If Bernie Wins Nomination, Will Rich Dems Support Trump?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Think of it as a rewrite on the fable of Jesus driving demons into a herd of swine.

Elite Democrats, who would rather lose elections than pay higher taxes, toss Bernie under the MAGA bus if he magically manages to snare the 2020 nomination


This is how Chris Hedges sees the circus unfolding:

The New Rules of the Game

"But unlike in the biblical story of Jesus driving the demons into a herd of swine, they will be driven into the senator from Vermont.

"Trump will become the establishment’s reluctant least worse option.

"Sanders will become a leper.

"The Democratic and Republican party elites, joining forces as they did in the 1972 presidential election, will do to Sanders what they did to George McGovern, who lost in 49 of the 50 states."

It appears that Democrats will be confronting a contested (brokered?) convention in July.

If so, 2020 may resemble 1968 more than 1972 when Eugene McCarthy lost the nomination to a 'candidate" who did NOT compete in ANY primaries?
Democrat donors are morons. They will support any idiot with a "D" by the name.
Who the Democrats nominate is unimportant. The result will be the same. The only question is how it will unfold.
Democrat donors are morons. They will support any idiot with a "D" by the name.
R U Rich?

The New Rules of the Game

"If Dems go on to nominate Sanders, the Russians will have to reconsider who to work for to best screw up the US. Sanders is just as polarizing as Trump AND he’ll ruin our economy and doesn’t care about our military,' former Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein (net worth $1.1 billion) tweeted. 'If I’m Russian, I go with Sanders this time around.'"
Rich doesn't necessarily mean intelligent. This country is full of high-income earners who would gladly see the government take a larger part of their wealth, and give it away.

It helps them sleep better at nights.
Bernie who wants to vilify Wall St., reduce military funding, nationalize certain industries (won’t say which), raise everyone’s taxes, impose higher regulations and give Israel to terrorists? Hmmmm...I wonder how he will do in a general election?

When he loses he can go on his 2nd honeymoon to North Korea or Venezuela since the old Soviet Union is long gone.
Think of it as a rewrite on the fable of Jesus driving demons into a herd of swine.

Elite Democrats, who would rather lose elections than pay higher taxes, toss Bernie under the MAGA bus if he magically manages to snare the 2020 nomination


This is how Chris Hedges sees the circus unfolding:

The New Rules of the Game

"But unlike in the biblical story of Jesus driving the demons into a herd of swine, they will be driven into the senator from Vermont.

"Trump will become the establishment’s reluctant least worse option.

"Sanders will become a leper.

"The Democratic and Republican party elites, joining forces as they did in the 1972 presidential election, will do to Sanders what they did to George McGovern, who lost in 49 of the 50 states."

It appears that Democrats will be confronting a contested (brokered?) convention in July.

If so, 2020 may resemble 1968 more than 1972 when Eugene McCarthy lost the nomination to a 'candidate" who did NOT compete in ANY primaries?
They won't admit it, but yes.
Bernie who wants to vilify Wall St., reduce military funding, nationalize certain industries (won’t say which), raise everyone’s taxes, impose higher regulations and give Israel to terrorists? Hmmmm...I wonder how he will do in a general election?

When he loses he can go on his 2nd honeymoon to North Korea or Venezuela since the old Soviet Union is long gone.
Too bad the DNC and MSM gave us Hillary as
the option then ? Who's fault is it Trump won ? Not Russia we know now.
Fair question, it would be interesting to see.

There are a lot of people on Wall Street, for example, who lean left, but Bernie just takes it too far.
Which of the following policy proposals are too radical?

The New Rules of the Game

"...Sanders’ democratic socialism is essentially that of a New Deal Democrat.

"His political views would be part of the mainstream in France or Germany, where democratic socialism is an accepted part of the political landscape and is routinely challenged as too accommodationist by communists and radical socialists.

"Sanders calls for an end to our foreign wars, a reduction of the military budget, for 'Medicare for All,' abolishing the death penalty, eliminating mandatory minimum sentences and private prisons, a return of Glass-Steagall, raising taxes on the wealthy, increasing the minimum wage to $15 an hour, canceling student debt, eliminating the ElectoralCollege, banning fracking and breaking up agribusinesses.

"This does not qualify as a revolutionary agenda."
Let the American people actually decide. Get rid of Citizens United and have a viable 3rd Independent Party to merge with The Green Party and Libertarian Party.

If the 2016 choices had been
Donald Trump
Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders
Jill Stein
Gary Johnson
I'm pretty sure Sanders would have won.
He was the most popular politician in the country going in
and that was growing despite the MSM and establishment bids to shut him down.

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Democrat donors are morons. They will support any idiot with a "D" by the name.
R U Rich?

The New Rules of the Game

"If Dems go on to nominate Sanders, the Russians will have to reconsider who to work for to best screw up the US. Sanders is just as polarizing as Trump AND he’ll ruin our economy and doesn’t care about our military,' former Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein (net worth $1.1 billion) tweeted. 'If I’m Russian, I go with Sanders this time around.'"

Foreigners gave tons of money to both Obama and Crooked Hillary. Wall Street and the billionaire community gave more money to Obama than they did to McCain or Romney. The Democrats have the Silicon Valley billionaires and the Hollywood Limousine Liberal mega millionaires in their back pocket.
Who the Democrats nominate is unimportant. The result will be the same. The only question is how it will unfold.

If dems nominate Bernie and he loses it will tap down the influence of the AOC crowd. If Dems nominate someone like Biden or Bloomberg and they lose it will strengthen the influence of the AOC crowd

Bloomberg jumping in the race so late has really screwed the dems and will leave many people, especially Bernie supporters thinking the DNC rigged the process of the nomination. Even if Bernie wins the nomination his loss to TRUMP will be partially blamed by how the DNC ran the nomination process with Bernie supporters claiming Bernie lost not only the electoral college vote but also the popular vote because of how the DNC ran the process.
Pfft....When Bloomberg is selected, half of the Bernie Bros are going to vote for Trump just to spite the party.
Rich doesn't necessarily mean intelligent. This country is full of high-income earners who would gladly see the government take a larger part of their wealth, and give it away.

It helps them sleep better at nights.

Some of the rich seem to understand the economic divide in this country can not continue to widen without serious consequences, but I wonder if they are willing to sacrifice their fair share?


One chart that shows how much worse income inequality is in America than Europe

"In 1980, the top 1 percent’s share of income was about 10 percent in both Western Europe and the US, but since then, the two have severely diverged.

"In 2016, the top 1 percent in Western Europe had about a 12-percent share of income, compared to 20 percent in the United States.

"And in the US, the bottom 50 percent’s income share fell from more than 20 percent in 1980 to 13 percent in 2016."

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