i will NOT be Voting..


Platinum Member
Jul 31, 2009
i have voted in every Election since 1984' i think this time i'll just sit it out.. Fuck 'em!
Romney (or) Obumba.. not a Nickles worth a Difference.. :badgrin:
i have voted in every Election since 1984' i think this time i'll just sit it out.. Fuck 'em!
Romney (or) Obumba.. not a Nickles worth a Difference.. :badgrin:

makes sense ur not voting will stop teh process.
That would be foolish. I don't really care if you want to support Romney or Obama. There are still local seats to vote for. There is still Congress and the Senate. There is no reason not to vote a third candidate as a protest for Presidency, but dont neglect your civic responsibility simply because you dont like the Presidential choices.

I can't blame someone of being sick & tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. I'll be voting alternate party, because that old phrase keeps rattling around in my little brain: "Ya can't bitch if ya don't vote!"


I agree to a point. But I have always disagreed with the phrase "If you don't vote you can't bitch." Sadly everything is rigged against third party candidates. I respect your decision to vote third party, but the result will be the same had you not voted at all. Until third party candidates are represented equally in debates, the media, etc. people who refuse to vote have every reason to complain if the system is setup to marginalize the people they really wanted to vote for.

I still agree with Avatar to a degree though. There are local elections that everyone should take part in. If you don't want to vote in the national election write in random name if you can. Hell, write in your own name.
i have voted in every Election since 1984' i think this time i'll just sit it out.. Fuck 'em!
Romney (or) Obumba.. not a Nickles worth a Difference.. :badgrin:

then zip your lip for the next four years for you have forfieted your right to bitch about anything.
i have voted in every Election since 1984' i think this time i'll just sit it out.. Fuck 'em!
Romney (or) Obumba.. not a Nickles worth a Difference.. :badgrin:

Actually not – particularly with regard to judicial appointments and foreign policy.

A Romney administration would appoint reactionary conservative ideologues to the Federal courts and High Court hostile to the rule of law, privacy rights, due process rights, and equal protection rights – placing our civil liberties in jeopardy.

A Romney administration would reinstate failed Bush foreign policy predicated on the fallacy of ‘nation building’ and ‘pre-emptive’ illegal invasions of sovereign states.

The Nation is just now healing from the devastation of the failed Bush presidency, we can’t afford a third Bush term.
I can honestly say that my right to vote has never affected my life one iota. I have gotten a few stickers but stickers worked maybe when I was in kindergarten.
i have voted in every Election since 1984' i think this time i'll just sit it out.. Fuck 'em!
Romney (or) Obumba.. not a Nickles worth a Difference.. :badgrin:

Actually not – particularly with regard to judicial appointments and foreign policy.

A Romney administration would appoint reactionary conservative ideologues to the Federal courts and High Court hostile to the rule of law, privacy rights, due process rights, and equal protection rights – placing our civil liberties in jeopardy.

A Romney administration would reinstate failed Bush foreign policy predicated on the fallacy of ‘nation building’ and ‘pre-emptive’ illegal invasions of sovereign states.

The Nation is just now healing from the devastation of the failed Bush presidency, we can’t afford a third Bush term.

We can't afford ANY term. Who the hell are you kidding?

I can't blame someone of being sick & tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. I'll be voting alternate party, because that old phrase keeps rattling around in my little brain: "Ya can't bitch if ya don't vote!"


I agree to a point. But I have always disagreed with the phrase "If you don't vote you can't bitch." Sadly everything is rigged against third party candidates. I respect your decision to vote third party, but the result will be the same had you not voted at all. Until third party candidates are represented equally in debates, the media, etc. people who refuse to vote have every reason to complain if the system is setup to marginalize the people they really wanted to vote for.

I still agree with Avatar to a degree though. There are local elections that everyone should take part in. If you don't want to vote in the national election write in random name if you can. Hell, write in your own name.

Oh yeah, the local elections should be more than enough reason to vote, no doubt. But nationally, I just can't bring myself to endorse either one of these guys, or either party they represent. I comfort myself by knowing that no one individual's vote counts more than mine.

You have to realize, they want people apathetic. It's easier to control the entire nation when only a small amount of people care about exercising their rights and participating in the system.
i have voted in every Election since 1984' i think this time i'll just sit it out.. Fuck 'em!
Romney (or) Obumba.. not a Nickles worth a Difference.. :badgrin:

Thanks for letting us know, I'm not sure any of us could have gotten through the day without this important and critical information.
i have voted in every Election since 1984' i think this time i'll just sit it out.. Fuck 'em!
Romney (or) Obumba.. not a Nickles worth a Difference.. :badgrin:

then zip your lip for the next four years for you have forfieted your right to bitch about anything.
Get a life. My recommendation ? Notice !
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIraCchPDhk]George Carlin Doesn't vote - YouTube[/ame]
i have voted in every Election since 1984' i think this time i'll just sit it out.. Fuck 'em!
Romney (or) Obumba.. not a Nickles worth a Difference.. :badgrin:

Those who stay away from the election think that one vote will do no good: 'Tis but one step more to think one vote will do no harm. ---Ralph Waldo Emerson
i have voted in every Election since 1984' i think this time i'll just sit it out.. Fuck 'em!
Romney (or) Obumba.. not a Nickles worth a Difference.. :badgrin:

Actually not – particularly with regard to judicial appointments and foreign policy.

A Romney administration would appoint reactionary conservative ideologues to the Federal courts and High Court hostile to the rule of law, privacy rights, due process rights, and equal protection rights – placing our civil liberties in jeopardy.

A Romney administration would reinstate failed Bush foreign policy predicated on the fallacy of ‘nation building’ and ‘pre-emptive’ illegal invasions of sovereign states.

The Nation is just now healing from the devastation of the failed Bush presidency, we can’t afford a third Bush term.

You misspelled OBAMA
i have voted in every Election since 1984' i think this time i'll just sit it out.. Fuck 'em!
Romney (or) Obumba.. not a Nickles worth a Difference.. :badgrin:

Actually not – particularly with regard to judicial appointments and foreign policy.

A Romney administration would appoint reactionary conservative ideologues to the Federal courts and High Court hostile to the rule of law, privacy rights, due process rights, and equal protection rights – placing our civil liberties in jeopardy.

A Romney administration would reinstate failed Bush foreign policy predicated on the fallacy of ‘nation building’ and ‘pre-emptive’ illegal invasions of sovereign states.

The Nation is just now healing from the devastation of the failed Bush presidency, we can’t afford a third Bush term.

I agree, any kind of GOP control again would lead to the GOP trash "finishing the job" of completely destroying america, and turning it into their dream of a hard right wing fascist reign,..
Actually not – particularly with regard to judicial appointments and foreign policy.

A Romney administration would appoint reactionary conservative ideologues to the Federal courts and High Court hostile to the rule of law, privacy rights, due process rights, and equal protection rights – placing our civil liberties in jeopardy.

A Romney administration would reinstate failed Bush foreign policy predicated on the fallacy of ‘nation building’ and ‘pre-emptive’ illegal invasions of sovereign states.

So Romney would be just like Obama. Why did you tell the OP he was wrong?

The Nation is just now healing from the devastation of the failed Bush presidency, we can’t afford a third Bush term.

I thought this was Bush's third term.



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i have voted in every Election since 1984' i think this time i'll just sit it out.. Fuck 'em!
Romney (or) Obumba.. not a Nickles worth a Difference.. :badgrin:

Thanks for letting us know, I'm not sure any of us could have gotten through the day without this important and critical information.

yeah? well, fuck you.. go ahead and waste your time voting! Enjoy it! :cool:

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