I weep for this country

You need regulations to reign in Wall Street
You do? Really? Says who? The 2008 collapse was the direct result of government intervention. Every collapse always is. Socialism ends in Cuba, Venezuela, etc. If you hadn't dropped out of Junior High to engage in homosexual acts in dark allies of your neighborhood, you would know that snowflake.

Really, goober boy? Explain to me in your infinite troglodyte wisdom how government intervention caused the meltdown?

You got no games, no facts, and no intellect.
Conservatives believe what business does is business's business, and government should keep its nose out of it, even when it leads to centuries of Tiny Tims and terrified-of-job-loss employees.
The fact that you don't believe that as well as tragic. You literally have no idea why government exists. The product of a progressive public school education, no doubt.

You need regulations to reign in Wall Street, you hopelessly stupid racist fuck. Otherwise, we'll have another 2008 financial disaster on our hands.

But you're a little unsophisticated gullible Repug peasant and it's your peasant duty to such rich Repug cock. You simply have no choice in the matter, I understand.

You aren't real bright are you? Regulations never did stop wall street. They collude with both parties you gullible loon idiot.

Wrong, the Glass-Steagell act helped prevent another Depression for decades. Wall Street is the biggest threat to our country's national security. This country can only be destroyed from the inside.
Conservatives believe what business does is business's business, and government should keep its nose out of it, even when it leads to centuries of Tiny Tims and terrified-of-job-loss employees.
The fact that you don't believe that as well as tragic. You literally have no idea why government exists. The product of a progressive public school education, no doubt.

You need regulations to reign in Wall Street, you hopelessly stupid racist fuck. Otherwise, we'll have another 2008 financial disaster on our hands.

But you're a little unsophisticated gullible Repug peasant and it's your peasant duty to such rich Repug cock. You simply have no choice in the matter, I understand.

You aren't real bright are you? Regulations never did stop wall street. They collude with both parties you gullible loon idiot.

Wrong, the Glass-Steagell act helped prevent another Depression for decades. Wall Street is the biggest threat to our country's national security. This country can only be destroyed from the inside.
Destroyed on the inside by socialist entitlement programs you shit for brains...:lmao:
Explain to me in your infinite troglodyte wisdom how government intervention caused the meltdown? You got no games, no facts, and no intellect.
I've literally explained it dozen of times on USMB, including right here in this thread alone. Stop being such a lazy progressive and do your own homework just once in your miserable life.

In a nutshell - it is this: you can't make loans to people who can't afford them just because an idiot progressive thinks that everyone should own a home, even if they can't afford one. That's what the 1997 Community Re-Investment Act did and the result was predictable and crystal clear a decade later.

You're a typical immature, ideological progressive high school drop out. You have nothing of value to add, you have no idea what you're talking about, and you are completely clueless about basic economics and economic policy.
I didn't have time to weep when Barry Hussein was elected but by gosh I cheer when President -elect Trump selects a Marine general nicknamed "mad-dog" to be secretary of defense. Hooah
Wall Street is the biggest threat to our country's national security.
It's always fall down hilarious listening to adolescents talk about politics with adults. They latch on to those idiotic progressive buzz words that they don't even know the meaning of and they throw them around thinking it makes them sound "sophisticated".:laugh:

Their three favorites are "infrastructure", "critical thinking", and "threat to national security". :laugh:
Explain to me in your infinite troglodyte wisdom how government intervention caused the meltdown? You got no games, no facts, and no intellect.
I've literally explained it dozen of times on USMB, including right here in this thread alone. Stop being such a lazy progressive and do your own homework just once in your miserable life.

In a nutshell - it is this: you can't make loans to people who can't afford them just because an idiot progressive thinks that everyone should own a home, even if they can't afford one. That's what the 1997 Community Re-Investment Act did and the result was predictable and crystal clear a decade later.

You're a typical immature, ideological progressive high school drop out. You have nothing of value to add, you have no idea what you're talking about, and you are completely clueless about basic economics and economic policy.

The giant banks made a fortune with their predatory loans. They have no one to blame but themselves. No one forced them to make those loans, that's just your evil Big Government wet dream, dolt.

And no one forced Wall Street to gamble recklessly in the derivatives market that was based on all those shitty mortgages. AIG and Lehman Brothers collapsed because they could not cover the massive losses from the derivatives market that the Wall Street banks caused. And that caused all the dominos to fall.

You're a typical ignorant racist unsophisticated Repug dolt. Government is evil in your eyes, but corporate America never does anything wrong. Fucking imbecile.
Conservatives believe what business does is business's business, and government should keep its nose out of it, even when it leads to centuries of Tiny Tims and terrified-of-job-loss employees.
The fact that you don't believe that as well as tragic. You literally have no idea why government exists. The product of a progressive public school education, no doubt.

You need regulations to reign in Wall Street, you hopelessly stupid racist fuck. Otherwise, we'll have another 2008 financial disaster on our hands.

But you're a little unsophisticated gullible Repug peasant and it's your peasant duty to such rich Repug cock. You simply have no choice in the matter, I understand.

You aren't real bright are you? Regulations never did stop wall street. They collude with both parties you gullible loon idiot.

Wrong, the Glass-Steagell act helped prevent another Depression for decades. Wall Street is the biggest threat to our country's national security. This country can only be destroyed from the inside.
Destroyed on the inside by socialist entitlement programs you shit for brains...:lmao:

You mean the $3 billion Wall Street bailout in 2008, fucktard? Is that the entitlement program that your ignorant Repug ass speaks of? Go fuck yourself.
"I weep for this country"



What country did Fred Flintstone live in? Didn't he have a union job? Was he saving for retirement?
The fact that you don't believe that as well as tragic. You literally have no idea why government exists. The product of a progressive public school education, no doubt.

You need regulations to reign in Wall Street, you hopelessly stupid racist fuck. Otherwise, we'll have another 2008 financial disaster on our hands.

But you're a little unsophisticated gullible Repug peasant and it's your peasant duty to such rich Repug cock. You simply have no choice in the matter, I understand.

You aren't real bright are you? Regulations never did stop wall street. They collude with both parties you gullible loon idiot.

Wrong, the Glass-Steagell act helped prevent another Depression for decades. Wall Street is the biggest threat to our country's national security. This country can only be destroyed from the inside.
Destroyed on the inside by socialist entitlement programs you shit for brains...:lmao:

You mean the $3 billion Wall Street bailout in 2008, fucktard? Is that the entitlement program that your ignorant Repug ass speaks of? Go fuck yourself.

Here you go...:itsok:
You need regulations to reign in Wall Street
You do? Really? Says who? The 2008 collapse was the direct result of government intervention. Every collapse always is. Socialism ends in Cuba, Venezuela, etc. If you hadn't dropped out of Junior High to engage in homosexual acts in dark allies of your neighborhood, you would know that snowflake.
Lets see if your way works this time or if it results in another lost decade plus.

Funny our way has produced great wealth for the people the GOP serve. And it's these rich people who are doing very well telling you how bad things are. I feel we're being played
The fact that you don't believe that as well as tragic. You literally have no idea why government exists. The product of a progressive public school education, no doubt.

You need regulations to reign in Wall Street, you hopelessly stupid racist fuck. Otherwise, we'll have another 2008 financial disaster on our hands.

But you're a little unsophisticated gullible Repug peasant and it's your peasant duty to such rich Repug cock. You simply have no choice in the matter, I understand.

You aren't real bright are you? Regulations never did stop wall street. They collude with both parties you gullible loon idiot.

Wrong, the Glass-Steagell act helped prevent another Depression for decades. Wall Street is the biggest threat to our country's national security. This country can only be destroyed from the inside.
Destroyed on the inside by socialist entitlement programs you shit for brains...:lmao:

You mean the $3 billion Wall Street bailout in 2008, fucktard? Is that the entitlement program that your ignorant Repug ass speaks of? Go fuck yourself.
Republicans arguments don't make sense to me. The economy is absolutely positively wonderful for the rich. They've never been richer. So essentially the economy is booming. So what do Republicans want to do about the growing gap between the rich and poor?
And now we reap the whirlwind. Happy Holidays.

I weep for this country......until January 20, 2017. That is when the necessary fundamental transformation of the fundamental transformation of America takes. place. Elections have consequences. Move On.

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