If Biden Wins, I Will Not Recognize Him As POTUS


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
I will not recognize Joe Biden or Kamala Harris as legitimate President and VP, if they "win". The most I will recognize, is Harris as US senator, and I'm not even completely sure about that. The whole election is a sad fiasco, being rigged in favor of Biden in everything from pro-Biden biased "moderators" in the debates, to months of biased media false "reports" (more like constant, deliberate smears), to millions of illegal aliens voting for Biden/Harris (protected by them in sanctuary cities), to Democrats deliberately sabatoging the economy, stifling stimulus checks, to thugs attacking Trump supporters. permitted by Democrat city cops, to ballot harvesting/dumping, etc, etc.

No way do I acknowledge these 2 opportunist freaks as president & vice president of my country, that I served 5 years in the military for. If they somehow manage to twist this election to a "win" for them, I will pay no attention to anything they say, and I will go about doing things as if Trump was still president.

As far as I am concerned Harris is a cheap, 2 bit slut, who sexed her way to power, and Biden is a police-defunding traitor, who has been selling the US out to China for the past 30 years, and by all rights, could be arrested for treason, and shot in a firing squad.
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I will not recognize Joe Biden or Kamala Harris as legitimate President and VP, if they "win". The most I will recognize, is Harris as US senator, and I'm not even completely sure about that. The whole election is a sad fiasco, being rigged in favor of Biden in everything from pro-Biden biased "moderators" in the debates, to months of biased media false "reports" (more like constant, deliberate smears), to millions of illegal aliens voting for Biden/Harris (protected by them in sanctuary cities), to Democrats deliberately sabatoging the economy, stifling stimulus checks, to thugs attacking Trump supporters. permitted by Democrat city cops, to ballot harvesting/dumping, etc, etc.

No way do I acknowledge these 2 opportunist freaks as president & vice president of my country, that I served 5 years in the military for. If they somehow manage to twist this election to a "win" for them, I will pay no attention to anything they say, and I will go about doing things as if Trump was still president.

As far as I am concerned Harris is a cheap, 2 bit slut, who sexed her way to power, and Biden is a police-defunding traitor, who has been selling the US out to China for the past 30 years, and by all rights, could be arrested for treason, and shot in a firing squad.
Take a couple of Valium and wake up refreshed on the 4th.
I will not recognize Joe Biden or Kamala Harris as legitimate President and VP, if they "win". The most I will recognize, is Harris as US senator, and I'm not even completely sure about that. The whole election is a sad fiasco, being rigged in favor of Biden in everything from pro-Biden biased "moderators" in the debates, to months of biased media false "reports" (more like constant, deliberate smears), to millions of illegal aliens voting for Biden/Harris (protected by them in sanctuary cities), to Democrats deliberately sabatoging the economy, stifling stimulus checks, to thugs attacking Trump supporters. permitted by Democrat city cops, to ballot harvesting/dumping, etc, etc.

No way do I acknowledge these 2 opportunist freaks as president & vice president of my country, that I served 5 years in the military for. If they somehow manage to twist this election to a "win" for them, I will pay no attention to anything they say, and I will go about doing things as if Trump was still president.

As far as I am concerned Harris is a cheap, 2 bit slut, who sexed her way to power, and Biden is a police-defunding traitor, who has been selling the US out to China for the past 30 years, and by all rights, could be arrested for treason, and shot in a firing squad.
Why don't you just move, if you do not believe in America? Did you fail civics that badly, you just do not understand representative democracy. I do not like trump, but he won in 2016 and became president, hopefully for only one term. I will recognize the ass-hole again if he pulls it off. I look forward to the Biden presidency and will evaluate it further as time moves on. Have no idea whether I would want two terms for him or not. Good luck to you and yours where ever you choose to settle. Just hope somebody as anti-American as you does not settle anywhere near me.
I will not recognize Joe Biden or Kamala Harris as legitimate President and VP, if they "win". The most I will recognize, is Harris as US senator, and I'm not even completely sure about that. The whole election is a sad fiasco, being rigged in favor of Biden in everything from pro-Biden biased "moderators" in the debates, to months of biased media false "reports" (more like constant, deliberate smears), to millions of illegal aliens voting for Biden/Harris (protected by them in sanctuary cities), to Democrats deliberately sabatoging the economy, stifling stimulus checks, to thugs attacking Trump supporters. permitted by Democrat city cops, to ballot harvesting/dumping, etc, etc.

No way do I acknowledge these 2 opportunist freaks as president & vice president of my country, that I served 5 years in the military for. If they somehow manage to twist this election to a "win" for them, I will pay no attention to anything they say, and I will go about doing things as if Trump was still president.

As far as I am concerned Harris is a cheap, 2 bit slut, who sexed her way to power, and Biden is a police-defunding traitor, who has been selling the US out to China for the past 30 years, and by all rights, could be arrested for treason, and shot in a firing squad.

I don't recognize either of them as candidates. Harris is not a true natural born American in the strictest sense and Biden has yet to answer the most important questions the media covering for the two of them refuse to ask him!
I will not recognize Joe Biden or Kamala Harris as legitimate President and VP, if they "win". The most I will recognize, is Harris as US senator, and I'm not even completely sure about that. The whole election is a sad fiasco, being rigged in favor of Biden in everything from pro-Biden biased "moderators" in the debates, to months of biased media false "reports" (more like constant, deliberate smears), to millions of illegal aliens voting for Biden/Harris (protected by them in sanctuary cities), to Democrats deliberately sabatoging the economy, stifling stimulus checks, to thugs attacking Trump supporters. permitted by Democrat city cops, to ballot harvesting/dumping, etc, etc.

No way do I acknowledge these 2 opportunist freaks as president & vice president of my country, that I served 5 years in the military for. If they somehow manage to twist this election to a "win" for them, I will pay no attention to anything they say, and I will go about doing things as if Trump was still president.

As far as I am concerned Harris is a cheap, 2 bit slut, who sexed her way to power, and Biden is a police-defunding traitor, who has been selling the US out to China for the past 30 years, and by all rights, could be arrested for treason, and shot in a firing squad.
^trumptard logic in full display.
I will not recognize Joe Biden or Kamala Harris as legitimate President and VP, if they "win". The most I will recognize, is Harris as US senator, and I'm not even completely sure about that. The whole election is a sad fiasco, being rigged in favor of Biden in everything from pro-Biden biased "moderators" in the debates, to months of biased media false "reports" (more like constant, deliberate smears), to millions of illegal aliens voting for Biden/Harris (protected by them in sanctuary cities), to Democrats deliberately sabatoging the economy, stifling stimulus checks, to thugs attacking Trump supporters. permitted by Democrat city cops, to ballot harvesting/dumping, etc, etc.

No way do I acknowledge these 2 opportunist freaks as president & vice president of my country, that I served 5 years in the military for. If they somehow manage to twist this election to a "win" for them, I will pay no attention to anything they say, and I will go about doing things as if Trump was still president.

As far as I am concerned Harris is a cheap, 2 bit slut, who sexed her way to power, and Biden is a police-defunding traitor, who has been selling the US out to China for the past 30 years, and by all rights, could be arrested for treason, and shot in a firing squad.
I am sure he won't care one bit.
I will not recognize Joe Biden or Kamala Harris as legitimate President and VP, if they "win". The most I will recognize, is Harris as US senator, and I'm not even completely sure about that. The whole election is a sad fiasco, being rigged in favor of Biden in everything from pro-Biden biased "moderators" in the debates, to months of biased media false "reports" (more like constant, deliberate smears), to millions of illegal aliens voting for Biden/Harris (protected by them in sanctuary cities), to Democrats deliberately sabatoging the economy, stifling stimulus checks, to thugs attacking Trump supporters. permitted by Democrat city cops, to ballot harvesting/dumping, etc, etc.

No way do I acknowledge these 2 opportunist freaks as president & vice president of my country, that I served 5 years in the military for. If they somehow manage to twist this election to a "win" for them, I will pay no attention to anything they say, and I will go about doing things as if Trump was still president.

As far as I am concerned Harris is a cheap, 2 bit slut, who sexed her way to power, and Biden is a police-defunding traitor, who has been selling the US out to China for the past 30 years, and by all rights, could be arrested for treason, and shot in a firing squad.

I'd take a deep breath, open a good bottle of scotch and pour yourself a couple of fingers. If Biden wins, life will go on as normal. In fact, we may get back to a regular news cycle. While there were a lot of tears and upset Clinton supporters in 2016, I don't remember any of her supporters or any Democrat for that matter saying that the election was "rigged". Or that ballots shouldn't count. Or threaten to usurp the normal transition of power. I don't remember anyone on the Democrat side saying that the vote was tampered with, the numbers shouldn't be trusted, and that Trump managed to "twist" that election into a win. But you got a lot of people on Trump's side saying those exact things this year. The fear on the right hand side of the aisle is palpable. I've never seen a group of people so afraid of evolution and change in my lifetime. It's as if I've gone back in time to the late 1950's and early 1960's.
Well, a Congressman from Baltimore who recently died said that he did not accept Donald J. Trump as the legitimate President.

So I guess that we can refuse to accept whomever we want.

But the bottom line is this: We had better pay our income taxes regardless of what we think of the President!
Listen dude, if I could accept Trump as president, even though I don't like him, you can surely suck it up and recognize Biden as president if he wins.
Left wing states ignore Trump with their sanctuary cities.

But conservative states are always under a democrat whip when they are in office?

Interesting how hypocrisy is the only friend of the Left.

It's past time for a sanctuary city moment for the conservatives states
If Biden wins, you won't recognize your own country by the end of his term...
This company, headed from a guy that attended the Bilderberg Conference, produced a video, to conveniently TELL you what it will look like.

It is provided for us, courtesy of the Journalistic sleuthing of James Corbett.


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