If freedom fails this time it's over.

I don't know whadahell that means by "country guys" and "mean" and "nice".
  • Fake News

Same question as earlier.
What's fake about that admission, earnest poster Stryder?
Saddle up, Skippy. Explain yourself.
Thank you. At the moment, at my age of 85 and with the problem being Type 2 diabetes and some issues with my arteries I may not live long enough to get Cancer. I am not in my opinion in poor health but I know my failing is not getting plenty of exercise.
I revived a thread here;
Cannabis Once Again Shown To Halt Cancer Growth

Will try to research more medical literature in support of it's use.
Note that medical use doesn't have to include the THC concentration that gets one high/a buzz.
  • Fake News

Same question as earlier.
What's fake about that admission, earnest poster Stryder?
Saddle up, Skippy. Explain yourself.
1) Current emoji replies to show negative or disapprove are limited to only two choice. Neither is always accurate. I use "fake news" as a version of: "bullshit", "stupid", "ignorant" or other variation of "plain dumb".

2) "DBA" answered best in the post #46 which followed your dumb post #45.
Ummm, amigo......do this: Use the English language instead of cartoons to express yourself.

It will allow you to claim a little bit of gravitas......not to mention competent education.

Trust me.
Sorry komrade, so far you fail to show any logical or intelligent reason to "Trust me."

My "gravitas" is shown in the positive endorsements my posts receive.
Check your local obituary pages for the word "unexpected"; it is code for a Fentanyl death. Your leadership, media, and educational infrastructure are dangerously woke and the townspeople are dying early and often. The local newspaper and radio programming tell the people this is normal and they should continue to support dangerous woke policies. Donald Trump has stated publicly that he does not drink alcohol, smoke tobacco, or use any illegal drugs. In a city like yours where so many voters are high on weed, drunk on alcohol, and loaded with prescription concotions in a mix that makes premature Alzheimer's Disease more common than high blood pressure, Trump is seen as a dangerous threat.

He is not a threat to America and its founding principles, he is a threat to the corruption of Washington and its use of pharmaceuticals, recreational drugs, and opiods to dope the people into the national stupor that fosters a planned invasion to replace voters to create a one-party totalitarian state.

The people who watched what happened in the last election think it is perfectly fine that the "My Pillow guy" can't sell his products at Walmart. Yup, that's normal in free society. See? Criticizing woke movements is "hate speech". People who use hate speech must be destroyed. Does that sound like a free society? It does if your brain is compromised on government drugs. It sounds a lot like the historical fascism that outlawed free speech in all the failed authoritarian empires that went down by killing any descent among the people.

If your mind is not sharp you will think it is ok to outlaw the main rival of a rising fascist government. In the content, chemically-altered mind of a postmodern citizen there is no world like a third world. Your corrupt congress, your colleges and universities, your banking systems, and your fellow-traveling legacy media all know that. You can't always get what you want but may end up with what you deserve.

Did you ever think this could happen here? Maybe in a few years you can buy weed at your local liquor store. Alzheimer's disease isn't so bad is it? Maybe your kids will take care of you. Good luck with that. Maybe the "new invited voting citizens" will swab your rump, that's the Biden future. Better hope for a quick end.
May I say, with all due respect...
Your ideology is that of hate. Trump can be as good a president as he was in the past. And he never forced babies to bear children, Was it your son who got that child pregnant? You owe her something since you bring her up.
He was a terrible president because he’s a garbage human being.

If you think a 10 year old should have to give birth; you’re a garbage human being too.
He was a terrible president because he’s a garbage human being.

If you think a 10 year old should have to give birth; you’re a garbage human being too.
Wrong about him as president. Who but him worked for us at no salary? Biden gets his and are we to like him? And Biden thank god did not bomb Turkey or England as retribution to Iran and he bombed two countries he did not claim harmed our troops.

Look, we feel awful about your 10 year old child. Why don't you beat up the father?
Yeah, that's a good point.

I never, ever thought I would see that here. I missed it. I didn't see it.

2016 showed me we're not what I thought we were.
That admission will never stop amusing me. What America were you people living in previously? :dunno: :lmao:
Yeah, that's a good point.

I never, ever thought I would see that here. I missed it. I didn't see it.

2016 showed me we're not what I thought we were.
I now understand 1933 Germany...

I do not believe - and I pray God - that it will not get anywhere near that bad, here...

But the idea of "looking the other way" because "they" are desperate for what The Con-Man is promising them...

That's kinda-sorta what happened 90-some years ago on the other side of The Pond...

I don't think we're going that far down the rabbit hole, but I understand 1933 better now...

All-too-human a failing, after all... 😟
I now understand 1933 Germany...

I do not believe - and I pray God - that it will not get anywhere near that bad, here...

But the idea of "looking the other way" because "they" are desperate for what The Con-Man is promising them...

That's kinda-sorta what happened 90-some years ago on the other side of The Pond...

I don't think we're going that far down the rabbit hole, but I understand 1933 better now...

All-too-human a failing, after all... 😟
You've already have a conman in the white house
I now understand 1933 Germany...

I do not believe - and I pray God - that it will not get anywhere near that bad, here...

But the idea of "looking the other way" because "they" are desperate for what The Con-Man is promising them...

That's kinda-sorta what happened 90-some years ago on the other side of The Pond...

I don't think we're going that far down the rabbit hole, but I understand 1933 better now...

All-too-human a failing, after all... 😟
We have less than a year more of Biden so please hang on.
The odds are pretty good that Trump is coming back. If you think that staged government event they called an insurrection was bad wait until Trump wins the election.
  • Fake News


OK, good poster Stryder......which one of those items is 'fake' ?
(your words, not mine)

Batter up, mon ami.
Anything from your sewer of a mind is fake.
Until you document these claims and can prove any are objective and not more Leftist lies and propaganda, then all of them as far as I'm concerned.
Wrong about him as president. Who but him worked for us at no salary?
Rather flimsy foundation to say he was a good president. He was garbage. He is garbage. He shouldn’t have taken a salary because he sucked at the job.
Look, we feel awful about your 10 year old child. Why don't you beat up the father?
You mean the rapist? Who, thanks to your blob, will be able to visit his kid and his victim when he gets out of jail in a few short years.

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