Iceland Dismantles Corrupt Gov't Then Arrests All Rothschild Bankers.

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
[ame=]Ron Paul: Iceland Dismantles Corrupt Gov't Then Arrests All Rothschild Bankers... - YouTube[/ame]
I realize Wiki is hardly reliable, but still:

I see some mention of BRITAIN arresting a couple of finance types.

Who exactly got "arrested" in Iceland? Link? Links to Ron Paul bullshit cites are hardly reliable or even informative. A credible link would be nice.
It looks like the trial of the bankers (Hreidar Mar Sigurdsson and Sigurdur Einarsson) has not yet begun, although a trial of a former gov't leader (former prime minister, Geir H. Haarde) did begin in March. --

The trial against the former PM ended in a "conviction."
Outside the court on Monday, Mr. Haarde called the one guilty charge “very laughable” and said it was “silly.”
Ex-Prime Minister of Iceland Convicted on Charge Related to Financial Crisis -

It did sound pretty "silly," in fact.
Iceland’s former prime minister, Geir H. Haarde, was found guilty of failing to keep his cabinet informed of major developments during the 2008 financial crisis, but was cleared of three more serious charges of negligence on Monday.
That's a CRIME in Iceland?

Fuck. Pres. Obama would be impeached, daily.
It looks like the trial of the bankers (Hreidar Mar Sigurdsson and Sigurdur Einarsson) has not yet begun, although a trial of a former gov't leader (former prime minister, Geir H. Haarde) did begin in March. --

The trial against the former PM ended in a "conviction."
Outside the court on Monday, Mr. Haarde called the one guilty charge “very laughable” and said it was “silly.”
Ex-Prime Minister of Iceland Convicted on Charge Related to Financial Crisis -

It did sound pretty "silly," in fact.
Iceland’s former prime minister, Geir H. Haarde, was found guilty of failing to keep his cabinet informed of major developments during the 2008 financial crisis, but was cleared of three more serious charges of negligence on Monday.
That's a CRIME in Iceland?

Fuck. Pres. Obama would be impeached, daily.

Fuck. Pres. Obama would be impeached, daily.

Meanwhile, it looks like (maybe, although it's not clear) the bankers mentioned above ended-up NOT getting "prosecuted." UK Kaupthing directors banned from senior roles | IceNews - Daily News

Foghorn Pinhead's dutiful re-posting of crap from Ron Paul turns out to be a lot of sizzle but no steak.

The three directors of the British arm of Iceland’s collapsed Kaupthing bank have escaped a fine after a three-and-a-half year investigation, but they will not be allowed to hold senior jobs in the British banking sector for another year. Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander’s (KSFL) former non-executive director Hreidar Mar Sigurdsson, former non-executive chairman Sigurdur Einarsson and former chief executive Armann Thorvaldsson were told this week by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) that they cannot hold senior financial roles in Britain for five years, although the restrictions date from October 2008.

Read more: UK Kaupthing directors banned from senior roles | IceNews - Daily News

It is still more than what we have done here.

The main point is, however, is that what Iceland did was much better than our bought and paid for politicians did here.
Mini-update. A little more digging reveals that:

The dropping of the case (mentioned above) was done by Great Britain. But the Icelandic indictment apparently was not dismissed and the trial does not appear to have even begun.

In Iceland, things are going better for the investigators. The Office of the Special Prosecutor has, ia, charged Kaupthing’s second largest shareholder Olafur Olafsson and the Kaupthing managers Sigurdur Einarsson, Hreidar Mar Sigurdsson and Magnus Gudmundsson in connection to loans to Sheikh Mohammad al Thani – loans that were used to buy a 5.1% share in Kaupthing in September 2001. It’s alleged that since Kaupthing financed the deal but let it be known that the Sheikh had much faith in the bank, it was an alleged case of market manipulation and also alleged breach of fiduciary duty as, according to the charges, the managers did not secure a repayment of the loan. The Sheikh has not repaid the loan and is being sued by the Kaupthing Winding-up board for non-repayment.

The interesting difference between the Icelandic OSP charges and the SFO approach is that the OSP charges relate to alleged misconduct of those in charge of the bank, aided by the shareholder. The failed SFO investigation was aimed at alleged suspect customer relationship. It’s much harder to prove that a client who got a good deal was breaking the law than to prove misconduct in issuing loans.

The al Thani case is now starting its journey through the Icelandic court system. In a report (in Icelandic) that Sigurdsson has lodged with the court he refutes all wrong-doing. He states that yes, there might potentially have been a criminal action relating to the al Thani loan – but the possible criminal action related to deeds done by two other employees – Eggert Hilmarsson and Halldor Bjarkar Ludviksson – whereas everything he himself did was complete in accordance with rules and regulation. – The interesting angle here is that Sigurdsson is pointing finger at two colleagues who have cooperated with the Icelandic investigation.
-- SFO drops its investigation of Kaupthing
Meanwhile, it looks like (maybe, although it's not clear) the bankers mentioned above ended-up NOT getting "prosecuted." UK Kaupthing directors banned from senior roles | IceNews - Daily News

Foghorn Pinhead's dutiful re-posting of crap from Ron Paul turns out to be a lot of sizzle but no steak.

The three directors of the British arm of Iceland’s collapsed Kaupthing bank have escaped a fine after a three-and-a-half year investigation, but they will not be allowed to hold senior jobs in the British banking sector for another year. Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander’s (KSFL) former non-executive director Hreidar Mar Sigurdsson, former non-executive chairman Sigurdur Einarsson and former chief executive Armann Thorvaldsson were told this week by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) that they cannot hold senior financial roles in Britain for five years, although the restrictions date from October 2008.

Read more: UK Kaupthing directors banned from senior roles | IceNews - Daily News

It is still more than what we have done here.

The main point is, however, is that what Iceland did was much better than our bought and paid for politicians did here.

Your "main point [sic]" is just a slanted politically based bias you have.

And you happen (as usual) to be full of crap anyway. WE regularly go after bankers (and others) who engage in frauds or conspiracies. And trying a government leader for the "crime" of not properly keeping his "cabinet" informed is not even remotely likely in America. It would be deemed a truly laughable notion here by most sane Americans.
Meanwhile, it looks like (maybe, although it's not clear) the bankers mentioned above ended-up NOT getting "prosecuted." UK Kaupthing directors banned from senior roles | IceNews - Daily News

Foghorn Pinhead's dutiful re-posting of crap from Ron Paul turns out to be a lot of sizzle but no steak.

The three directors of the British arm of Iceland’s collapsed Kaupthing bank have escaped a fine after a three-and-a-half year investigation, but they will not be allowed to hold senior jobs in the British banking sector for another year. Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander’s (KSFL) former non-executive director Hreidar Mar Sigurdsson, former non-executive chairman Sigurdur Einarsson and former chief executive Armann Thorvaldsson were told this week by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) that they cannot hold senior financial roles in Britain for five years, although the restrictions date from October 2008.

Read more: UK Kaupthing directors banned from senior roles | IceNews - Daily News

It is still more than what we have done here.

The main point is, however, is that what Iceland did was much better than our bought and paid for politicians did here.

Your "main point [sic]" is just a slanted politically based bias you have.

And you happen (as usual) to be full of crap anyway. WE regularly go after bankers (and others) who engage in frauds or conspiracies. And trying a government leader for the "crime" of not properly keeping his "cabinet" informed is not even remotely likely in America. It would be deemed a truly laughable notion here by most sane Americans.

Yeah, after stuffing the bankers pockets with our money, we are doing fine.
It is still more than what we have done here.

The main point is, however, is that what Iceland did was much better than our bought and paid for politicians did here.

Your "main point [sic]" is just a slanted politically based bias you have.

And you happen (as usual) to be full of crap anyway. WE regularly go after bankers (and others) who engage in frauds or conspiracies. And trying a government leader for the "crime" of not properly keeping his "cabinet" informed is not even remotely likely in America. It would be deemed a truly laughable notion here by most sane Americans.

Yeah, after stuffing the bankers pockets with our money, we are doing fine.

^ Yeah, hurpa derpa derp derp derp.

Foghorn Pinhead may wallow in non-sequitors, but at least he makes no sense anyway.

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