I would rather have a bully as a president than a spineless weasel that tries to

Yes we all know you are voting for Romney out of spite along with the rest of the "Anyone but Obama" crowd.

And if I was that would be a problem why?

Because he would probably be a worse president, at least in the short term, than Obama. He's a pig in a poke, the satisfaction of having a republican president alone is not worth it.

So essentially what your saying is you're gonna vote Anyone but the GOP. And that's somehow different than what you just accused me of. Lol
An the RW takes another spin on the wheel of false equivalences. How did you find out about the incident with President Obama? Who wrote about it?

Obama wrote about it in his Book "Dreams of My Father"

Sorry Libturd, no spin .......


Nobody read the so-called best-seller, claimed to be written by Obama. That is why nobody knew that - by his own words - Obama feasted on dog meat, until somebody who actually read the book revealed it.

So, now that we find out - again by his own words - that he pushed down a girl, we are supposed to be surprised.

Actually no surprise, I am sure most of us did something when we were young that we would not have done as an adult....

But, the audacity is the liberal media on some others are going rampant because Romney cut someones hair as a youth, but something the almighty Obama did that was just as bad is kept quiet by the Libs .....

Appease everyone at the expense of the American people.

Well yea. Everyone knows Republicans are bullies.

Normal people make laws to protect the country, Like speed laws or safety. Or clean air and clean water.

Republicans working to discriminate against gay people, women or blacks or whoever isn't about improving their lives. It's about forcing people who don't share your beliefs to "conform" to your beliefs. They aren't safer or better off. In fact, many times, they are worse off. But that's what bullies do. That's why it's called "bully".

I like to see you living down to expectations. It puts you in the right category, don't cha think?

Good morning derp.

By the way Obama is against clean water now since he has approved of fracking for gas. Evil bastard
Didn't Romney flip flop on the auto issue to appease labor in the rust belt swing states?

Didn't Romney flip flop on gay rights to appease Christian conservatives?
Appease everyone at the expense of the American people.

Well yea. Everyone knows Republicans are bullies.

Normal people make laws to protect the country, Like speed laws or safety. Or clean air and clean water.

Republicans working to discriminate against gay people, women or blacks or whoever isn't about improving their lives. It's about forcing people who don't share your beliefs to "conform" to your beliefs. They aren't safer or better off. In fact, many times, they are worse off. But that's what bullies do. That's why it's called "bully".

I like to see you living down to expectations. It puts you in the right category, don't cha think?

Good morning derp.

By the way Obama is against clean water now since he has approved of fracking for gas. Evil bastard

You believe fracking pollutes?
Didn't Romney flip flop on the auto issue to appease labor in the rust belt swing states?

Didn't Romney flip flop on gay rights to appease Christian conservatives?

Obama changed his mind no less than 3 times on gay marriage. In the end the money convinced him of what his moral stand was.
And if I was that would be a problem why?

Because he would probably be a worse president, at least in the short term, than Obama. He's a pig in a poke, the satisfaction of having a republican president alone is not worth it.

So essentially what your saying is you're gonna vote Anyone but the GOP. And that's somehow different than what you just accused me of. Lol

Perhaps, but I am not the guy saying that Romney will be a better president because he is more aggressive.
Because he would probably be a worse president, at least in the short term, than Obama. He's a pig in a poke, the satisfaction of having a republican president alone is not worth it.

So essentially what your saying is you're gonna vote Anyone but the GOP. And that's somehow different than what you just accused me of. Lol

Perhaps, but I am not the guy saying that Romney will be a better president because he is more aggressive.

I wasn't saying that either. I thought it was clear I was mocking the lefts new found dirt on Romney.
Didn't Romney flip flop on the auto issue to appease labor in the rust belt swing states?

Didn't Romney flip flop on gay rights to appease Christian conservatives?

Obama changed his mind no less than 3 times on gay marriage. In the end the money convinced him of what his moral stand was.

Do most Americans agree with Obama's support for gay marriage?
then i suggest you find a 3rd party....because Mittens and Obama are no different.

I'm counting on Romney to end Obamacare, Dodd Frank and the epa regulations on the energy industry. I don't think a vote for Obama would make that possible.

So in summary you want more Americans without healthcare coverage, more chance the financial sector will meltdown again,

and more pollution.

You are indeed the textbook example of a modern American conservative.
then i suggest you find a 3rd party....because Mittens and Obama are no different.

I'm counting on Romney to end Obamacare, Dodd Frank and the epa regulations on the energy industry. I don't think a vote for Obama would make that possible.

Dodd bailed...and Fwank IS bailing after the mess they made.
then i suggest you find a 3rd party....because Mittens and Obama are no different.

I'm counting on Romney to end Obamacare, Dodd Frank and the epa regulations on the energy industry. I don't think a vote for Obama would make that possible.

Dodd bailed...and Fwank IS bailing after the mess they made.

So, you think someone in their late 70s should continue to serve? You want Barney Frank to continue to run for Congress, I take it.
So essentially what your saying is you're gonna vote Anyone but the GOP. And that's somehow different than what you just accused me of. Lol

Perhaps, but I am not the guy saying that Romney will be a better president because he is more aggressive.

I wasn't saying that either. I thought it was clear I was mocking the lefts new found dirt on Romney.

Were you? Perhaps this board needs a sarcasm smilie.
Yes it is clear that the right thinks being an asshole bully is good but being intellgent is bad

Ummm.... did you forget about Obama shoving a girl when he was younger?

Bullying a Girl, now that is a class act :lol:


Bullying would have gone like this. "Coretta ran, so I yelled "come on guys and we followed her ass and gave her a beat down." NO. He was being mocked by his fellow students, because she wouldn't say "he's not my boyfriend." So he shoved her, and she ran. That is not bullying, no matter how many times you say it is, and fuck you very much for making me create a macro of this paragraph.
Yes it is clear that the right thinks being an asshole bully is good but being intellgent is bad

Ummm.... did you forget about Obama shoving a girl when he was younger?

Bullying a Girl, now that is a class act :lol:


Bullying would have gone like this. "Coretta ran, so I yelled "come on guys and we followed her ass and gave her a beat down." NO. He was being mocked by his fellow students, because she wouldn't say "he's not my boyfriend." So he shoved her, and she ran. That is not bullying, no matter how many times you say it is, and fuck you very much for making me create a macro of this paragraph.

Morning boop. What does creating a marco mean?
An the RW takes another spin on the wheel of false equivalences. How did you find out about the incident with President Obama? Who wrote about it?

Obama wrote about it in his Book "Dreams of My Father"

Sorry Libturd, no spin .......


Nobody read the so-called best-seller, claimed to be written by Obama. That is why nobody knew that - by his own words - Obama feasted on dog meat, until somebody who actually read the book revealed it.

So, now that we find out - again by his own words - that he pushed down a girl, we are supposed to be surprised.

Excuse me. I didn't realize you were such an important person. It must be quite a perk to claim to speak for everyone. But since nobody has read, according to you, Obama's bio, why are all these bitches using the dog eating incident?
Ummm.... did you forget about Obama shoving a girl when he was younger?

Bullying a Girl, now that is a class act :lol:


Bullying would have gone like this. "Coretta ran, so I yelled "come on guys and we followed her ass and gave her a beat down." NO. He was being mocked by his fellow students, because she wouldn't say "he's not my boyfriend." So he shoved her, and she ran. That is not bullying, no matter how many times you say it is, and fuck you very much for making me create a macro of this paragraph.

Morning boop. What does creating a marco mean?

Morning, Gramps. I have an app called AutoHotkey. I assign keys to whatever I create, and when I type those keys, the creation *what I typed* is inserted as text. That way, I don't have to type it every time I say it. Pretty sure Chris has been using them here for months, I'd hate to think an actual cut/paste is involved.

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