Trump won the ligitimate Popular Vote


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
H only won the "sanctuary city voters" many of which were most likely non-citizens prompted to vote by Obama
Just Days Before Election, Obama Is Accused of Implying Illegal Aliens Can Vote

If the citizen votes were counted less the non-citizen votes Trump would also have won the popular vote in addition to the landslide electoral college vote.

In many states voters only need to show a drivers license to regist6er to vote, which almost all non-citizens can get. Therefore, as advised by Obama, the sanctuary city "democrat plantation" voters were marched to the polls before being returned to their slums, including many non-citizens.
right, thats why I have already claimed that if only legal americans voted, Trump would have won by around 12 Million votes once u remove the illegals and dead people
Trump lost the meaningless Popular Vote. Making up bullshit to console yourself won't change that fact.
Trump only won because of Russian hackers changing results . have your basless theories, I have mine!

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