I watched this video about Sarah Palin...SINATRA, you are right! She's da bomb!


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrzXLYA_e6E]YouTube - Sarah Mania! Sarah Palin's Greatest Hits[/ame]

ya know, I really would never vote for her, at least until now. What the heck are you pulling here? She's not a flake enough on her own? You've got to edit Charlie and Katie together, like all of us didn't see them.

I'm half of a mind to vote for her, after watching seconds of this.

She's already got my vote! All she has to do is run!

I want to have a real, everyday American for President...just a hard working person (of average intelligence) that most people can relate to.

ya know, I really would never vote for her, at least until now. What the heck are you pulling here? She's not a flake enough on her own? You've got to edit Charlie and Katie together, like all of us didn't see them.

I'm half of a mind to vote for her, after watching seconds of this.

She's already got my vote! All she has to do is run!

I want to have a real, everyday American for President...just a hard working person (of average intelligence) that most people can relate to.

I want a President that can wink. It calms me.

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