If Dems refuse to denounce incitement to harassment and murder, make them own it


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
If Dems refuse to denounce incitement to harassment and murder, make them own it

With Steve Scalise still needing canes to walk after surviving an attempted mass assassination of GOP congressmen; Maxine Waters loudly urging Democrats to harass Republicans whenever they venture out, even to "gasoline stations"; paid demonstrators pounding on the doors of the Supreme Court while the newest justice was sworn in; and the rank and file urging the murder of Justice Kavanaugh, the Republic now faces a crisis of political violence.
So far, nobody of standing in the Democratic Party is calling out the thugs operating as the Dems' enforcers.
I suspect that the political calculus among Republicans has been to let Waters shoot off her mouth and alienate more and more independent voters. But the risk of violence is such that this may be foolish. It is now time for President Trump to start calling them out, reinforced by as many voices as possible, telling the public that if they don't condemn it, they approve of the violence and harassment.
The worst among the Democrats have free rein to speak and act on their murderous fantasies.
Once political violence becomes common, the toothpaste is difficult to put back in the tube.

The timid GOPers should be calling the Dims out left and right. Yes, make them own the uncalled for rhetoric, the childishness, the incitement to violence.
Sometimes rational people (voters) need to have the obvious told to them. Then they get it. Otherwise, the GOP is letting the Lame Stream Media continue to create the narratives.
We have witnessed more than two years of the most vile and hate-filled actions from the Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA, the MSM, #OWS, #BLM, # Antifa, and militant snowflakes. It's time for a real reckoning that demands justice and the rule of law.
Really, the only thing that has surprised me about the Kavanaugh hearings is that people seem honestly astounded by the actions of the Democrats. Come on folks! Look back in history and they have used the same attacks since the Democrats have been a political party. They accused Lincoln of visiting "houses of ill repute" and almost any opponent they wanted to destroy, they accused of being a homosexual.
They are free to make these accusations and make wild promises because they have a solid base of Dead Dog Democrats, and they know it. We all know these people, There is nothing we can do about the Dead Dog Democrats. Fortunately, they are not the majority.
The thing that is different today is that we have the internet and we can quickly discover the protesters are being paid. We also noticed that Kavanaugh is an open book while Ford was quickly removed from the record. Nothing to hide? Then why hide?
IMO, let the Moonbat lunatics in the Democrat for Socialist America Party have free run to bay at the moon at full volume, and publicize their ravings. (When your opponents are busily engaged in destroying themselves do not get in their way!!!
No influential Dem is inciting murder.

You snowflakes need to get used to what happens when THE MINORITY TRIES TO RULE OVER THE MAJORITY in a free nation.

The majority will prevail. It is what it is.
No influential Dem is inciting murder.

You snowflakes need to get used to what happens when THE MINORITY TRIES TO RULE OVER THE MAJORITY in a free nation.

The majority will prevail. It is what it is.

And when the majority is the right, incite violence which yes......can lead to death.
No influential Dem is inciting murder.

You snowflakes need to get used to what happens when THE MINORITY TRIES TO RULE OVER THE MAJORITY in a free nation.

The majority will prevail. It is what it is.

And when the majority is the right, incite violence which yes......can lead to death.

Dude. You are frightened of women wearing pussy hats. I laugh at you.
No influential Dem is inciting murder.

You snowflakes need to get used to what happens when THE MINORITY TRIES TO RULE OVER THE MAJORITY in a free nation.

The majority will prevail. It is what it is.

And when the majority is the right, incite violence which yes......can lead to death.

Dude. You are frightened of women wearing pussy hats. I laugh at you.

No, I'm not worried about me, I carry my gun. But encouraging puppets to harass people at restaurants, incivility until you are in charge of at least one of the three institutions that govern our country, is encouraging violence. And yes, violence leads to death as I stated.

And when the majority is the right, incite violence which yes......can lead to death.

It seems that LoneLaugher thinks that faggots, trannies, illegal aliens, violent criminals, and “women wearing pussy hats” constitute the majority.

The majority in this nation cast votes for Democrats in 2016. For POTUS and for Congress.

Straight up fact.

You are in the minority but hold the reigns of power. And instead of trying to reach out to the majority and increase your numbers, you morons retreated into your dopey bubble.

Bad move.
And when the majority is the right, incite violence which yes......can lead to death.

It seems that LoneLaugher thinks that faggots, trannies, illegal aliens, violent criminals, and “women wearing pussy hats” constitute the majority.

They constitute a part of the majority. Scares you don't it?

And what majority might that be?

The majority of voters. There were at least 3 million more of us in the last election. It's a big part of why Trump hates being known as an illegitimate president.
It seems that LoneLaugher thinks that faggots, trannies, illegal aliens, violent criminals, and “women wearing pussy hats” constitute the majority.

They constitute a part of the majority. Scares you don't it?

“Part of the majority” isn't the majority. In this case, all of them combined still make up a very small minority.
If Dems refuse to denounce incitement to harassment and murder, make them own it

With Steve Scalise still needing canes to walk after surviving an attempted mass assassination of GOP congressmen; Maxine Waters loudly urging Democrats to harass Republicans whenever they venture out, even to "gasoline stations"; paid demonstrators pounding on the doors of the Supreme Court while the newest justice was sworn in; and the rank and file urging the murder of Justice Kavanaugh, the Republic now faces a crisis of political violence.
So far, nobody of standing in the Democratic Party is calling out the thugs operating as the Dems' enforcers.
I suspect that the political calculus among Republicans has been to let Waters shoot off her mouth and alienate more and more independent voters. But the risk of violence is such that this may be foolish. It is now time for President Trump to start calling them out, reinforced by as many voices as possible, telling the public that if they don't condemn it, they approve of the violence and harassment.
The worst among the Democrats have free rein to speak and act on their murderous fantasies.
Once political violence becomes common, the toothpaste is difficult to put back in the tube.

The timid GOPers should be calling the Dims out left and right. Yes, make them own the uncalled for rhetoric, the childishness, the incitement to violence.
Sometimes rational people (voters) need to have the obvious told to them. Then they get it. Otherwise, the GOP is letting the Lame Stream Media continue to create the narratives.
We have witnessed more than two years of the most vile and hate-filled actions from the Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA, the MSM, #OWS, #BLM, # Antifa, and militant snowflakes. It's time for a real reckoning that demands justice and the rule of law.
Really, the only thing that has surprised me about the Kavanaugh hearings is that people seem honestly astounded by the actions of the Democrats. Come on folks! Look back in history and they have used the same attacks since the Democrats have been a political party. They accused Lincoln of visiting "houses of ill repute" and almost any opponent they wanted to destroy, they accused of being a homosexual.
They are free to make these accusations and make wild promises because they have a solid base of Dead Dog Democrats, and they know it. We all know these people, There is nothing we can do about the Dead Dog Democrats. Fortunately, they are not the majority.
The thing that is different today is that we have the internet and we can quickly discover the protesters are being paid. We also noticed that Kavanaugh is an open book while Ford was quickly removed from the record. Nothing to hide? Then why hide?
IMO, let the Moonbat lunatics in the Democrat for Socialist America Party have free run to bay at the moon at full volume, and publicize their ravings. (When your opponents are busily engaged in destroying themselves do not get in their way!!!
Well the Democrats did scrub the internet of Fords past the Yearbook had been downloaded befor they did the scrub. I have to say they did a good job. Now about murder, there was the shooting at a baseball practice when a supporter to Sanders tried to kill several Senators. Threats have happened all over the Nation from Democrat supporters. Deep State Agents as noted by the Doxxing of the Rep Senators by a Democrat Agent has been found in that incident. The only thing missing is murder and that will come also.

And when the majority is the right, incite violence which yes......can lead to death.

It seems that LoneLaugher thinks that faggots, trannies, illegal aliens, violent criminals, and “women wearing pussy hats” constitute the majority.

They constitute a part of the majority. Scares you don't it?

And what majority might that be?

The majority of voters. There were at least 3 million more of us in the last election. It's a big part of why Trump hates being known as an illegitimate president.

There is nothing illegitimate about him because the Democrats don't make the rules, they just have a hard time accepting them.

The "3 million more" of you were in one state only. And you are not the majority of voters, you are only the majority of voters that came out that election.

Why do you think you are in the majority of voters? Because that's the way your puppet masters have you thinking.

You see.....every time you lose an election, your leaders tell you that you really won, it's just Republicans found a way to cheat you somehow. You simply believe what you are told.
If Dems refuse to denounce incitement to harassment and murder, make them own it

With Steve Scalise still needing canes to walk after surviving an attempted mass assassination of GOP congressmen; Maxine Waters loudly urging Democrats to harass Republicans whenever they venture out, even to "gasoline stations"; paid demonstrators pounding on the doors of the Supreme Court while the newest justice was sworn in; and the rank and file urging the murder of Justice Kavanaugh, the Republic now faces a crisis of political violence.
So far, nobody of standing in the Democratic Party is calling out the thugs operating as the Dems' enforcers.
I suspect that the political calculus among Republicans has been to let Waters shoot off her mouth and alienate more and more independent voters. But the risk of violence is such that this may be foolish. It is now time for President Trump to start calling them out, reinforced by as many voices as possible, telling the public that if they don't condemn it, they approve of the violence and harassment.
The worst among the Democrats have free rein to speak and act on their murderous fantasies.
Once political violence becomes common, the toothpaste is difficult to put back in the tube.

The timid GOPers should be calling the Dims out left and right. Yes, make them own the uncalled for rhetoric, the childishness, the incitement to violence.
Sometimes rational people (voters) need to have the obvious told to them. Then they get it. Otherwise, the GOP is letting the Lame Stream Media continue to create the narratives.
We have witnessed more than two years of the most vile and hate-filled actions from the Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA, the MSM, #OWS, #BLM, # Antifa, and militant snowflakes. It's time for a real reckoning that demands justice and the rule of law.
Really, the only thing that has surprised me about the Kavanaugh hearings is that people seem honestly astounded by the actions of the Democrats. Come on folks! Look back in history and they have used the same attacks since the Democrats have been a political party. They accused Lincoln of visiting "houses of ill repute" and almost any opponent they wanted to destroy, they accused of being a homosexual.
They are free to make these accusations and make wild promises because they have a solid base of Dead Dog Democrats, and they know it. We all know these people, There is nothing we can do about the Dead Dog Democrats. Fortunately, they are not the majority.
The thing that is different today is that we have the internet and we can quickly discover the protesters are being paid. We also noticed that Kavanaugh is an open book while Ford was quickly removed from the record. Nothing to hide? Then why hide?
IMO, let the Moonbat lunatics in the Democrat for Socialist America Party have free run to bay at the moon at full volume, and publicize their ravings. (When your opponents are busily engaged in destroying themselves do not get in their way!!!

you are engaging in blood libel.

by accusing your enemies of inciting violence ( a big fat lie!) and then encouraging your friends to "do something about it" you are inciting violence. You want to "kill them before they kill you".....

you conservatives know ALL the tricks in the playbook and you are REALLY good at them!....

I have to admit....at being devious, deceitful, dishonest and deplorable you cons are the BEST!
It seems that LoneLaugher thinks that faggots, trannies, illegal aliens, violent criminals, and “women wearing pussy hats” constitute the majority.

They constitute a part of the majority. Scares you don't it?

“Part of the majority” isn't the majority. In this case, all of them combined still make up a very small minority.

Don't work that way. The majority accepts a wide range of people. You aren't fighting just small scattered groups. You are fighting the combination of lots of groups. You don't get that?
And when the majority is the right, incite violence which yes......can lead to death.

It seems that LoneLaugher thinks that faggots, trannies, illegal aliens, violent criminals, and “women wearing pussy hats” constitute the majority.

They constitute a part of the majority. Scares you don't it?

And what majority might that be?

The majority of voters. There were at least 3 million more of us in the last election. It's a big part of why Trump hates being known as an illegitimate president.
Lets take away California's 8 House seats that represent ILLEGALS... Talking about illegals not influencing the US HOUSE VOTE is a lie....
And when the majority is the right, incite violence which yes......can lead to death.

It seems that LoneLaugher thinks that faggots, trannies, illegal aliens, violent criminals, and “women wearing pussy hats” constitute the majority.

They constitute a part of the majority. Scares you don't it?

And what majority might that be?

The majority of voters. There were at least 3 million more of us in the last election. It's a big part of why Trump hates being known as an illegitimate president.

There is nothing illegitimate about him because the Democrats don't make the rules, they just have a hard time accepting them.

The "3 million more" of you were in one state only. And you are not the majority of voters, you are only the majority of voters that came out that election.

Why do you think you are in the majority of voters? Because that's the way your puppet masters have you thinking.

You see.....every time you lose an election, your leaders tell you that you really won, it's just Republicans found a way to cheat you somehow. You simply believe what you are told.

Tell yourself anything you need to. You probably can't count on fewer votes winning the next election.
by accusing your enemies of inciting violence ( a big fat lie!) and then encouraging your friends to "do something about it" you are inciting violence. You want to "kill them before they kill you".....

Self-defense is not encouraging violence, it's preparing for attacks.

It's like an old Chinese proverb my former karate teacher taught me

"Only use violence for self-defense, or when mind is too weak to solve problem."

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