If freedom fails this time it's over.

No where near the threat to freedom we've gotten from career political parasites and wanna be fascists like Clintons, Obamas, Bidens.
Sorry Komrade, many of us don't want your "socialist" "wealth redistribution" hype and bankrupting change.

Bother to check their biographies and you'll see that the Clintons, Obamas, and Bidens have no real experience in wealth creation or running free enterprise for profit ventures. All have lifetime careers collecting government paychecks - "redistributed wealth" of one sort or another. When they weren't collecting grift and graft.

What freedoms have you lost under clinton, obama and Biden? Tell me.

So you'd prefer a tax evader, money launderer and all around cheat and swindler, to people who work for their money? WOW.
Rather flimsy foundation to say he was a good president. He was garbage. He is garbage. He shouldn’t have taken a salary because he sucked at the job.

You mean the rapist? Who, thanks to your blob, will be able to visit his kid and his victim when he gets out of jail in a few short years.
Trump can be compared to Biden. Biden is a failure. Trump is a success. Biden however costs you taxpayers a lot. Trump did the job for free. And you hate him.
Yes your rapist in your story. Why try to link Trump to a criminal? And why did you bring him up?
Rump took home over 600 million in 4 years. His kids made out like bandits for millions as well. No, he took no salary, he just stole hundreds of milllions.
i know history of him very well. I and others will read your proofs as soon as you dream them up.
So you'd prefer a tax evader, money launderer and all around cheat and swindler, to people who work for their money? WOW.
We are telling you for those reasons among more we do not prefer Biden nor the Obamas and you can jam Clinton where the sun does not shine.
Rump took home over 600 million in 4 years. His kids made out like bandits for millions as well. No, he took no salary, he just stole hundreds of milllions.
Via prior businesses and investments.
Not off of taxpayers and crony elitists like Clinton, Obama, and Biden have done.
What freedoms have you lost under clinton, obama and Biden? Tell me.

So you'd prefer a tax evader, money launderer and all around cheat and swindler, to people who work for their money? WOW.
What freedoms did YOU lose under Trump? Tell me.

I've lost freedom to enjoy my savings and investments via the inflation and idiot regulations harming the economy resulting from Clinton, Obama, and Biden.

All three of them, Clinton, Obama, and Biden are even greater at "tax evader, money launderer and all around cheat and swindler, to people who work for their money".
Rump took home over 600 million in 4 years. His kids made out like bandits for millions as well. No, he took no salary, he just stole hundreds of milllions.
Iden is the major criminal out of thousands who have ran Government. Iden belongs in prison.
Rather flimsy foundation to say he was a good president. He was garbage. He is garbage. He shouldn’t have taken a salary because he sucked at the job.

You mean the rapist? Who, thanks to your blob, will be able to visit his kid and his victim when he gets out of jail in a few short years.
He did his job better than the three Democrat puppet scum that we've had recently.
The three sorry excuses foisted upon America via the Democrat party who have been the recent POTUS's.
None had any experience in free enterprise capitalism = wealth creation. Only in living off of OPM = Other People's Money via collecting government checks their entire working careers.
Of the three types of people; Makers ~ Takers ~ Fakers; the three 'stooges'; Clinton, Obama, and Biden are Takers and Fakers!
Bill Clinton;
Clinton was born and raised in Arkansas. He graduated from Georgetown University in 1968, and later from Yale Law School, where he met his future wife, Hillary Rodham. After graduating from law school, Clinton returned to Arkansas and won election as state attorney general, followed by two non-consecutive tenures as Arkansas governor. As governor, he overhauled the state's education system and served as chairman of the National Governors Association. Clinton was elected president in the 1992 election, defeating the incumbent Republican Party president George H. W. Bush and the independent businessman Ross Perot. He became the first president to be born in the Baby Boomer generation.
Barack Obama;
Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. He graduated from Columbia University in 1983 with a B.A. in political science and later worked as a community organizer in Chicago. In 1988, Obama enrolled in Harvard Law School, where he was the first black president of the Harvard Law Review. He became a civil rights attorney and an academic, teaching constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. He also went into elective politics. Obama represented the 13th district in the Illinois Senate from 1997 until 2004, when he successfully ran for the U.S. Senate. In 2008, after a close primary campaign against Hillary Clinton, he was nominated by the Democratic Party for president and chose Delaware Senator Joe Biden as his running mate. Obama was elected president, defeating Republican Party nominee John McCain in the presidential election and was inaugurated on January 20, 2009. Nine months later he was named the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, a decision that drew a mixture of praise and criticism.
Joe Biden;
Born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, Biden moved with his family to Delaware in 1953. He graduated from the University of Delaware before earning his law degree from Syracuse University. He was elected to the New Castle County Council in 1970 and to the U.S. Senate in 1972. As a senator, Biden drafted and led the effort to pass the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act and the Violence Against Women Act. He also oversaw six U.S. Supreme Court confirmation hearings, including the contentious hearings for Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas. Biden ran unsuccessfully for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1988 and 2008. In 2008, Obama chose Biden as his running mate, and he was a close counselor to Obama during his two terms as vice president. In the 2020 presidential election, Biden and his running mate, Kamala Harris, defeated incumbents Donald Trump and Mike Pence. He became the oldest president in U.S. history, and the first to have a female vice president.
Explains a lot on how we have had growing Deficits, Debt, Inflation, Rising Costs of Living, and growing national insecurity and danger from abroad, Etc.

Also, no way that these three (and their similar spouses) could have amassed the million$ they have on just Guv'mint pay and benefits. Clearly those "royalties" and "speakers fees" and "etc." were ways to funnel bribes and paybacks that could skirt around the Law that would otherwise convict these three of the criminal acts they performed, services to their controllers.
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"Until you document these claims and can prove any are objective and not more Leftist lies ......"

Well, earnest poster Stryder we ...could....spend some time and bandwidth showing our sourcing on all of those statements.

These statements:

  • ...."serial adulteries against three wives;
  • 6 bankruptcies;
  • a dozen additional failed businesses;
  • judged to have cheated charities;
  • judged to have cheated on taxes;
  • judged to have cheated on the Trump University scam;
  • a documented 35,000 'mistruths' (before they gave up counting);
  • a court-jury determined sexual assaulter;
  • 91 criminal indictments;
  • multi-million dollar judgements against him for his personal behavior."

Instead, let's just use one or two as 'samplers' of veracity.

  • 91 criminal indictments. --- Is poster Stryder alleging that those indictments do not exist? I say they do. It is up to you to prove me wrong....because, well because you know and I know everybody knows....that those indictments exist.

  • Next, "court jury found sexual assault". Oh, c'mon....poster Stryder do you or anyone else here doubt that that jury did NOT find Don Trump liable for assaulting E.Jean Carroll? They did. Everyone knows they did. Not deniable unless one is uninformed or....willfully clueless. And poster Stryder seems to be striving to not be that. True?

  • Lastly ----'multi-million dollar judgement'. Now really, Stryder, mein freund, do you really really wanna dispute that a jury just recently....like last week....did NOT lay a 80+ million dollar judgment on the billionaire Don Trump?
I love this bar.
Trump can be compared to Biden. Biden is a failure. Trump is a success. Biden however costs you taxpayers a lot. Trump did the job for free. And you hate him.

He swindled hundreds of millions from the US. And he's swindled hundreds of millions of dollars from the poor for various reasons.

Yes your rapist in your story. Why try to link Trump to a criminal? And why did you bring him up?

Rump IS a rapist.
i know history of him very well. I and others will read your proofs as soon as you dream them up.

You can stop this lying at any time. This has been covered over and over. Rump is a criminal and there just isn't enough time to try and convict him for everything he's guilty of. But he still has to answer to 91 separate felony charges.
You can stop this lying at any time. This has been covered over and over. Rump is a criminal and there just isn't enough time to try and convict him for everything he's guilty of. But he still has to answer to 91 separate felony charges.
Numbnuts you leftists keep talking about all those 91 indictments. Have you noticed every charge against trump is falling apart even before the trial starts.

Well, earnest poster Stryder we ...could....spend some time and bandwidth showing our sourcing on all of those statements.

These statements:

  • ...."serial adulteries against three wives;
  • 6 bankruptcies;
  • a dozen additional failed businesses;
  • judged to have cheated charities;
  • judged to have cheated on taxes;
  • judged to have cheated on the Trump University scam;
  • a documented 35,000 'mistruths' (before they gave up counting);
  • a court-jury determined sexual assaulter;
  • 91 criminal indictments;
  • multi-million dollar judgements against him for his personal behavior."

Instead, let's just use one or two as 'samplers' of veracity.
  • 91 criminal indictments. --- Is poster Stryder alleging that those indictments do not exist? I say they do. It is up to you to prove me wrong....because, well because you know and I know everybody knows....that those indictments exist.

  • Next, "court jury found sexual assault". Oh, c'mon....poster Stryder do you or anyone else here doubt that that jury did NOT find Don Trump liable for assaulting E.Jean Carroll? They did. Everyone knows they did. Not deniable unless one is uninformed or....willfully clueless. And poster Stryder seems to be striving to not be that. True?

  • Lastly ----'multi-million dollar judgement'. Now really, Stryder, mein freund, do you really really wanna dispute that a jury just recently....like last week....did NOT lay a 80+ million dollar judgment on the billionaire Don Trump?
I love this bar.
91 indictments falling apart
Trump can be compared to Biden. Biden is a failure. Trump is a success.
What did he succeed at?
Yes your rapist in your story.
No the actual rapist.
Why try to link Trump to a criminal? And why did you bring him up?
Thanks to your blob, his 10 year old victim has to carry the pregnancy to term. That's why.

But you guys seem to be all in favor or sexual assault--your candidate is a habitual sexual assaulter. I guess you get off on that sort of thing.

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