I went to jail tonight and i need advice

After 24 pages I've noticed a slight trend.

Granted, my music was too loud and for that I will pay but my "civil disobedience" by sitting in my chair in my own home and refusing to speak is apparently frowned upon while that of ows or anti war protesters that actually disrupt others in public is supported.

I am surprised.

I get the silly name calling because I'm of one ideological thought but the sheer level of hate stuns me.

I don't think you know the definition of hate.
After 24 pages I've noticed a slight trend.

Granted, my music was too loud and for that I will pay but my "civil disobedience" by sitting in my chair in my own home and refusing to speak is apparently frowned upon while that of ows or anti war protesters that actually disrupt others in public is supported.

I am surprised.

I get the silly name calling because I'm of one ideological thought but the sheer level of hate stuns me.

No, the point is when the police do something, go along with it at that moment, because they can essentially do whatever they want to you and you can't stop them.

Standing up to misuse of authority is the only way to expose it and seek change. It may very well prove to be foolish but it could also lead to a positive outcome for others in the future. This is the foundation of our country and the rights we supposably possess.
After 24 pages I've noticed a slight trend.

Granted, my music was too loud and for that I will pay but my "civil disobedience" by sitting in my chair in my own home and refusing to speak is apparently frowned upon while that of ows or anti war protesters that actually disrupt others in public is supported.

I am surprised.

I get the silly name calling because I'm of one ideological thought but the sheer level of hate stuns me.

No, the point is when the police do something, go along with it at that moment, because they can essentially do whatever they want to you and you can't stop them.

Standing up to misuse of authority is the only way to expose it and seek change. It may very well prove to be foolish but it could also lead to a positive outcome for others in the future. This is the foundation of our country and the rights we supposably possess.

It would not be to your benefit to do so, I can tell you that right now. If you want to fight the system alone, you have to do it from within.

It is never a happy ending for someone who wishes to fight the police directly.

What a country we've become.
Sorry bout that,

After 24 pages I've noticed a slight trend.

Granted, my music was too loud and for that I will pay but my "civil disobedience" by sitting in my chair in my own home and refusing to speak is apparently frowned upon while that of ows or anti war protesters that actually disrupt others in public is supported.

I am surprised.

I get the silly name calling because I'm of one ideological thought but the sheer level of hate stuns me.

1. I was nice, and as far as I can tell told you straight, even though you seem to always disagree with my facts on my other threads.
2. Parts of what I said was said with humor, which I am sure makes the other part easier to swallow.
3. You will be fine, go down there and face your accusers, where a tie, shave, stand up straight, speak the truth, don't embellish, and don't admit to being drunk, that won't help you one bit.
4. I feel your pain, and am with you on this, you can see it in what I have posted for your benefit.
5. Now get down there and tear them bastards a new asshole!!!!!:badgrin:

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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKkFoSt6aKQ]Police State 2012: No Need to Wait, It's Already Here - YouTube[/ame]
The entertainment value is obvious. What might be missed, though, is how many of our "conservative" friends here were not telling Grampa to take personal responsibility for his actions. It was Liberals telling him that.

Very revealing.

Yeah, it proves you liberals are dishonest pieces of shit. If someone like professor Gates recanted the same story, all you morons would be crying about police brutality, but when someone you know that is a conservate is involved, you judge him as harshly as possible.

An asshole is an asshole no matter what his political affiliation.
No, the point is when the police do something, go along with it at that moment, because they can essentially do whatever they want to you and you can't stop them.

Standing up to misuse of authority is the only way to expose it and seek change. It may very well prove to be foolish but it could also lead to a positive outcome for others in the future. This is the foundation of our country and the rights we supposably possess.

It would not be to your benefit to do so, I can tell you that right now. If you want to fight the system alone, you have to do it from within.

It is never a happy ending for someone who wishes to fight the police directly.

We made a difference in the 60's. And we had to. It was wild. I don't like the path we are going down now where predator drones that are equipped with tasers, grenade launchers and I think it 12 mm rifles are granted for use for "domestic" issues.

I don't like that at all.

Being from Abbie and Jerry days you bet you make a difference from the outside. You show the bastards in FORCE that you outnumber them.

Please please don't take offence, but I'm telling you right here right now, you can't clean up anything in Washington.

It's too polluted to even take 50 enemas.
all he wanted to do is be left alone in his own home......simple as that...most of us would want that

Bothering other people, you lose the right to be left alone

No offense, but I can tell you have never had a neighbor from Hell. Trust me they exist. And they are horrid individuals.

Just a "today" case. A neighbor kept bitching so much about a dog supposedly barking to try to drive out this man as a tenant, well the story speaks for itself.

Soap Opera Actor Nick Santino Commits Suicide at 47

USMagazine, Saturday, January 28, 2012, 9:51am (PST)

Brooklyn-born actor Nick Santino committed suicide Wednesday, The New York Post reports.

The soap opera star was wracked with grief after his beloved pit bull Rocco was euthanized Tuesday -- the same day Santino turned 47

"Today I betrayed my best friend and put down my best friend," Santino wrote in a suicide note, according to close friend Stuart Sarnoff. "Rocco trusted me and I failed him. He didn't deserve this."

The actor, who appeared on seven episodes of "All My Children" and six episodes of "Guiding Light," had been feeling "harassed" by his building management company, according to his neighbor Lia Pettigrew.
He was allegedly threatened with a $250 fine for having a barking dog, but according to neighbor Kevan Cleary, "the dog was not a barker, but somebody complained that the dog would bark."

Santino phoned a former girlfriend at 2 a.m. Wednesday. Police found Santino's body in his bedroom later that afternoon. The actor had overdosed on pills.

The actor's pet Rocco has been cremated; friends tell The New York Post Santino's remains will also be cremated.

Beyond that, this has been by far the most entertaining and enlightening post I have ever seen on this board. Thank you all for participating.
The entertainment value is obvious. What might be missed, though, is how many of our "conservative" friends here were not telling Grampa to take personal responsibility for his actions. It was Liberals telling him that.

Very revealing.
The Democratic Party is actually the Party of personal responsibility.

The Republican Party makes excuses for all their fuck-ups. And all the fuck-ups in their Party.

This is why the drug addict radio hatemonger counsels Republicans to attack Democrats for whatever they themselves are guilty of committing.
the problem is we can stop them and we must....we must stop this police state attitude
Hand in hand with that, we need to stop our states from privatizing prisons.

How does a private prison increase profits and market share? More prisoners! Along with degraded living conditions, cheaper quality food, and over-crowding.

There is nothing positive and beneficial to society in having privatized prison.
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If you disagree with what I said, present the evidence that I am incorrect. I pay attention to my rights.


Start things off on the right foot, ya moron. Assume the burden by accepting that it is your burden -- as the proponent.

I will then be more than pleased to dismantle your bullshit step by step.

You have not the foggiest fucking notion about the topic on which you have chosen to bleat.

Don't be such a lemon. You know damn well Police can only enter your house under a VERY specific set of circumstances, most of which require your consent.

As to damages, he can't sue the PD, I don't think anyone can, but he can certainly go after the neighbor.

YOUR abysmal failure of a would-be "argument" is that I supposedly "know" something and I "know" it "damn well."

You are, as is so tragically the case most of the time, wrong.

I happen to know fully well that the police are not there to suit your personal taste for anarchy.

Was there a local ordinance against loud music? Probably. Local laws like that are made and designed to keep the peace between neighbors. It's all part of a civil society.

When the police got the noise complaint and responded, is it unreasonable to assume that they heard music that was too fucking loud? Yes. That does seem reasonable since the author of the OP doesn't deny that part of it. AND, of course, the neighbor HAD complained. And the cops were there actually HEARING it.

Under such circumstances -- per your childish views -- the police would nevertheless be powerless to enforce the law. OR, in the alternative, they would have some obligation to go get an arrest warrant or a search warrant to enter the home. That's not just not a legally rational notion, it is actually damn silly.

Did you know that it takes TIME to go get a warrant and draft it and get it signed and come back to execute it? ALL that time -- if your views were correct -- the neighbor would be obliged to put up with the inconsiderate lawbreaking noisy neighbor's improper behavior.

Sorry to have to introduce you to reality. But the law is NOT actually an ass, afterall.

GENERALLY speaking, most cops will seek a warrant in order to enter a home. But there are well known exceptions to the warrant requirement. A law being broken in their very presence might be just such an exception.

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