is what implies unending, ubiquitous war.
tell the terrorists to stop then. why don't you all ever tell them that?
Soleimani was a combatant ...

So, more of the 'war on terror' bullshit? Everybody's a combatant and the theater of war is everywhere. Unending, ubiquitous war. I'll pass.

Killing Soleimani does not mean an unending, ubiquitous war is obviously certain. THAT it bullshit.

The war on terror logic is what implies unending, ubiquitous war.

Absolute, total nonsense. It is true that the Afghan war has been going on for nearly 20 years, and IMHO ought to be ended asap. BUT - that fact does not imply that any future action automatically means another unending, ubiquitous war. Democrats have been screaming about this since news broke of the Soleimani killing, but the truth is that Iran does not want and cannot afford a war with the America. There will be no war; but there will be reprisals if the Iranians attack American embassies or forces in the future and know they know that. I call that a good thing. Their leader said that America can do nothing. Well, now he knows otherwise.
Nope. It was a capture mission. Him being killed was not the objective.

This is the first I've heard of this. What is your source for this?
I have not looked for a source, but it kinda makes sense....

they were on the ground, for the mission...

If they were just going to kill him, they would have droned the compound, and not risked the Seals on the ground, is my thought.
Truman killed hundreds of thousands who were innocent in hiroshima and nagasaki. Trump killed one general who had the blood of thousands on his hands.

Truman had a declaration of war.

A declaration of war doesn't justify killing hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women, and children. You cant hide behind that smoke screen.

Still, Congress declared war for Truman. They didn't for Trump.

So, how's your moral compass? If another country takes up state sponsored assassinations as a foreign policy tool, will you applaud it? Do you understand the concept of precedent? Do you understand the precedent that Trump just set?

Trump set no precedent. Are you kidding me? Im not sad at all for that general nor was I sad when O took out obl. My moral compass is fine.

Morality isn't about feeling sad. It's about the golden rule. It's about recognizing that if you claim something is ok for you to do, then it's ok for others - and if you claim something if wrong for others to do, it's wrong for you to do as well.

So, getting back to the question you're dodging - if another country condemned a US general as a criminal, would it be acceptable for them enter our country and kill him? It wouldn't be acceptable to me. Even if he was every bit the criminal the other country claimed, it's not their right to enter our airspace and carry out a death sentence.

Do disagree? Do you think it should be their right? Do you think it should be ours?

We didn't enter their airspace. Do we have a rogue general who has plotted and targeted hundreds of thousands of innocent's death?
Was taking out Bin Laden state sponsored assassination?

Nope. OBL was an international criminal. Any other stupid questions?

Are you and your LefTarded buddies appointed to decide who is and who isn’t an “international criminal”?
Do you have clearance and intel?

No, I'm basing my assessment on worldwide consensus. No country claimed him. He was a wanted criminal in Pakistan.

That said, I didn't support the way OBL was taken out. When we discovered his location, we should have insisted that Pakistan apprehend him - and then declared war on them if they refused.

Yeah, that worked so well in Afghanistan 18 years ago! Dumbass!
What say you good folks? And you not-so-good folks can respond as well.
I didn't vote just because I didn't see an option. There's nothing wrong with killing a person if you have real solid information that he's planning an attack right now. But like any real world claim of self-defense ..... if there's not attack planned and you knew it, you have committed first degree murder, which still gets life without parol in some states, and at best you just did manslaughter if the intelligence showing an near term attack was wrong.

It's not somethign to fuck up, and should get you jail time for lying about ... even if you are president.
Should State Sponsored Assassination of US Americans abroad, such as those carried out by Barry, be allowed?
What say you good folks? And you not-so-good folks can respond as well.

Not just acceptable, mandatory.

Don't start a war and murder thousands when what is needed is to take out one bad actor.
But that's not how it is.

Just for argument's sake lets imagine Iran were assassinate one of our top commanders. Does every single man under his command just go home? Shit no, they get a new commander with a deep wish to get some payback. It is generally disastrous to do things to harden the resolve of the enemy.

, post: 23809702, member: 30065"]What say you good folks? And you not-so-good folks can respond as well.

Not just acceptable, mandatory.

Don't start a war and murder thousands when what is needed is to take out one bad actor.[/QUOTE]
But that's not how it is.

Just for argument's sake lets imagine Iran were assassinate one of our top commanders. Does every single man under his command just go home? Shit no, they get a new commander with a deep wish to get some payback. It is generally disastrous to do things to harden the resolve of the enemy.[/QUOTE]

Members of a military, even its leaders are not assinated, they're simply killed. Assination is reserved for political leaders and heads of state.

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