If freedom fails this time it's over.

Sort of like the difference between having a bottle of beer versus a shot or two of vodka. Where it used to take a couple of joints, now takes a couple of tokes.
Yes indeed.

Today's cannabis is a lot stronger than it used to be

Your parents' pot was much weaker than what you'll find in the stores today. Back in the '60s, '70s and '80s, marijuana had a THC content of less than two per cent. But since the '90s, the amount of THC — the chemical component that gets you high — has climbed significantly.

With the legalization of recreational cannabis, the industry has developed strains and products with much higher potency than ever before. Today's weed can reach 15 per cent THC or more, and concentrated products like oils, edibles and glass-like products called shatter can have a THC concentration as high as 90 per cent.

Unfortunately, the more potent a drug and its high is, the more addictive it can be. Today, about one in 11 marijuana users will become addicted.
So you would gladly see your 10 year old child or grandchild be forced to carry her pregnancy for 9 months and then become a 10 year old mother.....if she lives through the pregnancy?

Of course not, but I'm not going to play your games on the extremely rare cases either. You commies always go to the few extreme cases instead of discussing the millions of abortions that are done for nothing but convenience, I wonder why that is?


OK, let's kick those tires.
Trump reportedly got about 74 million votes in 2020, so half of that is 37,000,000.

Per good poster Stryder50's assertion that half behave like Trump....with serial adulteries against three wives; 6 bankruptcies; a dozen additional failed businesses; judged to have cheated charities; judged to have cheated on taxes; judged to have cheated on the Trump University scam; a documented 35,000 'mistruths' (before they gave up counting); a court-jury determined sexual assaulter; 91 criminal indictments; multi-million dollar judgements against him for his personal behavior.

And, per good poster Stryder50.......about 37 million Americans behave in 'similar ways'?

I personally think a little more vetting via reliable research and statistics, even credible reporting from reputable established journalism......would add some gravitas to poster Stryder's assertion.

So, poster Stryder......whatcha got on that front?

Batter up, amigo.
Either you failed in reading comprehension or I didn't write that clearly enough (I suspect the former). To rephrase:"Half of those whom voted in the 2016 election voted for Trump over S'Hillary."

Especially since you confuse "similar" with "same".

My point of reference was with regard to economics and political ideology, which for Trump was clearly those leaning Conservative and Right-wing over the DNC folly of retread Clinton.

As one of my favorite authors put it, about 45 years ago;
"There are Makers, Takers, and Fakers, no fourth category, and today (c. 1979) the Takers and the Fakers outnumber (and out vote) the Makers." - R. A. Heinlein
Also known as "Wealth Creators"(Makers) versus "Wealth Redistributors"(Takers and Fakers).

Trump is one of the Makers/Wealth Creators having been involved the Free Enterprise/Capitalism most of his lifetime and career. Those who really know and understand economics will realize that Free Enterprise-Capitalism has no guarantees and failure often happens more than success. Yet when success does occur it can often undo the results of failure. And it was through the risk taking, and the failures plus successes of Free Enterprise/Capitalism that the wealth and well being of a majority of people in Western Civilization was elevated significantly in the past few centuries and the Middle Class came to be. It is the half of the American voters whom still consider themselves wealth creators/Makers whom are SIMILAR to Trump in that regards and who voted for him.

Unfortunately, the past century has seen the growth and expansion of the Wealth Redistributors = Takers and Fakers. Recent examples being the Clinton's, Obama's and Biden's. We now have more parasites than hosts and should be clear to those of intelligence that such a condition will not endure and survive much longer.

As for your comment "...more vetting via reliable research and statistics, even credible reporting from reputable established journalism......would add some gravitas ..." it has been established many times here that these "reputable" are anything but. Sources often used by you on the Left are clearly biased towards the Leftist ideology and rarely objective or factual. Often just the opposite as in fabricating and distorting the material they present to support their delusions and misinformation. This would be the case for much of your undocumented assertions in the second paragraph of your post.

As for sleezes for POTUS sponsoered by the Left and Democrats, your current puppet, Joe Biden, "creepy uncle Joe" makes Trump look like an altar boy;

Joe Biden's behavior with girls and women draws scrutiny - Vox

All the Times Biden Was Accused of Behaving Inappropriately With Wo

Former senator's explosive claims reignite debate about Biden's ...

images of biden touching girls and women






Etc., etc., etc., ....
Yes, the drug needs more attention. But it won't bring down freedom. And Rump is a threat to freedom for me and even for you but you are part of the cult that won't see it coming.
Freedom is down. Just not noticeable over the year as it was done slowly. Social justice and /sexual liberalism have covered up the loss of unalienable rights.
Did you know over 1,000 women die each year giving birth?

I'm sure you don't give a shit...but those are the facts.

And how many would be women die every year from abortion? I'm sure it's a lot more than 1,000, and you just don't give a shit. Also millions of women give birth every year with few or no complications, but you commies always go to the extremes, I wonder why that is? And pregnancy is still not a disease, so an abortion is not healthcare under normal circumstances.

No socialist/communist parasitic thieves like you do.
About half the citizens, the real, honest working, wealth producing people who voted for him behave in similar ways.
Late edit;

Socialist/communist parasitic thieves like you do such.
About half the citizens of this country; the real, honest working, wealth producing people who voted for him behave in similar wealth producing ways.
Yes indeed.

Today's cannabis is a lot stronger than it used to be

Your parents' pot was much weaker than what you'll find in the stores today. Back in the '60s, '70s and '80s, marijuana had a THC content of less than two per cent. But since the '90s, the amount of THC — the chemical component that gets you high — has climbed significantly.

With the legalization of recreational cannabis, the industry has developed strains and products with much higher potency than ever before. Today's weed can reach 15 per cent THC or more, and concentrated products like oils, edibles and glass-like products called shatter can have a THC concentration as high as 90 per cent.

Unfortunately, the more potent a drug and its high is, the more addictive it can be. Today, about one in 11 marijuana users will become addicted.
Not all cannabis use is for THC = getting high.

Many, like myself use the extracted compounds of CBD-A and CBD-G for treating health issues. In my case it is to treat my prostate cancer which has remained dormant since I stated nearly a decade ago.
Not all cannabis use is for THC = getting high.

Many, like myself use the extracted compounds of CBD-A and CBD-G for treating health issues. In my case it is to treat my prostate cancer which has remained dormant since I stated nearly a decade ago.
I admit my major failing is the craft of medicines and their uses. I will keep this in mind should I also get cancer of the prostate.
Yes, the drug needs more attention. But it won't bring down freedom. And Rump is a threat to freedom for me and even for you but you are part of the cult that won't see it coming.
Sorry komrade, but that's a huge pile of bovine excrement.

Democrats and the Left are the real and huge thread to freedom and our nation's future.
Huge example was the Summer 2020 riots and insurrections from the Left's "brownshirts": AntiFa and BLM, supported by local Democrat mayors and governors.

Speaking of such, here in my state we have a Democrat Governor and Attorney General who in past couple years have put out an "Domestic Extremism Violence" Report which basically said that all DEV is from whites, Christians, and 'Right-wing'. They followed that with an attempt to establish a board to further investigate and punish such, which fortunately the Bill failed in the Legislature. Meanwhile, they did pass a Bill greatly restricting access to firearms and infringing upon the Second Amendment (which is being challenged in court, but damage still done to firearms dealers/sporting stores which had to remove most of their long-gun(rifle) inventory). Latest is they are looking into more fascist assaults on Rights and Freedom before November elections might remove them from office.

It is the Left and their political puppet/front persons/politicians whom have been biggest threat to Freedom and Rights in this country for the past 50+ years.
Either you failed in reading comprehension or I didn't write that clearly enough (I suspect the former). To rephrase:"Half of those whom voted in the 2016 election voted for Trump over S'Hillary."

Especially since you confuse "similar" with "same".

My point of reference was with regard to economics and political ideology, which for Trump was clearly those leaning Conservative and Right-wing over the DNC folly of retread Clinton.

As one of my favorite authors put it, about 45 years ago;
"There are Makers, Takers, and Fakers, no fourth category, and today (c. 1979) the Takers and the Fakers outnumber (and out vote) the Makers." - R. A. Heinlein
Also known as "Wealth Creators"(Makers) versus "Wealth Redistributors"(Takers and Fakers).

Trump is one of the Makers/Wealth Creators having been involved the Free Enterprise/Capitalism most of his lifetime and career. Those who really know and understand economics will realize that Free Enterprise-Capitalism has no guarantees and failure often happens more than success. Yet when success does occur it can often undo the results of failure. And it was through the risk taking, and the failures plus successes of Free Enterprise/Capitalism that the wealth and well being of a majority of people in Western Civilization was elevated significantly in the past few centuries and the Middle Class came to be. It is the half of the American voters whom still consider themselves wealth creators/Makers whom are SIMILAR to Trump in that regards and who voted for him.

Unfortunately, the past century has seen the growth and expansion of the Wealth Redistributors = Takers and Fakers. Recent examples being the Clinton's, Obama's and Biden's. We now have more parasites than hosts and should be clear to those of intelligence that such a condition will not endure and survive much longer.

As for your comment "...more vetting via reliable research and statistics, even credible reporting from reputable established journalism......would add some gravitas ..." it has been established many times here that these "reputable" are anything but. Sources often used by you on the Left are clearly biased towards the Leftist ideology and rarely objective or factual. Often just the opposite as in fabricating and distorting the material they present to support their delusions and misinformation. This would be the case for much of your undocumented assertions in the second paragraph of your post.

As for sleezes for POTUS sponsoered by the Left and Democrats, your current puppet, Joe Biden, "creepy uncle Joe" makes Trump look like an altar boy;

Joe Biden's behavior with girls and women draws scrutiny - Vox

All the Times Biden Was Accused of Behaving Inappropriately With Wo

Former senator's explosive claims reignite debate about Biden's ...

images of biden touching girls and women






Etc., etc., etc., ....
I support everything you said to him. Things are alleged about Trump but we have reams of photos of Biden proving what you said is true.
I admit my major failing is the craft of medicines and their uses. I will keep this in mind should I also get cancer of the prostate.
I think I may have started a thread on this some time back.
When I get the time I'll search it out, or start one.
There has been some articles in the scientific and medical literature about cannabis and CBD decreasing and even eliminating cancer and being helpful for other health/medical conditions.
Sorry komrade, but that's a huge pile of bovine excrement.

Democrats and the Left are the real and huge thread to freedom and our nation's future.
Huge example was the Summer 2020 riots and insurrections from the Left's "brownshirts": AntiFa and BLM, supported by local Democrat mayors and governors.

Speaking of such, here in my state we have a Democrat Governor and Attorney General who in past couple years have put out an "Domestic Extremism Violence" Report which basically said that all DEV is from whites, Christians, and 'Right-wing'. They followed that with an attempt to establish a board to further investigate and punish such, which fortunately the Bill failed in the Legislature. Meanwhile, they did pass a Bill greatly restricting access to firearms and infringing upon the Second Amendment (which is being challenged in court, but damage still done to firearms dealers/sporting stores which had to remove most of their long-gun(rifle) inventory). Latest is they are looking into more fascist assaults on Rights and Freedom before November elections might remove them from office.

It is the Left and their political puppet/front persons/politicians whom have been biggest threat to Freedom and Rights in this country for the past 50+ years.
Very well explained in clear English. Why did I abandon the Democratic party in 1980 to vote for Reagan? You explained some of it pretty well.
Well, we've learned something over these last few years: How many Americans are willing to roll over for a celebrity con man.

They moan about "freedom", and want an American Pinochet.

They don't understand what they're asking for. All they know is that they're miserable, and they think that their celebrity con man can save them.
Are you talking about the rock star Barry Obama? His actions are still destroying this country.
I think I may have started a thread on this some time back.
When I get the time I'll search it out, or start one.
There has been some articles in the scientific and medical literature about cannabis and CBD decreasing and even eliminating cancer and being helpful for other health/medical conditions.
Thank you. At the moment, at my age of 85 and with the problem being Type 2 diabetes and some issues with my arteries I may not live long enough to get Cancer. I am not in my opinion in poor health but I know my failing is not getting plenty of exercise.
So you would gladly see your 10 year old child or grandchild be forced to carry her pregnancy for 9 months and then become a 10 year old mother.....if she lives through the pregnancy?
Was it your son who raped this child? How about punishing your son?



Nope again.

You lose Blart. Now go make the rounds at Toy's R Us in your 3 wheeler.
Democrats so eagerly take human lives because where they are in the mom it is so damned easy to kill them.
Check your local obituary pages for the word "unexpected"; it is code for a Fentanyl death. Your leadership, media, and educational infrastructure are dangerously woke and the townspeople are dying early and often. The local newspaper and radio programming tell the people this is normal and they should continue to support dangerous woke policies. Donald Trump has stated publicly that he does not drink alcohol, smoke tobacco, or use any illegal drugs. In a city like yours where so many voters are high on weed, drunk on alcohol, and loaded with prescription concotions in a mix that makes premature Alzheimer's Disease more common than high blood pressure, Trump is seen as a dangerous threat.

He is not a threat to America and its founding principles, he is a threat to the corruption of Washington and its use of pharmaceuticals, recreational drugs, and opiods to dope the people into the national stupor that fosters a planned invasion to replace voters to create a one-party totalitarian state.

The people who watched what happened in the last election think it is perfectly fine that the "My Pillow guy" can't sell his products at Walmart. Yup, that's normal in free society. See? Criticizing woke movements is "hate speech". People who use hate speech must be destroyed. Does that sound like a free society? It does if your brain is compromised on government drugs. It sounds a lot like the historical fascism that outlawed free speech in all the failed authoritarian empires that went down by killing any descent among the people.

If your mind is not sharp you will think it is ok to outlaw the main rival of a rising fascist government. In the content, chemically-altered mind of a postmodern citizen there is no world like a third world. Your corrupt congress, your colleges and universities, your banking systems, and your fellow-traveling legacy media all know that. You can't always get what you want but may end up with what you deserve.

Did you ever think this could happen here? Maybe in a few years you can buy weed at your local liquor store. Alzheimer's disease isn't so bad is it? Maybe your kids will take care of you. Good luck with that. Maybe the "new invited voting citizens" will swab your rump, that's the Biden future. Better hope for a quick end.

balls (2).jpg

Option No. 1 - Secession...save what you can.

Option No. 2 - Lose all 50 states to the commies.

...can't secede?

Ship all illegals to dem sanctuary cities or states and implode them.
And as a result, a 10 year old girl must give birth....

Which proves exactly what I said. It was a perfectly accurate statement. If the blob is elected, people lose their rights and as a result, the bizarre happens--10 year olds are forced to give birth.

Only a truly sick fuck as yourself would call that legitimate. But there you are...exhibiting your sick fuckery for all the world to see.
Your ideology is that of hate. Trump can be as good a president as he was in the past. And he never forced babies to bear children, Was it your son who got that child pregnant? You owe her something since you bring her up.
Per good poster Stryder50's assertion that half behave like Trump....with serial adulteries against three wives; 6 bankruptcies; a dozen additional failed businesses; judged to have cheated charities; judged to have cheated on taxes; judged to have cheated on the Trump University scam; a documented 35,000 'mistruths' (before they gave up counting); a court-jury determined sexual assaulter; 91 criminal indictments; multi-million dollar judgements against him for his personal behavior.
  • Fake News


OK, good poster Stryder......which one of those items is 'fake' ?
(your words, not mine)

Batter up, mon ami.

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