I was wrong.

White racism against blacks is one of the reasons for the social problems black people face. That's what I believe. And that racism is a small fraction of what it was more than 50 years ago.
When you turn black and live what you believe will be credible.
Well that certainly ends the discussion.

It does for me. Because you're stating an opinion that you have been shown is wrong by multiple people. So until you actually live the day to day as a person of color, your belief is not grounded in experience.
Oh, so your experience is superior to my experience.....Wow!
My experience living as a black man is more extensive then your experience living as a black man. You just don't get to try twisting that into racism.
I just saw a great episode of blackish. It is a great tv show. Reminds me of all in the family where they dealt with real life problems in America.

They explained how blacks are racist to other blacks based on darkness. They said it started when slave owners put the light skinned blacks in the house and dark skin in the fields. And to this day there’s sort of a back and forth between blacks on darkness. Light skinned blacks feel superior and have light privilege but are seen as soft by dark skinned blacks.

Ok, so I can see how we as slave owners created this but knowing that this conflict exists, why do blacks continue to do this to each other? You can’t blame us if you know what happened but continue to do this to each other. Makes it seem like blacks are no different than whites.
It's a bullshit attempt to deny the fact that single parent homes are not the root cause of our problems.

Which root you wanna kill off? It's universally known that fatherless families are much more likely to be poverty inflicted, have worse educational outcomes for the kids, and produce kids that have social and behavioral problems..

You can RUN from the obvious.. But trying to say that RACISM causes all those effects is pretty laughable.. Ask Louie Farahkhan.;. HE wants to get at some roots of problems you tend to ignore...

So did the Klan tho.. Lynched a bunch of white guys for being moral-less soul-less dead beats... So it doesn't follow that Calypso Louie has ALL the answers... And neither do you if you can simply ignore MAJOR causes of failure and strife in the hard parts of town...
Do you think it would help any if he went ahead and TOLD the folks at afro.com that they are white racists spreading lies?

I mean , they might not have realized and he has all those advanced degrees and all.

I think in that kind of alternate reality, stats and facts and logic and reason are considered lies if they run afoul of the "mission and the message"...

And not BECAUSE they are little "white lies"... They'll pummel any person of color that doesn't heave to THEIR politics and their definitions...
It's a bullshit attempt to deny the fact that single parent homes are not the root cause of our problems.

Which root you wanna kill off? It's universally known that fatherless families are much more likely to be poverty inflicted, have worse educational outcomes for the kids, and produce kids that have social and behavioral problems..

You can RUN from the obvious.. But trying to say that RACISM causes all those effects is pretty laughable.. Ask Louie Farahkhan.;. HE wants to get at some roots of problems you tend to ignore...

So did the Klan tho.. Lynched a bunch of white guys for being moral-less soul-less dead beats... So it doesn't follow that Calypso Louie has ALL the answers... And neither do you if you can simply ignore MAJOR causes of failure and strife in the hard parts of town...
Do you think it would help any if he went ahead and TOLD the folks at afro.com that they are white racists spreading lies?

I mean , they might not have realized and he has all those advanced degrees and all.

I think in that kind of alternate reality, stats and facts and logic and reason are considered lies if they run afoul of the "mission and the message"...

And not BECAUSE they are little "white lies"... They'll pummel any person of color that doesn't heave to THEIR politics and their definitions...

You and the dog are the ones living in an alternate reality.
“The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions.

You mean like the welfare state? Like INCENTIVES to split up families? Like advocating a punitive death tax that sucks the success out of any recently successful Black family.. SURE...

There''s all the policy of "lowered expectations" at failing schools who just go thru the motions of educating kids that are not motivated or supported so they CAN appreciate learning...

I'm with you on all that.. BUT --- nothing's gonna change at a Federal level to FIX any of that. And the folks suffering are making the same mistake over and over again --- voting for BIGGER and more MUSCULAR govt at the state and local levels -- when in your brains you KNOW these cats are useless, corrupt, and unmotivated..

If policy is ONE of those roots, it's BURIED AT CITY HALL and the State House...
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.
IM2, I taught in the inner city. It was 1/3 Hispanic, 1/3 black and 1/3 white. An Asian spattered here and there.

By far, the easiest parents to work with were the black parents, some were grandparents bringing up their children. The most difficult to work with was the Hispanic, usually about the language, but when there was an interpreter, it didn't usually help. The poor whites were the least to try and make things better, not uneducated and half I would say did not care very much. The Asians were great. Very helpful and cared.
You doing a search and finding a link to afro.com to use in order to argue your racist bullshit isn't going to cut it.

black unwed mother rates - Bing

That's only PART of "fatherless" families.. The REST of the horrid numbers are in "wed" families that don't last more than a stroller ride.. So that's NOT the complete bill for the damage... Here's your TOTAL "gap" that counts.

Children in single-parent families by race | KIDS COUNT Data Center

TWO out three families for Blacks, ONE out four for whites.. You can't bullshit your way out of that gap... Does more damage than I do as a "white racist" --- am I right???

I tell you what, you read all this then come talk to me. Because I have.

Home | soba.iamempowered.com

And I mean you read every page of every report starting in 2011.

You link to HomePage at SOBA and tell us to read every page... Does that include the Senate Intel Committee pages?? Because that's not gonna happen.. I'll gladly read their take ON THIS TOPIC.. And since you've "read every page" -- I'm SURE you everything on that site annotated and bookmarked... What do they say about the efffects and magnitude of fatherless families????
Every social problem that faces black people is the result of racism-white supremacy.

View attachment 273254

Here's comes PAUL, competing for stupid jerkoff lazy mfer Number 1.
In other words, he's saying that Blacks would be just 100% FINE if they just WERE NOT STUCK IN AMERICA! Or any other white European country.

AND THEY OFFER AFRICA AS PROOF, where African technology, literacy, education, health and standard of living are JUST FUCKING FINE!

Case in point: When Edi Amin kicked all the Indians out of Uganda so that they could 100% take over and run their own country themselves! And within a year, the nation was in ruin. Or when the South Africans kicked the Brits out and that quickly turned into a shit fest.

. . . yet for some crazy dumb reason, you can't GIVE them a free ticket to fly back and live there!!!!

View attachment 273255 View attachment 273255 View attachment 273255 View attachment 273255

Well his come back to this is that whites (England) ruled Africa for hundreds of years and so we ruined Africa too. Until we came along Africa was just fine. Just like the Indians in America were great before we got here. Only one problem. The indians in America back then acted a lot like Boka Haram does today. In other words they were savages. It's not like Indians were living peacefully before we came along. They killed, kidnapped each others women, etc. Same for south americans and africans. They were wild savages until we came along and civilized them.

Main problem that doomed the native tribes of the US was ---

A) An Open Border policy and

B) Division and in-fighting between tribes...

Ring any bells for ya??? :banana:
It's a bullshit attempt to deny the fact that single parent homes are not the root cause of our problems.

Which root you wanna kill off? It's universally known that fatherless families are much more likely to be poverty inflicted, have worse educational outcomes for the kids, and produce kids that have social and behavioral problems..

You can RUN from the obvious.. But trying to say that RACISM causes all those effects is pretty laughable.. Ask Louie Farahkhan.;. HE wants to get at some roots of problems you tend to ignore...

So did the Klan tho.. Lynched a bunch of white guys for being moral-less soul-less dead beats... So it doesn't follow that Calypso Louie has ALL the answers... And neither do you if you can simply ignore MAJOR causes of failure and strife in the hard parts of town...
Do you think it would help any if he went ahead and TOLD the folks at afro.com that they are white racists spreading lies?

I mean , they might not have realized and he has all those advanced degrees and all.

I think in that kind of alternate reality, stats and facts and logic and reason are considered lies if they run afoul of the "mission and the message"...

And not BECAUSE they are little "white lies"... They'll pummel any person of color that doesn't heave to THEIR politics and their definitions...

You and the dog are the ones living in an alternate reality.
"The dog" I like that.

Is there a better symbol of all that Is good with this world than a dog?I don't think so.
It's a bullshit attempt to deny the fact that single parent homes are not the root cause of our problems.

Which root you wanna kill off? It's universally known that fatherless families are much more likely to be poverty inflicted, have worse educational outcomes for the kids, and produce kids that have social and behavioral problems..

You can RUN from the obvious.. But trying to say that RACISM causes all those effects is pretty laughable.. Ask Louie Farahkhan.;. HE wants to get at some roots of problems you tend to ignore...

So did the Klan tho.. Lynched a bunch of white guys for being moral-less soul-less dead beats... So it doesn't follow that Calypso Louie has ALL the answers... And neither do you if you can simply ignore MAJOR causes of failure and strife in the hard parts of town...
Do you think it would help any if he went ahead and TOLD the folks at afro.com that they are white racists spreading lies?

I mean , they might not have realized and he has all those advanced degrees and all.

I think in that kind of alternate reality, stats and facts and logic and reason are considered lies if they run afoul of the "mission and the message"...

And not BECAUSE they are little "white lies"... They'll pummel any person of color that doesn't heave to THEIR politics and their definitions...

You and the dog are the ones living in an alternate reality.
"The dog" I like that.

Is there a better symbol of all that Is good with this world than a dog?I don't think so.
Go Dog Go.

Count me in Dog's reality!

Candace Owens for POTUS 2024. Except to IM2...she's Uncle Tom (Aunt Tom) because she is intelligent and tells it like it is. Poor IM2 would grovel at her feet if he ever took her on with his bullshit.

Candace Owens is as dumb as they come. I'd BBQ her ass.
lol. In yer dreams maybe.
Nah. I'd make her cry. All she tries to do is talk over people. She doesn't know anything, but to you she's great and intelligent because she says what white losers like yourself needs to hear.

There has been another black female conservative that Owens has been running from:

Fatherless families are not the problem.

Hello, IM2. How would you convince this kid MATERNAL SINGLE PARENTING is not a problem?


IM2 Two qwik questions about wealth and white racism...

POVERTY toya graham .jpg


Fatherless families are not the problem.

Hello, IM2. How would you convince this kid MATERNAL SINGLE PARENTING is not a problem?


IM2 Two qwik questions about wealth and white racism...

View attachment 273329

View attachment 273330


BOYS need good fathers or men in their lives ..no way around it
that disqualifies 78.3 percent of democrat soy boy half a fag beta males

Dad or a halfway decent MAn wont make ya go to transvestite freak show story hours at the public library

IN NYC library's are homeless shelters where the can enjoy porn on the computers
Main problem that doomed the native tribes of the US was ---

A) An Open Border policy and

B) Division and in-fighting between tribes...

Ring any bells for ya???

There's a guy to help you out:

"This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion."​
Fatherless families are not the problem.

Hello, IM2. How would you convince this kid MATERNAL SINGLE PARENTING is not a problem?


IM2 Two qwik questions about wealth and white racism...

View attachment 273329

View attachment 273330


BOYS need good fathers or men in their lives ..no way around it
that disqualifies 78.3 percent of democrat soy boy half a fag beta males
View attachment 273331

Dad or a halfway decent MAn wont make ya go to transvestite freak show story hours at the public library

IN NYC library's are homeless shelters where the can enjoy porn on the computers

Hello, DY. If my mom intentionally deprived me of having a dad to look out for me, I'd be resentful.

Most likely I'd still love her, though I would not be happy with the choices she made.

As for gay folks, personally, another adult's sexual preferences is none of my business.

However, American children and teens raised by SELFISH, incompetent, immature mothers FAILING TO PROTECT HER KIDS FROM HARM, is my business!

Frankly, I have no idea why men are sexually attracted to other men. Maybe they are born to love men, or maybe at a young age, THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, they are conditioned to enjoy same sex relationships...

In this disturbing broadcast, an apparent emotionally troubled Chicago woman's asserts large numbers of CHILD NEGLECTING MOMS are FAILING to protect our Nation's most precious and cherished assets from sexual predators!

This ADULT LANGUAGE, EXTREMELY NSFW video is filled with genuine human emotion and PAIN.

"Emotional Woman Wants Her 'TRIFLING SAVAGE' Sisters Destroyed!
" ~Chyna Fox

Every social problem that faces black people is the result of racism-white supremacy.

View attachment 273254

Here's comes PAUL, competing for stupid jerkoff lazy mfer Number 1.
In other words, he's saying that Blacks would be just 100% FINE if they just WERE NOT STUCK IN AMERICA! Or any other white European country.

AND THEY OFFER AFRICA AS PROOF, where African technology, literacy, education, health and standard of living are JUST FUCKING FINE!

Case in point: When Edi Amin kicked all the Indians out of Uganda so that they could 100% take over and run their own country themselves! And within a year, the nation was in ruin. Or when the South Africans kicked the Brits out and that quickly turned into a shit fest.

. . . yet for some crazy dumb reason, you can't GIVE them a free ticket to fly back and live there!!!!

View attachment 273255 View attachment 273255 View attachment 273255 View attachment 273255

Well his come back to this is that whites (England) ruled Africa for hundreds of years and so we ruined Africa too. Until we came along Africa was just fine. Just like the Indians in America were great before we got here. Only one problem. The indians in America back then acted a lot like Boka Haram does today. In other words they were savages. It's not like Indians were living peacefully before we came along. They killed, kidnapped each others women, etc. Same for south americans and africans. They were wild savages until we came along and civilized them.

Main problem that doomed the native tribes of the US was ---

A) An Open Border policy and

B) Division and in-fighting between tribes...

Ring any bells for ya??? :banana:

Don't forget about a 10,000 year difference in technology as well. Basically, the Indians like the Africans were still living a Neolithic lifestyle, and confronted with ships and swords, steel and muskets, that was just a recipe for disaster.
You are a fool and coward, because you are fully free to leave. I'll help you pack

I was born here. Therefore I have full constitutional rights. I am not going anywhere. And if you don't like me exercising my rights as an American, pack your bags.
Mexicans were born in Mexico, my grandparents were born in Hungary, they chose a better life. If you are not proud of the American flag use your constitutional rights and find a better place for you, or stay here and fester in your hate

You worship a symbol. I'm about making that symbol represent what it is supposed to symbolize. You want to put up a front. I don't front. Standing or kneeling before a piece of cloth means nothing. A belief without works is an idea. I was born here. I use my constitutional right to air my grievance. There ain't no such thing as love it or leave it. And if you don't like people using their rights as Americans, go find a place where those rights don't exist and fester in your hate.
I am not telling you to leave, I am telling you that if you are not happy that you should leave, the flag isn't changing and Kamalla Harris isn't giving you a free house. You will grieve until the day you die, I am saying that there is a big World out there and patriotism for any person in any country is a good thing. You can kneel if you want but if I see you I am going to stand in front of you and it's going to look like you want to suck my cock

Try caring about the flag, it just might care back


And I am telling you that the flag is not more important than making it so this country actually becomes what that flag represents. Posting a picture of somebody black saluting the flag is not going to change anything. God says we are not to worship a graven image. So excuse me if I think that being able to get citizenship into heaven might just be a little more important to me than the American flag.

Not buying what you're selling man.. I'm wagering you had NO PROBLEM with the flag when YOUR tribe was holding all the political power.. And the same stinky shit was happening in W. ChiTown and B'more....
Every social problem that faces black people is the result of racism-white supremacy.

View attachment 273254

Here's comes PAUL, competing for stupid jerkoff lazy mfer Number 1.
In other words, he's saying that Blacks would be just 100% FINE if they just WERE NOT STUCK IN AMERICA! Or any other white European country.

AND THEY OFFER AFRICA AS PROOF, where African technology, literacy, education, health and standard of living are JUST FUCKING FINE!

Case in point: When Edi Amin kicked all the Indians out of Uganda so that they could 100% take over and run their own country themselves! And within a year, the nation was in ruin. Or when the South Africans kicked the Brits out and that quickly turned into a shit fest.

. . . yet for some crazy dumb reason, you can't GIVE them a free ticket to fly back and live there!!!!

View attachment 273255 View attachment 273255 View attachment 273255 View attachment 273255

Well his come back to this is that whites (England) ruled Africa for hundreds of years and so we ruined Africa too. Until we came along Africa was just fine. Just like the Indians in America were great before we got here. Only one problem. The indians in America back then acted a lot like Boka Haram does today. In other words they were savages. It's not like Indians were living peacefully before we came along. They killed, kidnapped each others women, etc. Same for south americans and africans. They were wild savages until we came along and civilized them.

Main problem that doomed the native tribes of the US was ---

A) An Open Border policy and

B) Division and in-fighting between tribes...

Ring any bells for ya??? :banana:

Don't forget about a 10,000 year difference in technology as well. Basically, the Indians like the Africans were still living a Neolithic lifestyle, and confronted with ships and swords, steel and muskets, that was just a recipe for disaster.

OK I'll add --

C) Lack of investment in the sciences, exploration and R&D... :auiqs.jpg:
Main problem that doomed the native tribes of the US was ---

A) An Open Border policy and

B) Division and in-fighting between tribes...

Ring any bells for ya???

There's a guy to help you out:

"This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion."​

Wow --- the guy used the word "invasion"... He also wrote as much about GW and eco pressures and a desire for "progressive style" population control.. Also hit on corporate America quite a bit.. MSLSD and CNN didn't tell you that part did they...

AND -- you have the tiny balls to squeak this out after telling me in another thread that "The Hunt" is just a movie... No chance of inflaming a defective mind there --- RIGHT HYPOCRITE?

More on topic -- haters and supremacists are TRULY damaged people who's minds are filled with junk.. So they are often lumped into a nice clean "classical" package ala KKK and Neo Nazi.. But in our current world, more often than not the young haters that act out are FILLED with hate about the Earth being destroyed and Capitalism is greed and evil.. It's truly HARD to make the case that ANY ONE person or comment would sway them..

It would take a massive project to get them to think for themselves... Haters are like that...
I was born here. Therefore I have full constitutional rights. I am not going anywhere. And if you don't like me exercising my rights as an American, pack your bags.
Mexicans were born in Mexico, my grandparents were born in Hungary, they chose a better life. If you are not proud of the American flag use your constitutional rights and find a better place for you, or stay here and fester in your hate

You worship a symbol. I'm about making that symbol represent what it is supposed to symbolize. You want to put up a front. I don't front. Standing or kneeling before a piece of cloth means nothing. A belief without works is an idea. I was born here. I use my constitutional right to air my grievance. There ain't no such thing as love it or leave it. And if you don't like people using their rights as Americans, go find a place where those rights don't exist and fester in your hate.
I am not telling you to leave, I am telling you that if you are not happy that you should leave, the flag isn't changing and Kamalla Harris isn't giving you a free house. You will grieve until the day you die, I am saying that there is a big World out there and patriotism for any person in any country is a good thing. You can kneel if you want but if I see you I am going to stand in front of you and it's going to look like you want to suck my cock

Try caring about the flag, it just might care back


And I am telling you that the flag is not more important than making it so this country actually becomes what that flag represents. Posting a picture of somebody black saluting the flag is not going to change anything. God says we are not to worship a graven image. So excuse me if I think that being able to get citizenship into heaven might just be a little more important to me than the American flag.

Not buying what you're selling man.. I'm wagering you had NO PROBLEM with the flag when YOUR tribe was holding all the political power.. And the same stinky shit was happening in W. ChiTown and B'more....

Your stupid ass can only repeat right wing crap. My "tribe" has never held all the political power. And I have never worshipped the flag.

How Chicago's White Donor Class Distorts City Policy | Demos

Stop repeating that silly fact free crap. Learn how things really happened junior.