I Will Never Forget or Forgive

I'll bet you believe Vietnam Vets returning home were spit on by war protesters?

There were such incidents, but not every vet was spit on, lol.

I guess because not every vet was spit on, you.ve decided to classify that as urban legend, huh?


I did two tours there (not my choice), came home and worn my uniform as friends did while on leave in NYC , no one was spit on. Vietnam was fiasco and a criminal war based on lies the same as the Iraq war, all wars since WWII were a wars of convenience and profited no one expect the military industrial complex . Most servicemen I served with knew the war was a crock of shit base on lies, the only ones who loved it were the lifers.

I find most pro war flag waving arm chair generals never served in a war one much less the military

As soon as I got out myself and others join this great organization

Vietnam Veterans Against the War

There are and were a great many fakes and liars from that time. VVAW had more than it's share of both as has also been well documented.
The guys coming home lately have it easy in that regard. I remember the 'GIs are baby killers' bumper stickers, banners and posters. They were a sick twisted bunch and many are in office today.

They were liars then and proven liars today.

It is a crying shame that they control our nations executive branch.

But in the end, the Truth will out and these bastards will be disgraced.

Very Ironic coming from a poster who tried to foist a lie onto us with this OP.
The guys coming home lately have it easy in that regard. I remember the 'GIs are baby killers' bumper stickers, banners and posters. They were a sick twisted bunch and many are in office today.

They were liars then and proven liars today.

It is a crying shame that they control our nations executive branch.

But in the end, the Truth will out and these bastards will be disgraced.

Very Ironic coming from a poster who tried to foist a lie onto us with this OP.

This particular Fonda tidbit is not true, but there's a reason something like this could easily be attached to her, since the truth is she went over to the north side while our men and women were being shot at.
Says a lot about you, that you would go out of your way to defend her.
Iraq vet spit on

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_-TBirrPiQ]Anti-War Protester Spits on Iraq War Veteran - YouTube[/ame]
They were liars then and proven liars today.

It is a crying shame that they control our nations executive branch.

But in the end, the Truth will out and these bastards will be disgraced.

Very Ironic coming from a poster who tried to foist a lie onto us with this OP.

This particular Fonda tidbit is not true, but there's a reason something like this could easily be attached to her, since the truth is she went over to the north side while our men and women were being shot at.
Says a lot about you, that you would go out of your way to defend her.

Says a lot that you say I defend her when I have done no such thing. Pointing out lies does not a defense make.....She was wrong....she has apologized...some will never forget and forgive....fine. That "war" poisoned a lot of people. As I said before, some will never forget or forgive the Japanese either.
Very Ironic coming from a poster who tried to foist a lie onto us with this OP.

This particular Fonda tidbit is not true, but there's a reason something like this could easily be attached to her, since the truth is she went over to the north side while our men and women were being shot at.
Says a lot about you, that you would go out of your way to defend her.

Says a lot that you say I defend her when I have done no such thing. Pointing out lies does not a defense make.....She was wrong....she has apologized...some will never forget and forgive....fine. That "war" poisoned a lot of people. As I said before, some will never forget or forgive the Japanese either.

Some that are still alive will never forgive the Japanese, but ask any soldier, past present and future, and most will say they have more respect for their known enemies, than a back-stabbing traitor.
They were liars then and proven liars today.

It is a crying shame that they control our nations executive branch.

But in the end, the Truth will out and these bastards will be disgraced.

Very Ironic coming from a poster who tried to foist a lie onto us with this OP.

This particular Fonda tidbit is not true, but there's a reason something like this could easily be attached to her, since the truth is she went over to the north side while our men and women were being shot at.
Says a lot about you, that you would go out of your way to defend her.

Yeah, how dare anyone question a complete fabrication! :evil:

That's how it starts... someone starts observing Golden Rules and Commandments about bearing false witness, next thing you know they're not stealing, failing to covet their neighbor's goods, there's no end. It's a gateway drug.

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There were such incidents, but not every vet was spit on, lol.

I guess because not every vet was spit on, you.ve decided to classify that as urban legend, huh?


The republicans are spitting on our returning troops today by denying them treatment and benefits. No difference.

Lol, that is such a ridiculous lie, you fucking bitch.

Expanded veterans benefits bill fails over GOP's budget-busting objections - Washington Times (A right wing site)

Democrats’ plans to expand education and health benefits for veterans died in the Senate on Thursday after Republicans blocked the bill for not having a funding source and thus busting the budget all sides agreed to just two months ago.

Sen. Bernard Sanders, Vermont independent and chairman of the Veterans Affairs Committee, vowed to try again later. But without finding substantial spending cuts elsewhere, it’s unclear he’ll have any better luck.

“I don’t know why we have a Congress, why we pass laws that say we’re only going to spend so much money and then we waltz in a few weeks later and spend billions more than we agreed to and, oh, we’ll just waive the budget we just passed,” said Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, who led the Republican resistance.

Two Republicans did vote with 54 Democrats, but that left them still four votes shy of the 60 needed to waive the budget and advance the bill.

I made it big so you'll see it, feeble brained toe licker. Now, kindly go fuck yourself.
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Very Ironic coming from a poster who tried to foist a lie onto us with this OP.

This particular Fonda tidbit is not true, but there's a reason something like this could easily be attached to her, since the truth is she went over to the north side while our men and women were being shot at.
Says a lot about you, that you would go out of your way to defend her.

Yeah, how dare anyone question a complete fabrication! :evil:

That's how it starts... someone starts observing Golden Rules and Commandments about bearing false witness, next thing you know they're not stealing, failing to covet their neighbor's goods, there's no end. It's a gateway drug.


Yeah, it's like the serial killer whose killed ten people. Suddenly accusations of an eleventh murder are shouted out, and fingers are pointed at the serial killer.
A handful of cops go out of their way to defend and prove the killer didn't actually kill the eleventh victim.
Headline in the local paper next day:

"Killer of 10 Executed"

In other words no one gives a fuck that the piece of shit killed 10 or 11, they just know that he was a collosal piece of shit human being.

So if Fonda has been wronged here in this one particular case, too fucking bad, and cry me a fucking river.
This particular Fonda tidbit is not true, but there's a reason something like this could easily be attached to her, since the truth is she went over to the north side while our men and women were being shot at.
Says a lot about you, that you would go out of your way to defend her.

Yeah, how dare anyone question a complete fabrication! :evil:

That's how it starts... someone starts observing Golden Rules and Commandments about bearing false witness, next thing you know they're not stealing, failing to covet their neighbor's goods, there's no end. It's a gateway drug.


Yeah, it's like the serial killer whose killed ten people. Suddenly accusations of an eleventh murder are shouted out, and fingers are pointed at the serial killer.
A handful of cops go out of their way to defend and prove the killer didn't actually kill the eleventh victim.
Headline in the local paper next day:

"Killer of 10 Executed"

In other words no one gives a fuck that the piece of shit killed 10 or 11, they just know that he was a collosal piece of shit human being.

So if Fonda has been wronged here in this one particular case, too fucking bad, and cry me a fucking river.

Um... that's what I said dood. "Facts be damned, I'll believe what I wanna believe".

This particular Fonda tidbit is not true, but there's a reason something like this could easily be attached to her, since the truth is she went over to the north side while our men and women were being shot at.
Says a lot about you, that you would go out of your way to defend her.

Says a lot that you say I defend her when I have done no such thing. Pointing out lies does not a defense make.....She was wrong....she has apologized...some will never forget and forgive....fine. That "war" poisoned a lot of people. As I said before, some will never forget or forgive the Japanese either.

Some that are still alive will never forgive the Japanese, but ask any soldier, past present and future, and most will say they have more respect for their known enemies, than a back-stabbing traitor.

Back stabbing, yes....but by law, not a traitor....nor were any of the anti-war protestors. You have to wonder, would the war STILL be going on if it had not been for them?
Back stabbing, yes....but by law, not a traitor....nor were any of the anti-war protestors. You have to wonder, would the war STILL be going on if it had not been for them?

And it is just as reasonable to wonder if NVN might not have given up after the failed Tet offensive without their support and encouragement. How many more died because that didn't happen?
I'll bet you believe Vietnam Vets returning home were spit on by war protesters?

My husband is a Vietnam vet and he was spit on. It happened when he returned and was 100% disabled at the time from injury over there. Nice welcome home, eh?

* He has forgiven the entire thing. Holding onto unforgiveness is like drinking poison while hoping the other guy dies.

Can you post any proof of this or any any before spit stories appears in First Blood, the 1982 film ?
I'll bet you believe Vietnam Vets returning home were spit on by war protesters?

My husband is a Vietnam vet and he was spit on. It happened when he returned and was 100% disabled at the time from injury over there. Nice welcome home, eh?

* He has forgiven the entire thing. Holding onto unforgiveness is like drinking poison while hoping the other guy dies.

Can you post any proof of this or any any before spit stories appears in First Blood, the 1982 film ?

Are you trying to call all of us who have given first hand accounts liars?
I'm not saying they aren't, LBJ blatantly lied to the American people about the Gulf of Tonkin, but Fonda didn't wait for the truth, she gathered with the enemy while American GI's were dying in the theatre of war.
She is a scumbag, and myself and thousands of other Americans will never forgive her.

Fonda helped save lives by accelerating an end to a senseless war

The others cost us 60,000 lives

Who is the traitor?

Look you ignorant fool, Fonda should have found another way, sympathyizing with enemy in the theatre of war is a completely different than protesting on the steps of Congress.
What she did was unforgivable to many vets. She crossed a line that should never be crossed once the fighting is going on.

You just wouldn't understand, you would have had to serve to know.

You give him too much credit. RW is not ignorant. He is stupid and he is evil.
There is such a thing as spiritual justice. Jane Fonda committed certain acts. Whether you think they were bad or not. She, inarguably, gave a certain amount of support to the Vietnam Cong.

In a recent interview Fonda spoke of getting old and how fearful she is of aging and dying. She said thoughts of her death are daily and she cries often. There is no hope. Every day she gets older and closer to the grave.

She has to live like this. It is a fitting punishment. She should live for a long time wondering if every day will be her last. Just like the POWs did.

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