If Dems refuse to denounce incitement to harassment and murder, make them own it

If Dems refuse to denounce incitement to harassment and murder, make them own it

With Steve Scalise still needing canes to walk after surviving an attempted mass assassination of GOP congressmen; Maxine Waters loudly urging Democrats to harass Republicans whenever they venture out, even to "gasoline stations"; paid demonstrators pounding on the doors of the Supreme Court while the newest justice was sworn in; and the rank and file urging the murder of Justice Kavanaugh, the Republic now faces a crisis of political violence.
So far, nobody of standing in the Democratic Party is calling out the thugs operating as the Dems' enforcers.
I suspect that the political calculus among Republicans has been to let Waters shoot off her mouth and alienate more and more independent voters. But the risk of violence is such that this may be foolish. It is now time for President Trump to start calling them out, reinforced by as many voices as possible, telling the public that if they don't condemn it, they approve of the violence and harassment.
The worst among the Democrats have free rein to speak and act on their murderous fantasies.
Once political violence becomes common, the toothpaste is difficult to put back in the tube.

The timid GOPers should be calling the Dims out left and right. Yes, make them own the uncalled for rhetoric, the childishness, the incitement to violence.
Sometimes rational people (voters) need to have the obvious told to them. Then they get it. Otherwise, the GOP is letting the Lame Stream Media continue to create the narratives.
We have witnessed more than two years of the most vile and hate-filled actions from the Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA, the MSM, #OWS, #BLM, # Antifa, and militant snowflakes. It's time for a real reckoning that demands justice and the rule of law.
Really, the only thing that has surprised me about the Kavanaugh hearings is that people seem honestly astounded by the actions of the Democrats. Come on folks! Look back in history and they have used the same attacks since the Democrats have been a political party. They accused Lincoln of visiting "houses of ill repute" and almost any opponent they wanted to destroy, they accused of being a homosexual.
They are free to make these accusations and make wild promises because they have a solid base of Dead Dog Democrats, and they know it. We all know these people, There is nothing we can do about the Dead Dog Democrats. Fortunately, they are not the majority.
The thing that is different today is that we have the internet and we can quickly discover the protesters are being paid. We also noticed that Kavanaugh is an open book while Ford was quickly removed from the record. Nothing to hide? Then why hide?
IMO, let the Moonbat lunatics in the Democrat for Socialist America Party have free run to bay at the moon at full volume, and publicize their ravings. (When your opponents are busily engaged in destroying themselves do not get in their way!!!
”The timid GOPers...”


I would stomp the fuck out of you or any other liberal that gets into my face.


Suuure you would. :lmao:
If Dems refuse to denounce incitement to harassment and murder, make them own it

With Steve Scalise still needing canes to walk after surviving an attempted mass assassination of GOP congressmen; Maxine Waters loudly urging Democrats to harass Republicans whenever they venture out, even to "gasoline stations"; paid demonstrators pounding on the doors of the Supreme Court while the newest justice was sworn in; and the rank and file urging the murder of Justice Kavanaugh, the Republic now faces a crisis of political violence.
So far, nobody of standing in the Democratic Party is calling out the thugs operating as the Dems' enforcers.
I suspect that the political calculus among Republicans has been to let Waters shoot off her mouth and alienate more and more independent voters. But the risk of violence is such that this may be foolish. It is now time for President Trump to start calling them out, reinforced by as many voices as possible, telling the public that if they don't condemn it, they approve of the violence and harassment.
The worst among the Democrats have free rein to speak and act on their murderous fantasies.
Once political violence becomes common, the toothpaste is difficult to put back in the tube.

The timid GOPers should be calling the Dims out left and right. Yes, make them own the uncalled for rhetoric, the childishness, the incitement to violence.
Sometimes rational people (voters) need to have the obvious told to them. Then they get it. Otherwise, the GOP is letting the Lame Stream Media continue to create the narratives.
We have witnessed more than two years of the most vile and hate-filled actions from the Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA, the MSM, #OWS, #BLM, # Antifa, and militant snowflakes. It's time for a real reckoning that demands justice and the rule of law.
Really, the only thing that has surprised me about the Kavanaugh hearings is that people seem honestly astounded by the actions of the Democrats. Come on folks! Look back in history and they have used the same attacks since the Democrats have been a political party. They accused Lincoln of visiting "houses of ill repute" and almost any opponent they wanted to destroy, they accused of being a homosexual.
They are free to make these accusations and make wild promises because they have a solid base of Dead Dog Democrats, and they know it. We all know these people, There is nothing we can do about the Dead Dog Democrats. Fortunately, they are not the majority.
The thing that is different today is that we have the internet and we can quickly discover the protesters are being paid. We also noticed that Kavanaugh is an open book while Ford was quickly removed from the record. Nothing to hide? Then why hide?
IMO, let the Moonbat lunatics in the Democrat for Socialist America Party have free run to bay at the moon at full volume, and publicize their ravings. (When your opponents are busily engaged in destroying themselves do not get in their way!!!


ALL this is is the Trumpbots realization that their political power is fading. They will probably lose the House (and possibly the Senate) in a few weeks. And they will lose the White House in 2020.

Why the fuck would the left becpissed now that they are getting political power back?

I am FAR more worried about whacko, Trumpbot, gun bunnies shooting up the streets in anger over losing their power than I am the nonsense you are spewing forth.
Attack me or my property with your drug infused leftist mob...you will die.

Time for your Med's.
You have a robot for your avatar...and I need meds you geeky motherfucker. The last time you saw a vagina was the day you were born. Your a Harry Potter/Star Wars nerd aren’t you? :laughing0301:
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
If Dems refuse to denounce incitement to harassment and murder, make them own it

With Steve Scalise still needing canes to walk after surviving an attempted mass assassination of GOP congressmen; Maxine Waters loudly urging Democrats to harass Republicans whenever they venture out, even to "gasoline stations"; paid demonstrators pounding on the doors of the Supreme Court while the newest justice was sworn in; and the rank and file urging the murder of Justice Kavanaugh, the Republic now faces a crisis of political violence.
So far, nobody of standing in the Democratic Party is calling out the thugs operating as the Dems' enforcers.
I suspect that the political calculus among Republicans has been to let Waters shoot off her mouth and alienate more and more independent voters. But the risk of violence is such that this may be foolish. It is now time for President Trump to start calling them out, reinforced by as many voices as possible, telling the public that if they don't condemn it, they approve of the violence and harassment.
The worst among the Democrats have free rein to speak and act on their murderous fantasies.
Once political violence becomes common, the toothpaste is difficult to put back in the tube.

The timid GOPers should be calling the Dims out left and right. Yes, make them own the uncalled for rhetoric, the childishness, the incitement to violence.
Sometimes rational people (voters) need to have the obvious told to them. Then they get it. Otherwise, the GOP is letting the Lame Stream Media continue to create the narratives.
We have witnessed more than two years of the most vile and hate-filled actions from the Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA, the MSM, #OWS, #BLM, # Antifa, and militant snowflakes. It's time for a real reckoning that demands justice and the rule of law.
Really, the only thing that has surprised me about the Kavanaugh hearings is that people seem honestly astounded by the actions of the Democrats. Come on folks! Look back in history and they have used the same attacks since the Democrats have been a political party. They accused Lincoln of visiting "houses of ill repute" and almost any opponent they wanted to destroy, they accused of being a homosexual.
They are free to make these accusations and make wild promises because they have a solid base of Dead Dog Democrats, and they know it. We all know these people, There is nothing we can do about the Dead Dog Democrats. Fortunately, they are not the majority.
The thing that is different today is that we have the internet and we can quickly discover the protesters are being paid. We also noticed that Kavanaugh is an open book while Ford was quickly removed from the record. Nothing to hide? Then why hide?
IMO, let the Moonbat lunatics in the Democrat for Socialist America Party have free run to bay at the moon at full volume, and publicize their ravings. (When your opponents are busily engaged in destroying themselves do not get in their way!!!


ALL this is is the Trumpbots realization that their political power is fading. They will probably lose the House (and possibly the Senate) in a few weeks. And they will lose the White House in 2020.

Why the fuck would the left becpissed now that they are getting political power back?

I am FAR more worried about whacko, Trumpbot, gun bunnies shooting up the streets in anger over losing their power than I am the nonsense you are spewing forth.
Attack me or my property with your drug infused leftist mob...you will die.

Time for your Med's.
You have a robot for your avatar...and I need meds you geeky motherfucker. The last time you saw a vagina was the day you were born. Your a Harry Potter/Star Wars nerd aren’t you? :laughing0301:

I have never seen a Harry Potter movie/read a book of it. I do like sci-fi though.

And it's 'you are' or 'you're'...not 'your'.

You are welcome.
He doesn’t know who Marvin is.
Attacks on Kavanaugh and his family were cowardly. Give me a second...I will post one for you dick head.

A) you said 'liberals are cowards'. That means ALL of them are cowards.

I will ask you again, please provide a link to unbiased proof that all liberals are cowards.
I guarantee that you cannot.

Which means your statement is nonsense.

B) why are you fixated on the head of my penis? Some sort of homosexual fantasy or something?
A.) abortion is cowardly and ALL Democrats want to kill babies.
B. ) judging by your avatar if you have a penis it would be the size of and look like a pop rivet.:21:

I'm a Democratic voter, and I don't want to kill babies, and why are you always so interested in Democratic penises?
Well...all Democrats are dicks...and abortion is murder of a baby. So you approve of infanticide?

You have no idea how stupid that sounds, do you?
He sounds drunk.
If Dems refuse to denounce incitement to harassment and murder, make them own it

With Steve Scalise still needing canes to walk after surviving an attempted mass assassination of GOP congressmen; Maxine Waters loudly urging Democrats to harass Republicans whenever they venture out, even to "gasoline stations"; paid demonstrators pounding on the doors of the Supreme Court while the newest justice was sworn in; and the rank and file urging the murder of Justice Kavanaugh, the Republic now faces a crisis of political violence.
So far, nobody of standing in the Democratic Party is calling out the thugs operating as the Dems' enforcers.
I suspect that the political calculus among Republicans has been to let Waters shoot off her mouth and alienate more and more independent voters. But the risk of violence is such that this may be foolish. It is now time for President Trump to start calling them out, reinforced by as many voices as possible, telling the public that if they don't condemn it, they approve of the violence and harassment.
The worst among the Democrats have free rein to speak and act on their murderous fantasies.
Once political violence becomes common, the toothpaste is difficult to put back in the tube.

The timid GOPers should be calling the Dims out left and right. Yes, make them own the uncalled for rhetoric, the childishness, the incitement to violence.
Sometimes rational people (voters) need to have the obvious told to them. Then they get it. Otherwise, the GOP is letting the Lame Stream Media continue to create the narratives.
We have witnessed more than two years of the most vile and hate-filled actions from the Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA, the MSM, #OWS, #BLM, # Antifa, and militant snowflakes. It's time for a real reckoning that demands justice and the rule of law.
Really, the only thing that has surprised me about the Kavanaugh hearings is that people seem honestly astounded by the actions of the Democrats. Come on folks! Look back in history and they have used the same attacks since the Democrats have been a political party. They accused Lincoln of visiting "houses of ill repute" and almost any opponent they wanted to destroy, they accused of being a homosexual.
They are free to make these accusations and make wild promises because they have a solid base of Dead Dog Democrats, and they know it. We all know these people, There is nothing we can do about the Dead Dog Democrats. Fortunately, they are not the majority.
The thing that is different today is that we have the internet and we can quickly discover the protesters are being paid. We also noticed that Kavanaugh is an open book while Ford was quickly removed from the record. Nothing to hide? Then why hide?
IMO, let the Moonbat lunatics in the Democrat for Socialist America Party have free run to bay at the moon at full volume, and publicize their ravings. (When your opponents are busily engaged in destroying themselves do not get in their way!!!


ALL this is is the Trumpbots realization that their political power is fading. They will probably lose the House (and possibly the Senate) in a few weeks. And they will lose the White House in 2020.

Why the fuck would the left becpissed now that they are getting political power back?

I am FAR more worried about whacko, Trumpbot, gun bunnies shooting up the streets in anger over losing their power than I am the nonsense you are spewing forth.
Attack me or my property with your drug infused leftist mob...you will die.

Time for your Med's.
You have a robot for your avatar...and I need meds you geeky motherfucker. The last time you saw a vagina was the day you were born. Your a Harry Potter/Star Wars nerd aren’t you? :laughing0301:
^ ^ ^ ^ ^


ALL this is is the Trumpbots realization that their political power is fading. They will probably lose the House (and possibly the Senate) in a few weeks. And they will lose the White House in 2020.

Why the fuck would the left becpissed now that they are getting political power back?

I am FAR more worried about whacko, Trumpbot, gun bunnies shooting up the streets in anger over losing their power than I am the nonsense you are spewing forth.
Attack me or my property with your drug infused leftist mob...you will die.

Time for your Med's.
You have a robot for your avatar...and I need meds you geeky motherfucker. The last time you saw a vagina was the day you were born. Your a Harry Potter/Star Wars nerd aren’t you? :laughing0301:
^ ^ ^ ^ ^

That was the day 5 rightwing nuts were arrested on various charges of violence, one of which was murder.
A) you said 'liberals are cowards'. That means ALL of them are cowards.

I will ask you again, please provide a link to unbiased proof that all liberals are cowards.
I guarantee that you cannot.

Which means your statement is nonsense.

B) why are you fixated on the head of my penis? Some sort of homosexual fantasy or something?
A.) abortion is cowardly and ALL Democrats want to kill babies.
B. ) judging by your avatar if you have a penis it would be the size of and look like a pop rivet.:21:

I'm a Democratic voter, and I don't want to kill babies, and why are you always so interested in Democratic penises?
Well...all Democrats are dicks...and abortion is murder of a baby. So you approve of infanticide?

You have no idea how stupid that sounds, do you?
He sounds drunk.

I would hate to think he says such dumb stuff sober.
A) you said 'liberals are cowards'. That means ALL of them are cowards.

I will ask you again, please provide a link to unbiased proof that all liberals are cowards.
I guarantee that you cannot.

Which means your statement is nonsense.

B) why are you fixated on the head of my penis? Some sort of homosexual fantasy or something?
A.) abortion is cowardly and ALL Democrats want to kill babies.
B. ) judging by your avatar if you have a penis it would be the size of and look like a pop rivet.:21:

I'm a Democratic voter, and I don't want to kill babies, and why are you always so interested in Democratic penises?
Well...all Democrats are dicks...and abortion is murder of a baby. So you approve of infanticide?

You have no idea how stupid that sounds, do you?
He sounds drunk.

True...but he was talking like that all day apparently. I hope for his sake that all it is too much alcohol...seriously.
""""" Punch him in the face I'll pay the legal bills """
the pos trump said that

The difference being of course that you're lying - as always, we are not..

Trump had once offered to pay the legal bills of a man who was attacked by paid Nazicrat thugs


"Guess what happened?" Trump said as he criticized an allegedly violent heckler. "Our people started swinging back."

Trump repeatedly returned to that theme, talking about violence or threats of it at his events as both overhyped and, at the same time, justified.

"Sometimes we talk a little bit tough," he said. "When I see somebody out swinging his fists, I say, 'Get 'em the hell out of here.' We're a little rough."

Journalists "hate to hear that," he said. "'Why did you act so viciously toward that young person that was really protesting?' See he wasn't protesting. He was swinging. He was vicious. And you know what? They took him out. That was OK that day."


As always, you Nazis attacked and the Americans responded. HAD criminal charges been filed against the American (they did charge the Nazi either - why is that?) then Trump said he would pay the legal bills.
You've predicted a shooting war so many times. What will you do if you are disappointed again?

You Nazis become ever more violent.

At the rate of escalation seen in you, it is inevitable.

That really doesn't answer the question, does it?

The question of why you Nazicrats are such violent thugs? We know why, you can't win with reason, as what you promote is abhorrent, so you engage in violence to to force your agenda - as the left always does.
Attack me or my property with your drug infused leftist mob...you will die.

Time for your Med's.
You have a robot for your avatar...and I need meds you geeky motherfucker. The last time you saw a vagina was the day you were born. Your a Harry Potter/Star Wars nerd aren’t you? :laughing0301:
^ ^ ^ ^ ^

That was the day 5 rightwing nuts were arrested on various charges of violence, one of which was murder.

So who were the instigators? Looks to me like you Nazis were.
""""" Punch him in the face I'll pay the legal bills """
the pos trump said that

The difference being of course that you're lying - as always, we are not..

Trump had once offered to pay the legal bills of a man who was attacked by paid Nazicrat thugs


"Guess what happened?" Trump said as he criticized an allegedly violent heckler. "Our people started swinging back."

Trump repeatedly returned to that theme, talking about violence or threats of it at his events as both overhyped and, at the same time, justified.

"Sometimes we talk a little bit tough," he said. "When I see somebody out swinging his fists, I say, 'Get 'em the hell out of here.' We're a little rough."

Journalists "hate to hear that," he said. "'Why did you act so viciously toward that young person that was really protesting?' See he wasn't protesting. He was swinging. He was vicious. And you know what? They took him out. That was OK that day."


As always, you Nazis attacked and the Americans responded. HAD criminal charges been filed against the American (they did charge the Nazi either - why is that?) then Trump said he would pay the legal bills.
UNcensored Do you lie all the time or just most?
Trump's endorsement of violence reaches new level: He may pay ...


Mar 13, 2016 - When Donald Trump said Sunday that he might pay the legal fees of a ... Just knock the hell — I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. ... his audience, 'Go ahead and punch someone in the face and I'll pay your legal bills.

Donald Trump: I will consider paying legal fees for rally-goer who ...

Face the Nation
YouTube - Mar 13, 2016
Trump Tells His Crowd He Would Pay For Their Legal Fees If They ...

Wochit Politics
YouTube - Mar 13, 2016
Trump: Knock The Crap Out Of Them, I'll Pay For Lawsuits

The Young Turks
YouTube - Feb 1, 2016
Trump offers to pay legal fees for a supporter who punched someone ...

YouTube - Mar 15, 2016
Trump to pay legal fees for man who hit protester?

YouTube - Mar 13, 2016
Donald Trump: I may pay legal fees for man who punched protester ...

The Guardian - Mar 14, 2016
Trump gives supporters permission to be violent with protesters

Raw Story
YouTube - Mar 4, 2016
Will Donald Trump Pay Supporter's Legal Fees?

NBC News - Mar 13, 2016
160201 Trump Knock The Crap Out Of Them, I'll Pay For Lawsuits

pol pol
YouTube - Jul 15, 2016
Web results
Donald Trump on paying legal fees for punch-thrower - Business Insider


Mar 13, 2016 - Trump said his campaign is looking into what happened between a protester and a ... TRUMP: I'll consider paying legal fees for the man who allegedly threw a ... "Just knock the hell — I promise you, I'll paythe legal fees.".
FACT CHECK: Did Donald Trump Encourage Violence at His Rallies?

https://www.snopes.com › Fact Check › Politics

Claim: A viral cartoon accurately reproduces statements made by Donald Trump on the presidential campaign trail.
Claimed by: Multiple Sources
Fact check by Snopes.com: True
""""" Punch him in the face I'll pay the legal bills """
the pos trump said that

The difference being of course that you're lying - as always, we are not..

Trump had once offered to pay the legal bills of a man who was attacked by paid Nazicrat thugs


"Guess what happened?" Trump said as he criticized an allegedly violent heckler. "Our people started swinging back."

Trump repeatedly returned to that theme, talking about violence or threats of it at his events as both overhyped and, at the same time, justified.

"Sometimes we talk a little bit tough," he said. "When I see somebody out swinging his fists, I say, 'Get 'em the hell out of here.' We're a little rough."

Journalists "hate to hear that," he said. "'Why did you act so viciously toward that young person that was really protesting?' See he wasn't protesting. He was swinging. He was vicious. And you know what? They took him out. That was OK that day."


As always, you Nazis attacked and the Americans responded. HAD criminal charges been filed against the American (they did charge the Nazi either - why is that?) then Trump said he would pay the legal bills.
UNcensored Do you lie all the time or just most?
Trump's endorsement of violence reaches new level: He may pay ...


Mar 13, 2016 - When Donald Trump said Sunday that he might pay the legal fees of a ... Just knock the hell — I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. ... his audience, 'Go ahead and punch someone in the face and I'll pay your legal bills.

Donald Trump: I will consider paying legal fees for rally-goer who ...

Face the Nation
YouTube - Mar 13, 2016
Trump Tells His Crowd He Would Pay For Their Legal Fees If They ...

Wochit Politics
YouTube - Mar 13, 2016
Trump: Knock The Crap Out Of Them, I'll Pay For Lawsuits

The Young Turks
YouTube - Feb 1, 2016
Trump offers to pay legal fees for a supporter who punched someone ...

YouTube - Mar 15, 2016
Trump to pay legal fees for man who hit protester?

YouTube - Mar 13, 2016
Donald Trump: I may pay legal fees for man who punched protester ...

The Guardian - Mar 14, 2016
Trump gives supporters permission to be violent with protesters

Raw Story
YouTube - Mar 4, 2016
Will Donald Trump Pay Supporter's Legal Fees?

NBC News - Mar 13, 2016
160201 Trump Knock The Crap Out Of Them, I'll Pay For Lawsuits

pol pol
YouTube - Jul 15, 2016
Web results
Donald Trump on paying legal fees for punch-thrower - Business Insider

TRUMP: I'll consider paying legal fees for the man who allegedly threw a sucker punch at one of my rallies
Mar 13, 2016 - Trump said his campaign is looking into what happened between a protester and a ... TRUMP: I'll consider paying legal fees for the man who allegedly threw a ... "Just knock the hell — I promise you, I'll paythe legal fees.".
FACT CHECK: Did Donald Trump Encourage Violence at His Rallies?

https://www.snopes.com › Fact Check › Politics

Claim: A viral cartoon accurately reproduces statements made by Donald Trump on the presidential campaign trail.
Claimed by: Multiple Sources
Fact check by Snopes.com: True

Again, you Nazis sent thugs in to assault Trump supporters.

Ugly, bloody scenes in San Jose as protesters attack Trump supporters outside rally

You violently assaulted Americans at every Trump rally. Eventually the Americans stood up to you Nazis.

If you Brown Shirts invade the rallies and start punching people - as you always did, then you need the living fuck kicked out of you.

You're evil, violent little Nazi fucks. We Americans will not be intimidated by you.
If Dems refuse to denounce incitement to harassment and murder, make them own it

With Steve Scalise still needing canes to walk after surviving an attempted mass assassination of GOP congressmen; Maxine Waters loudly urging Democrats to harass Republicans whenever they venture out, even to "gasoline stations"; paid demonstrators pounding on the doors of the Supreme Court while the newest justice was sworn in; and the rank and file urging the murder of Justice Kavanaugh, the Republic now faces a crisis of political violence.
So far, nobody of standing in the Democratic Party is calling out the thugs operating as the Dems' enforcers.
I suspect that the political calculus among Republicans has been to let Waters shoot off her mouth and alienate more and more independent voters. But the risk of violence is such that this may be foolish. It is now time for President Trump to start calling them out, reinforced by as many voices as possible, telling the public that if they don't condemn it, they approve of the violence and harassment.
The worst among the Democrats have free rein to speak and act on their murderous fantasies.
Once political violence becomes common, the toothpaste is difficult to put back in the tube.

The timid GOPers should be calling the Dims out left and right. Yes, make them own the uncalled for rhetoric, the childishness, the incitement to violence.
Sometimes rational people (voters) need to have the obvious told to them. Then they get it. Otherwise, the GOP is letting the Lame Stream Media continue to create the narratives.
We have witnessed more than two years of the most vile and hate-filled actions from the Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA, the MSM, #OWS, #BLM, # Antifa, and militant snowflakes. It's time for a real reckoning that demands justice and the rule of law.
Really, the only thing that has surprised me about the Kavanaugh hearings is that people seem honestly astounded by the actions of the Democrats. Come on folks! Look back in history and they have used the same attacks since the Democrats have been a political party. They accused Lincoln of visiting "houses of ill repute" and almost any opponent they wanted to destroy, they accused of being a homosexual.
They are free to make these accusations and make wild promises because they have a solid base of Dead Dog Democrats, and they know it. We all know these people, There is nothing we can do about the Dead Dog Democrats. Fortunately, they are not the majority.
The thing that is different today is that we have the internet and we can quickly discover the protesters are being paid. We also noticed that Kavanaugh is an open book while Ford was quickly removed from the record. Nothing to hide? Then why hide?
IMO, let the Moonbat lunatics in the Democrat for Socialist America Party have free run to bay at the moon at full volume, and publicize their ravings. (When your opponents are busily engaged in destroying themselves do not get in their way!!!

Untwist your panties, Shirley. :gay:

So can you name one time Trump "called for violence" unprovoked?

You liberals start trouble, and when somebody responds like Trump did, we are the bad guys.


Shouting at someone is not provocation towards violence, loser.

What pussies you losers are.

This is typical leftist thinking: "I'm going somewhere to start trouble, and when I get into trouble, I'm going to blame the people I started trouble with."

See why we don't want people with your mentality running this country?


Your childlike emotions and irrational fears don't allow you to reconcile the difference between shouting and violence.

Exactly the kind of person who should never be armed.
If Dems refuse to denounce incitement to harassment and murder, make them own it

With Steve Scalise still needing canes to walk after surviving an attempted mass assassination of GOP congressmen; Maxine Waters loudly urging Democrats to harass Republicans whenever they venture out, even to "gasoline stations"; paid demonstrators pounding on the doors of the Supreme Court while the newest justice was sworn in; and the rank and file urging the murder of Justice Kavanaugh, the Republic now faces a crisis of political violence.
So far, nobody of standing in the Democratic Party is calling out the thugs operating as the Dems' enforcers.
I suspect that the political calculus among Republicans has been to let Waters shoot off her mouth and alienate more and more independent voters. But the risk of violence is such that this may be foolish. It is now time for President Trump to start calling them out, reinforced by as many voices as possible, telling the public that if they don't condemn it, they approve of the violence and harassment.
The worst among the Democrats have free rein to speak and act on their murderous fantasies.
Once political violence becomes common, the toothpaste is difficult to put back in the tube.

The timid GOPers should be calling the Dims out left and right. Yes, make them own the uncalled for rhetoric, the childishness, the incitement to violence.
Sometimes rational people (voters) need to have the obvious told to them. Then they get it. Otherwise, the GOP is letting the Lame Stream Media continue to create the narratives.
We have witnessed more than two years of the most vile and hate-filled actions from the Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA, the MSM, #OWS, #BLM, # Antifa, and militant snowflakes. It's time for a real reckoning that demands justice and the rule of law.
Really, the only thing that has surprised me about the Kavanaugh hearings is that people seem honestly astounded by the actions of the Democrats. Come on folks! Look back in history and they have used the same attacks since the Democrats have been a political party. They accused Lincoln of visiting "houses of ill repute" and almost any opponent they wanted to destroy, they accused of being a homosexual.
They are free to make these accusations and make wild promises because they have a solid base of Dead Dog Democrats, and they know it. We all know these people, There is nothing we can do about the Dead Dog Democrats. Fortunately, they are not the majority.
The thing that is different today is that we have the internet and we can quickly discover the protesters are being paid. We also noticed that Kavanaugh is an open book while Ford was quickly removed from the record. Nothing to hide? Then why hide?
IMO, let the Moonbat lunatics in the Democrat for Socialist America Party have free run to bay at the moon at full volume, and publicize their ravings. (When your opponents are busily engaged in destroying themselves do not get in their way!!!
”The timid GOPers...”


I would stomp the fuck out of you or any other liberal that gets into my face.

Of course you would. You have the self control of a child
Not surprising. The mentally ill rarely understand their illness.

It's what I've been telling you leftists for years.

You feel the need to carry a gun because you're driven by fear and insecurity. Both are no doubt rooted in your poor understanding of the world.

No, I carry a gun to protect myself in the event I'm attacked by a Democrat. You know "When they bring a stick, we bring a gun?"
No, I carry a gun to protect myself in the event I'm attacked by a Democrat. You know "When they bring a stick, we bring a gun?"

^Irrational fear and insecurity.

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