If God is the Father...Who is the Mother?

She isn't mentioned in the bible, is she? And..was she, HE, but the ones that decided which books would be included in what is now the bible ...did they decide to leave her out of any mention that could have been written about because during that time, women were looked upon like what Muslims thinks of their women to this day. SOMEONE decided which gospels would make it into the final book. So...what else has been left out?

The Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gracie, there are additional books & texts. They weren't found until the last 100-200 years go, long after the Bible had already been assembled/canonized or whatever by the head of the Catholic church. Christians believe that each author of the books of the Bible, were inspired by God on what to write and therefore is the Word of God thru the authors.

Several years ago, I had come across a paperback version of 'the Lost Books' somewhere. I don't know for sure if it was really an 'official' version or even if it was complete either. BUT several of them do address a lot of questions left by the Bible & give the reader a better understanding. If you ever get a chance to read those, I'd highly recommend it. If only to fill in the gaps. I don't remember for sure if there was anything in them about a woman or mother.
Christians accept the fact that God Himself made man from the dust of the earth. No woman or sex involved.
I understand the Bible is just a book, written by man, who claim it is God's words.

Okay, just making sure... 'cause it sounded like you thought there might have been some kind of conspiratorial cover-up and men decided not to tell us the truth about God being a woman.

For the record, I don't think God is a male or female. The perception of God in the Bible is presented as male because it's a male-dominant world. However, it is allegoric labeling... like how a ship or country is often a "she" or "her" but has no actual gender.

I get this is just a fun conversation to have, I'm just picking at you. ;)
Not necessarily intended as a fun convo, but more of an "interesting, I didn't know that" sorta thing.

You can pick at me, lol. I might pick back. Need some grooming? :lol:

Further note: The bible doesn't mention Lilith either. Which again begs the question..what else was left out?

Hmmm. Maybe this is a conspiracy theory thread? ;)
This is one reason that Christianity doesn't work for me. The absence of the feminine wisdom.
I don't know about all that & I can see why you're confused too. Sorry, but I'm not going to read it all to figure it out. I can only speak from my own experience & point of view. I was not 'raised in the church', in fact about as far from it as you can get. I came to it of my own free will as an adult, after having gone thru my own personal hell, so to speak. Some bizarre incidences, surviving things without a scratch when I should have been dead and finally having a 'life after death' experience I finally had to admit there was something more than what I could see, hear, taste, smell or feel. "Something' much larger than myself and even the world itself as I knew it. I know my Redeemer lives and He lives in me.
Anyway, to answer about God being the Father & who is the mother question. According to the Bible, since God created man from the earth & woman was formed by God from mans rib, God is the Father as Creator. In Christianity there is no mother at creation, God & some woman didn't have sex, her go thru 9 months of pregnancy & give birth. That is the human way & God is not human & not subject to human desires, frailties, or needs. Nor is God man, or man-like. He has no body as we would understand, but more like a Spirit.

But to describe in words what God is? Is difficult. God is the thunder during the storm, the pain in heartbreak, the struggle in indecision, sand between your toes,
the breeze rustling thru leaves. He is the squeal of delight of a child on Christmas morning, the tears of mourning the loss of a loved one. He is all things and His love for us is greater than anything we can even imagine.
God is manlike, in that Adam was made in his image, and Christ was a man.
Check out a book called, LONGING FOR DARKNESS, by China Galland. It's about a woman who is recovering from alcoholism while making a pilgrimage and seeking the divine feminine wisdom in Christianity and Buddhism. (the Black Madonna in Christianity and the female Buddha, Tara in Buddhism).l
Women who think only men are god-like miss their own connection to divinity.
To many Christians Mary is the Heavenly Mother of all, and like a good mother she seeks to meet all the needs of her children. Especially as the mysterious "Black Madonna" she allows people to project their hopes, desires, and needs unto her, only to draw them ever deeper into divine mysteries.

She plays many roles for many different kinds of people: She is the heiress of the thrones of the pre-Christian goddesses. She is the bride of the Christian God, the bride in the Song of Songs, who represents all souls seeking union with the Divine and says: "I am black but beautiful." (1:5) She is a rebel against the establishment, a heavenly therapist, a spiritual guide. As the Dark Mother archetype she is a symbol of our inner shadow-self when properly integrated. As a black woman she is a friend to the oppressed and reconciler of all races. She is a healer of all dis-ease, a guide and companion at the time of death. She is the helper of Christ, turned black by carrying our sins with him. - All these roles are worth investigating.
I started this thread in this forum for one reason: NO TROLLING. Too bad this rule cannot apply to the religion forum. So, here it is.

I was just wondering about this topic. I found a few things on the net but I wound up cross eyed and more confused than I planned. Some said "Mother Earth" but that seems kinda weird. Is God both Father and Mother but He is used instead of She because women are second place to men or something? The time of books written, it was/is "a man's world", or passages that state "HE made man out of HIS image", Father this, Father that, and similar phrases?

So, you are taught by parents who were taught who were also taught by theirs and on and on it goes. But in your heart...what do you think? Is there an unknown Goddess not spoken of? Or is He a She as well?

REMEMBER..YOU ARE IN THE LOUNGE. No snarky comments, please.

I don't think so. I think God is God. I think there can only be ONE person totally in charge. Not in needs of a helper...
There is nothing wrong go acknowledging people smarter or stronger than you. There is always someone out there that is.. be they male or female...
I don't know about all that & I can see why you're confused too. Sorry, but I'm not going to read it all to figure it out. I can only speak from my own experience & point of view. I was not 'raised in the church', in fact about as far from it as you can get. I came to it of my own free will as an adult, after having gone thru my own personal hell, so to speak. Some bizarre incidences, surviving things without a scratch when I should have been dead and finally having a 'life after death' experience I finally had to admit there was something more than what I could see, hear, taste, smell or feel. "Something' much larger than myself and even the world itself as I knew it. I know my Redeemer lives and He lives in me.
Anyway, to answer about God being the Father & who is the mother question. According to the Bible, since God created man from the earth & woman was formed by God from mans rib, God is the Father as Creator. In Christianity there is no mother at creation, God & some woman didn't have sex, her go thru 9 months of pregnancy & give birth. That is the human way & God is not human & not subject to human desires, frailties, or needs. Nor is God man, or man-like. He has no body as we would understand, but more like a Spirit.

But to describe in words what God is? Is difficult. God is the thunder during the storm, the pain in heartbreak, the struggle in indecision, sand between your toes,
the breeze rustling thru leaves. He is the squeal of delight of a child on Christmas morning, the tears of mourning the loss of a loved one. He is all things and His love for us is greater than anything we can even imagine.
God is manlike, in that Adam was made in his image, and Christ was a man.

I disagree, but I won't argue with you as I do believe Spiritual Belief is a very personal thing and everyone is entitled to their own.
If God is strictly a male, then why does it say "let US make man in OUR image"?

Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

And, by the way, according to Jewish belief, God DOES have "helpers" in the form of the Sephirot, as well as the archangels and the cherubs.
Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
You can't think of God in our terms.

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