“I worked hard to put more than 100,000 police on the street and the crime rate went way down.” –Former President Bill Clinton, in an interview on CN

List damage weak whitey only rule DOPer.
You should get some help....you need to see a shrink....
Poor weak whitey can't list damage by better black man and a real Pres. Obama not impeached.
people try. Oh they try. But you make it tough to want to be around. So people move away from it if they can. Its not for me to judge. You guys have to much infighting and strife against yourselves. And it demeans the many good men and women who are striving to earn a living. Stop overthinking. Its not complicated. Psychiatric issues affect us all. And there are definitely issues as a group by a percentage of African Americans. I believe that we all could be more tolerant of each other. If we try. And it has success.
Clinton didn't advocate a "police state" with hate-speech. The impeached president trump has, repeatedly, spoken lovingly about Nazis, so the white supremacists on police forces nationwide feel free to kill people of color.

The impeached president trump sent his goons into Portland, Oregon. This only strengthens the evidence of his Nazi-like agenda.

The only thing it strengthens is the fact that Democrats are incapable of running anything in government. When did President Trump ever speak lovingly about Nazi's? Post your evidence or shut it. Our President was impeached with no impeachable offense or crime. Your impeached President was guilty of perjury.
According to to Washington Post the crime level went down adding 100,000 cops, so does it take a brain surgeon to suggest the crime level will rise with defunding the cops?

It wouldn't let me in unless I subscribed, so I couldn't read the article. The 100,000 police officers only had federal funding for a few years. When that money dried up, places that got these officers either laid them off, or put out a levy to increase property taxes to keep them. I don't have the research on that, but I'm willing to bet the former took place more often than the latter.

If my theory is correct, then when that federal money ran out, crime would have increased again. But it didn't. It kept going down all the way until the Ferguson Effect, and after we got through that, continued to go down again.

There is really no constant there. So what was constant during that time? More and more states adopted a CCW program for their citizens, along with rewriting the laws to protect victims instead of the criminals. Plus we have more cameras everywhere, and many times they are hidden.

IMO, that's what's responsible for our decreasing crime, not temporary police officers. Police are only good after a crime is committed, usually not before. However an armed citizen is capable of stopping a crime, and by some estimates, that happens hundreds of thousands of times a year to over a million.
List damage weak whitey only rule DOPer.
You should get some help....you need to see a shrink....
Poor weak whitey can't list damage by better black man and a real Pres. Obama not impeached.
Since English appears to be your second language, what do you speak at home?
Deflecting is the DOPer way, here as well. WEAK!
Ah, so Cuba it is.

Thanks for the confirmation

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