Idi Amin and the democrat party


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

I would venture that no one here has ever heard of how Idi Amin, the dictator of Uganda, conducted race warfare within his own country by expelling Indians/Asians from his country. For you see, that minority ran most of the businesses in Uganda.

Idi Amin claimed that God spoke to him in a dream, saying South Asians were responsible for exploiting the indigenous citizens of Uganda. Amin also accused them of sabotaging Uganda’s economy and encouraging corruption. It has also been suggested that Amin was plotting vengeance against the British government due to their refusal to provide him with arms so he could invade Tanzania. Many of the expellees were citizens of the United Kingdom and its colonies, so emigrated to there. The other refugees settled in Canada, India, the nearby Kenya, and other Commonwealth countries

Chilling since it mirrors how the Left are targeting Asians and Whites once again for exploiting blacks in the US today as well.

Of course, once the Asians were expelled their economy collapsed.

Then to deflect criticism, Idi Amin started a war. Sounds like the DNC today

This is similar to what happened in Spain once that government expelled Jews who tended to run businesses and were socio-economically well to do.

Then once they were expelled for being economically successful, in comparison to the rest of the Spaniards, the economy collapsed as well.

The Expulsion of the Jews was a disaster for Spain, psychologically, intellectually and economically. It boosted the legitimacy of the Spanish Inquisition, whose stifling effect would be felt by the society until the 19th century. It also stripped 2% of Spain’s most urbane, educated and affluent inhabitants. At a time when Europe’s economy was shifting from agrarian to industrial, Spain could not afford this loss. The effect was compounded when the Spanish Inquisition managed to have 300,000 Muslims expelled a century later. Such a massive exodus would be an enormous loss for any country at the time – but especially for Spain, which was only a third the size of France.

So what can we learn from all this? Nothing apparently. Today government tries to make all races equal by demanding they all can do the same things.

Government never learns and academia refuses to teach us.
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Obviously you have never seen the movie Mississippi Masala. They talk about it alot.

Here is an idea, instead of punishing successful races/religions for their culture that promotes wealth by insisting they give up what they have and give it to those who don't share the same keys for success so that they later fail, why not first learn from them why they are so successful?


So why were the Asians/Indians in Uganda and the Jews in Spain so much more successful economically than the "indigenous" people? Where they scheming and evil and oppressive or do they just make sure that most of their families have two parents, are hard working, and promote educating their children above all else?
Here is an idea, instead of punishing successful races/religions for their culture that promotes wealth by insisting they give up what they have and give it to those who don't share the same keys for success so that they later fail, why not first learn from them why they are so successful?


So why were the Asians/Indians in Uganda and the Jews in Spain so much more successful economically than the "indigenous" people? Where they scheming and evil and oppressive or do they just make sure that most of their families have two parents, are hard working, and promote educating their children above all else?
"So why were the Asians/Indians in Uganda and the Jews in Spain so much more successful economically than the "indigenous" people? "

Thats an easy one as far as Uganda. The East Indians were placed in positions of power over the indigenous people by white imperialists. Whats more amazing is the total lack of awareness on the part of whites to realize one very important point. Its the land of those Black people not the whites or the east indians.
Here is an idea, instead of punishing successful races/religions for their culture that promotes wealth by insisting they give up what they have and give it to those who don't share the same keys for success so that they later fail, why not first learn from them why they are so successful?


So why were the Asians/Indians in Uganda and the Jews in Spain so much more successful economically than the "indigenous" people? Where they scheming and evil and oppressive or do they just make sure that most of their families have two parents, are hard working, and promote educating their children above all else?
"So why were the Asians/Indians in Uganda and the Jews in Spain so much more successful economically than the "indigenous" people? "

Thats an easy one as far as Uganda. The East Indians were placed in positions of power over the indigenous people by white imperialists. Whats more amazing is the total lack of awareness on the part of whites to realize one very important point. Its the land of those Black people not the whites or the east indians.
Yes, but why did the economy collapse once their "oppressors" left?

And can the same be said for the Jews? You completely ignored that example.
Here is an idea, instead of punishing successful races/religions for their culture that promotes wealth by insisting they give up what they have and give it to those who don't share the same keys for success so that they later fail, why not first learn from them why they are so successful?


So why were the Asians/Indians in Uganda and the Jews in Spain so much more successful economically than the "indigenous" people? Where they scheming and evil and oppressive or do they just make sure that most of their families have two parents, are hard working, and promote educating their children above all else?
"So why were the Asians/Indians in Uganda and the Jews in Spain so much more successful economically than the "indigenous" people? "

Thats an easy one as far as Uganda. The East Indians were placed in positions of power over the indigenous people by white imperialists. Whats more amazing is the total lack of awareness on the part of whites to realize one very important point. Its the land of those Black people not the whites or the east indians.
Yes, but why did the economy collapse once their "oppressors" left?

And can the same be said for the Jews? You completely ignored that example.
Not enough people left to prop it up at that level. Point being it only matters to those that wish to take advantage of ill gotten gains and use that as a reason they should move back and reclaim the stolen land.

I didn't ignore the Jews. I don't know about the situation enough to speak on it.
Here is an idea, instead of punishing successful races/religions for their culture that promotes wealth by insisting they give up what they have and give it to those who don't share the same keys for success so that they later fail, why not first learn from them why they are so successful?


So why were the Asians/Indians in Uganda and the Jews in Spain so much more successful economically than the "indigenous" people? Where they scheming and evil and oppressive or do they just make sure that most of their families have two parents, are hard working, and promote educating their children above all else?
"So why were the Asians/Indians in Uganda and the Jews in Spain so much more successful economically than the "indigenous" people? "

Thats an easy one as far as Uganda. The East Indians were placed in positions of power over the indigenous people by white imperialists. Whats more amazing is the total lack of awareness on the part of whites to realize one very important point. Its the land of those Black people not the whites or the east indians.
Yes, but why did the economy collapse once their "oppressors" left?

And can the same be said for the Jews? You completely ignored that example.
Think of it like this. Say a gang of people invaded your home and ran a whore house out of it for about 50 years. While there they made some improvements on the land, added a view rooms and brought in some mid level management to direct the day to day activities. You finally get enough weapons to toss the bastards that invaded your home and the mid level management. Are you going to keep running a whore house or are you going to go back to living how you are accustomed to?
Here is an idea, instead of punishing successful races/religions for their culture that promotes wealth by insisting they give up what they have and give it to those who don't share the same keys for success so that they later fail, why not first learn from them why they are so successful?


So why were the Asians/Indians in Uganda and the Jews in Spain so much more successful economically than the "indigenous" people? Where they scheming and evil and oppressive or do they just make sure that most of their families have two parents, are hard working, and promote educating their children above all else?
"So why were the Asians/Indians in Uganda and the Jews in Spain so much more successful economically than the "indigenous" people? "

Thats an easy one as far as Uganda. The East Indians were placed in positions of power over the indigenous people by white imperialists. Whats more amazing is the total lack of awareness on the part of whites to realize one very important point. Its the land of those Black people not the whites or the east indians.
Yes, but why did the economy collapse once their "oppressors" left?

And can the same be said for the Jews? You completely ignored that example.
Not enough people left to prop it up at that level. Point being it only matters to those that wish to take advantage of ill gotten gains and use that as a reason they should move back and reclaim the stolen land.

I didn't ignore the Jews. I don't know about the situation enough to speak on it.
So you would say that the Asians were the oppressors. How did they oppress Uganda? In fact, what is your opinion of Idi Amin? Was he an oppressor?

Now compare the two, Asians and Idi Amin. Who was the worse oppressor and why?

In fact, why do you think Idi Amin expelled the Asians? Was the not oppressing the Asians? Do you think it is because he genuinely cared about the people of Uganda being oppressed, or was it merely to conquer and divide the people to help secure his own power which at that time was a little shaky?

As for the Jews, why not study up on it and get back to me. Educate yourself.
Here is an idea, instead of punishing successful races/religions for their culture that promotes wealth by insisting they give up what they have and give it to those who don't share the same keys for success so that they later fail, why not first learn from them why they are so successful?


So why were the Asians/Indians in Uganda and the Jews in Spain so much more successful economically than the "indigenous" people? Where they scheming and evil and oppressive or do they just make sure that most of their families have two parents, are hard working, and promote educating their children above all else?
"So why were the Asians/Indians in Uganda and the Jews in Spain so much more successful economically than the "indigenous" people? "

Thats an easy one as far as Uganda. The East Indians were placed in positions of power over the indigenous people by white imperialists. Whats more amazing is the total lack of awareness on the part of whites to realize one very important point. Its the land of those Black people not the whites or the east indians.
Yes, but why did the economy collapse once their "oppressors" left?

And can the same be said for the Jews? You completely ignored that example.
Think of it like this. Say a gang of people invaded your home and ran a whore house out of it for about 50 years. While there they made some improvements on the land, added a view rooms and brought in some mid level management to direct the day to day activities. You finally get enough weapons to toss the bastards that invaded your home and the mid level management. Are you going to keep running a whore house or are you going to go back to living how you are accustomed to?
Do you think that all races other than blacks, whether it be whites, Asians, Hispanics, Jews, etc., oppress Blacks?

And if Blacks don't oppress other Blacks, why all the Black on Black violence in American cities?

And one last question, with Black culture having about 70% of families without a father, is there really any way for them to escape the oppression of poverty?

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