I will bribe you so hard


Gold Member
Nov 25, 2016
Trump Warns That Companies Shipping Jobs Overseas Will Be Slapped With Enormous Bribes
By Andy Borowitz, The New Yorker

03 December 16

The article below is satire. Andy Borowitz is an American comedian and New York Times-bestselling author who satirizes the news for his column, "The Borowitz Report."

resident-elect Donald J. Trump drew a line in the sand on Friday as he warned that U.S. companies planning to ship jobs overseas will be slapped with enormous bribes.

“If you think you’re going to get away with sending jobs out of the U.S., think again,” Trump said. “You are about to be bribed, big league.”

He raised the cautionary example of Carrier Corporation, which this week decided to keep a few hundred jobs in the U.S. in exchange for a seven-million-dollar government incentive. “I warned those boys at Carrier: we can do this the easy way, or the hard way, where you get seven million dollars,” he said. “They backed down so fast—it was terrific.”

The President-elect said that the Carrier story should strike fear into the hearts of all American businesses that might be contemplating shipping jobs overseas. “Do you really want to wind up like Carrier, with seven million dollars in your pockets?” he asked. “I don’t think so.”

In a parting shot, Trump warned companies that he was prepared to back up his tough rhetoric with even tougher action. “I will bribe you so hard, your grandchildren will get paid,” he threatened.
Whole lot of truth here....The loud mouthed dump has a bad arm from patting himself on the back
More language twisting liberals believing that striking a deal is a bribe.

Sorry not an AOL member! And I see it is something you got in in your inbox!

So it is from a far left "news" source!

Need to have a better link to support your far left narrative!
http://www.newyorker.com/humor/boro...ll-be-slapped-with-enormous-bribes........any better Kosh?

The New Yorker? A known far left drone hack site?

Another far left hack site making up fake news to get readers!
I'm working on my liberal lexicon. This will help translate libspeak into English:

bribe = tax relief
greed = success
hate = disagreement

Sorry not an AOL member! And I see it is something you got in in your inbox!

So it is from a far left "news" source!

Need to have a better link to support your far left narrative!
http://www.newyorker.com/humor/boro...ll-be-slapped-with-enormous-bribes........any better Kosh?

The New Yorker? A known far left drone hack site?

Another far left hack site making up fake news to get readers!
You want blood I have no more left to give Anything that doesn't kiss trump butt is a far left fake news site ? That's a repub sickness

Sorry not an AOL member! And I see it is something you got in in your inbox!

So it is from a far left "news" source!

Need to have a better link to support your far left narrative!
http://www.newyorker.com/humor/boro...ll-be-slapped-with-enormous-bribes........any better Kosh?

The New Yorker? A known far left drone hack site?

Another far left hack site making up fake news to get readers!
You want blood I have no more left to give Anything that doesn't kiss trump butt is a far left fake news site ? That's a repub sickness

See how the far left just wants to bash anything not approved by their far left rich white masters!
More language twisting liberals believing that striking a deal is a bribe.
Call it what you like, it is still going to be a failure. Those jobs are not here to stay. Trump promised penalties for moving jobs out of the country but the republicans would die before a bill like that lands on his desk. That leaves them with tax incentives that simply cannot equal what they save using third world labor.
More language twisting liberals believing that striking a deal is a bribe.
Call it what you like, it is still going to be a failure. Those jobs are not here to stay. Trump promised penalties for moving jobs out of the country but the republicans would die before a bill like that lands on his desk. That leaves them with tax incentives that simply cannot equal what they save using third world labor.

It's still going to be a failure... just like Trump's campaign?
More language twisting liberals believing that striking a deal is a bribe.
Call it what you like, it is still going to be a failure. Those jobs are not here to stay. Trump promised penalties for moving jobs out of the country but the republicans would die before a bill like that lands on his desk. That leaves them with tax incentives that simply cannot equal what they save using third world labor.

It's still going to be a failure... just like Trump's campaign?

First it was Trump won't be the nominee, then Trump can't win the election and now this...leftists are always wrong
More language twisting liberals believing that striking a deal is a bribe.
Call it what you like, it is still going to be a failure. Those jobs are not here to stay. Trump promised penalties for moving jobs out of the country but the republicans would die before a bill like that lands on his desk. That leaves them with tax incentives that simply cannot equal what they save using third world labor.

You far left drones said that about the Trump campaign.

So since you say it will be a failure that means in reality it will be a success..

Why to wish failure for America.

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