If Congress doesn't act, your taxes will go up


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
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Jobs Act Tax Calculator | The White House

There is not a single good reason – not one – why Congress should stop there. Just like that tax credit will help ensure returning service members can find a job, the American Jobs Act helps put Americans back to work by jump starting the private sector and creating an economy that’s built to last. Congress ought to pass the rest of our proposals, too.

And Congress should start with protecting your paycheck.

Let me lay out the facts: Today, because of our tax cuts, everyone who collects a paycheck contributes 4.2 percent of their wages in payroll taxes. But if Congress doesn't act, that tax will go up two percentage points, to 6.2 percent. That might not sound like much, but to an average family, that's a difference of almost $1,000 a year.


So let me get this straight [you put de lime in de coconut] - .... they won't raise taxes on the wealthy, but they will on us??

WTF man. Seriously. WTF.
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Jobs Act Tax Calculator | The White House

There is not a single good reason – not one – why Congress should stop there. Just like that tax credit will help ensure returning service members can find a job, the American Jobs Act helps put Americans back to work by jump starting the private sector and creating an economy that’s built to last. Congress ought to pass the rest of our proposals, too.

And Congress should start with protecting your paycheck.

Let me lay out the facts: Today, because of our tax cuts, everyone who collects a paycheck contributes 4.2 percent of their wages in payroll taxes. But if Congress doesn't act, that tax will go up two percentage points, to 6.2 percent. That might not sound like much, but to an average family, that's a difference of almost $1,000 a year.


So let me get this straight [you put de lime in de coconut] - .... they won't raise taxes on the wealthy, but they will on us??

WTF man. Seriously. WTF.

The rate was always 6.2%, they just lowered it last year as a gimmick. Also the rich will pay the same additonal 2%, up to $106,000 that you will.

Everyone also forgets the other 6.2% your company has to pay, or you have to pay if you are self employed.

Nice attempt at a cheap shot though.
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Jobs Act Tax Calculator | The White House

There is not a single good reason – not one – why Congress should stop there. Just like that tax credit will help ensure returning service members can find a job, the American Jobs Act helps put Americans back to work by jump starting the private sector and creating an economy that’s built to last. Congress ought to pass the rest of our proposals, too.

And Congress should start with protecting your paycheck.

Let me lay out the facts: Today, because of our tax cuts, everyone who collects a paycheck contributes 4.2 percent of their wages in payroll taxes. But if Congress doesn't act, that tax will go up two percentage points, to 6.2 percent. That might not sound like much, but to an average family, that's a difference of almost $1,000 a year.


So let me get this straight [you put de lime in de coconut] - .... they won't raise taxes on the wealthy, but they will on us??

WTF man. Seriously. WTF.

The 1% already pay 40% of the taxes while the bottom 47% pay none. How much more blood do you want from these turnips?
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Jobs Act Tax Calculator | The White House

There is not a single good reason – not one – why Congress should stop there. Just like that tax credit will help ensure returning service members can find a job, the American Jobs Act helps put Americans back to work by jump starting the private sector and creating an economy that’s built to last. Congress ought to pass the rest of our proposals, too.

And Congress should start with protecting your paycheck.

Let me lay out the facts: Today, because of our tax cuts, everyone who collects a paycheck contributes 4.2 percent of their wages in payroll taxes. But if Congress doesn't act, that tax will go up two percentage points, to 6.2 percent. That might not sound like much, but to an average family, that's a difference of almost $1,000 a year.


So let me get this straight [you put de lime in de coconut] - .... they won't raise taxes on the wealthy, but they will on us??

WTF man. Seriously. WTF.

So you're opposed to raising taxes now? I'm confused. Furthermore, Social Security is already on a path towards unsustainability so being that it is solely funded by the payroll tax, wouldn't it be irresponsible to continue collecting at a lower rate?
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I don't want to pay another $40/month. That's all. Anybody who is already living from paycheck to paycheck is going to have a tough time with this one.
Her attitude is sort of reminiscent of Lloyd George's promise before the Versailles conference. Squeeze them till the pips squeak. And if it causes disaster later on, that is none of her affair.
I don't want to pay another $40/month. That's all. Anybody who is already living from paycheck to paycheck is going to have a tough time with this one.

But I am sure you want your social security check whenever you become elegible, so pay up.
Flat out. I know none of you guys can do this, but I'm going to ask anyway. Why are you so deadset on raising taxes on the rich, but it's FINE to do the same to the lower and middle class. We need smaller government. Less spending. That's what you say. That's why you don't want to raise taxes on the rich to normal rates. But it's just fine to raise them on us? They shouldn't need to be raised. You all talk yourselves in circles, and then act like you're making sense.
Flat out. I know none of you guys can do this, but I'm going to ask anyway. Why are you so deadset on raising taxes on the rich, but it's FINE to do the same to the lower and middle class. We need smaller government. Less spending. That's what you say. That's why you don't want to raise taxes on the rich to normal rates. But it's just fine to raise them on us? They shouldn't need to be raised. You all talk yourselves in circles, and then act like you're making sense.

Here dopey. Read this - Who Pays the Most Income Tax?

This is assuming you can read
Flat out. I know none of you guys can do this, but I'm going to ask anyway. Why are you so deadset on raising taxes on the rich, but it's FINE to do the same to the lower and middle class. We need smaller government. Less spending. That's what you say. That's why you don't want to raise taxes on the rich to normal rates. But it's just fine to raise them on us? They shouldn't need to be raised. You all talk yourselves in circles, and then act like you're making sense.

To even cover 1/2 of our current budget DEFICIT (the yearly thing where we spend more than we make) you would have to not only tax every millionaire 100% of the money they make over $250k, you would have to CONFISCATE a portion of their overall wealth.

Raising thier tax rate a few % points makes jealous progressives feel all warm and fuzzy in thier loins, but does nothing to address the fact that our government spends too much money.

To truly fix this, the government has to spend alot less, and more people than the "1%" have to see thier taxes increased. Its simple math.
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Jobs Act Tax Calculator | The White House

There is not a single good reason – not one – why Congress should stop there. Just like that tax credit will help ensure returning service members can find a job, the American Jobs Act helps put Americans back to work by jump starting the private sector and creating an economy that’s built to last. Congress ought to pass the rest of our proposals, too.

And Congress should start with protecting your paycheck.

Let me lay out the facts: Today, because of our tax cuts, everyone who collects a paycheck contributes 4.2 percent of their wages in payroll taxes. But if Congress doesn't act, that tax will go up two percentage points, to 6.2 percent. That might not sound like much, but to an average family, that's a difference of almost $1,000 a year.

So let me get this straight [you put de lime in de coconut] - .... they won't raise taxes on the wealthy, but they will on us??

WTF man. Seriously. WTF.

It will never happen.


Obama promised me that 95% of Americans would not see their taxes raised.


Of course he also promised to close GTMO, and that the UER wouldn't go higher than 8%.

So I am completely confident that your scary OP will NEVER happen.
Flat out. I know none of you guys can do this, but I'm going to ask anyway. Why are you so deadset on raising taxes on the rich, but it's FINE to do the same to the lower and middle class. We need smaller government. Less spending. That's what you say. That's why you don't want to raise taxes on the rich to normal rates. But it's just fine to raise them on us? They shouldn't need to be raised. You all talk yourselves in circles, and then act like you're making sense.

Because the money is spent for the poor.
Flat out. I know none of you guys can do this, but I'm going to ask anyway. Why are you so deadset on raising taxes on the rich, but it's FINE to do the same to the lower and middle class. We need smaller government. Less spending. That's what you say. That's why you don't want to raise taxes on the rich to normal rates. But it's just fine to raise them on us? They shouldn't need to be raised. You all talk yourselves in circles, and then act like you're making sense.

Already answered in post #4 that you conveniently ignored.
Find out by how much.

Jobs Act Tax Calculator | The White House

There is not a single good reason – not one – why Congress should stop there. Just like that tax credit will help ensure returning service members can find a job, the American Jobs Act helps put Americans back to work by jump starting the private sector and creating an economy that’s built to last. Congress ought to pass the rest of our proposals, too.

And Congress should start with protecting your paycheck.

Let me lay out the facts: Today, because of our tax cuts, everyone who collects a paycheck contributes 4.2 percent of their wages in payroll taxes. But if Congress doesn't act, that tax will go up two percentage points, to 6.2 percent. That might not sound like much, but to an average family, that's a difference of almost $1,000 a year.


So let me get this straight [you put de lime in de coconut] - .... they won't raise taxes on the wealthy, but they will on us??

WTF man. Seriously. WTF.

Brought to you by the same political party that tells us: a) unemployment stimulates the economy and b) we have to pass the bill to see what's in it.

No, thanks.
The Democrats have tried to compromise. The Republicans won't. They're protecting their jobs, bottom line, by NOT compromising with those no good liberals. So their gridlock will make Bush's tax cuts go away. But I think that's AFTER they gutter swabs are all reelected.

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