I was wrong about Romney

Romney has a couple views I don't like, but over all I think he will make a good President and its a crucial fact that we have to get Obama outta there. We must all vote and don't fail too. We citizens have to do something for our selves and our benefit, not the Parties benefit. Its irrelevant what Party you belong too, its a clear obvious fact that Obama was wrong for the job and we are all suffering because of it. I hope Obama doesn't fool the people a second time.
I am a independent voter and Romney and Ryan have my vote
I'm an independent... and he won't have mine.

not sure why you woud continue to support this regime
I don't support this regime. I also don't support the one you have chosen to support.

but that is your choice
Yes it is.

yeah... Saying you can give more jobs while having no evidence to support that really doesn't anything to me.

deficits out the wazoo
*laughs* Actually... I don't support either Obama or Mitt because of that. The platform of the republican party says that they want to even things out... But they do not actually do that. I need proof.

not one bi partisan event

good luck with that
*shrugs* I think it's partly your fault for supporting who you did.
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Well, I already have a bet so that won't work. Nice to know you're too chickenshit to back up your talk; just like most of the other conservatives; all talk.

The challenge is before you; Put Up or Shut Up Lucy.

Are you to stupid to know you can put both in your sig. It's there....your call, asswipe.

No that changes the deal and I'm not wild about the profanity. Deal breaker. But I understand that you're no where near as confident as you pretend to be. A common trait with Conservatives.

Why do you even pretend.

You use profanity all over the place....but I'll let you take out dumbass and just say dumb.

You are the one who won't pony up.......project much ?
big government conservatives:

Ryan- voted for everything Bush II put frwd: TARP

Read more: Paul Ryan?s voting record: Big-spending conservatism - Andrew Restuccia and Seung Min Kim - POLITICO.com

you can put lipstick on a pig but its still goin to be a pig :(

I guess he just "evolved" after Obama's election into an "austere fiscal conservative".

This probably happened at the Republican, "Plan for a one term President Rally" before Obama's inauguration.

Mitt didn't make it to that one. He had to be able to spout that laughable line ""We" wanted him to succeed"..


Believe it or not, MANY of us who didn't vote for the anti-American colonialist in chief wanted him to succeed in leading the nation well.
The problem was, twenty minutes after his inauguration he headed out to bow to world dictators and apologize for America's arrogance at which point it became clear that Obama's success was synonymous with American failure.
I suppose in that regard Obama's been a raving success.

I also find it amazing that he has only doubled down on W's policies from the wars to Gitmo
I cannot show a better example of the press and there bias
BHO has failed
I'm an independent... and he won't have mine.

not sure why you woud continue to support this regime
I don't support this regime. I also don't support the one you have chosen to support.

Yes it is.

yeah... Saying you can give more jobs while having no evidence to support that really doesn't anything to me.

*laughs* Actually... I don't support either Obama or Mitt because of that. The platform of the republican party says that they want to even things out... But they do not actually do that. I need proof.

not one bi partisan event

good luck with that
*shrugs* I think it's partly your fault for supporting who you did.

When W was the President we had a number of Bi partisan events
from removing Saddam to No child left behind, budgets, Sarbanes Oxley
Tarp, stimulus, extending UE in 03
Name one event that has taken place sense BHO took office?

My fault?
In 2007, the last GOP budget we were within 163 billion of breaking even
from 94-06 we had very little deficit and jobs out the wazoo
except for 01-02 that was done with a GOP congress (the senate was the dems those years when Jim Jeffers jumped parties after being elected a repub)

Since 07 it has been a wreck
Keeping Gitmo was good. BHO ended the bush mess in Iraq, and the troops will be coming home from Aghanistan in the next two years. BHO led quite capably throughout Arab Spring.

JRK does not want to remind undecided voters about the Bush yeaers.

I guess he just "evolved" after Obama's election into an "austere fiscal conservative".

This probably happened at the Republican, "Plan for a one term President Rally" before Obama's inauguration.

Mitt didn't make it to that one. He had to be able to spout that laughable line ""We" wanted him to succeed"..


Believe it or not, MANY of us who didn't vote for the anti-American colonialist in chief wanted him to succeed in leading the nation well.
The problem was, twenty minutes after his inauguration he headed out to bow to world dictators and apologize for America's arrogance at which point it became clear that Obama's success was synonymous with American failure.
I suppose in that regard Obama's been a raving success.

I also find it amazing that he has only doubled down on W's policies from the wars to Gitmo
I cannot show a better example of the press and there bias
BHO has failed
JRK just can admit the hemoragghing of 750000 jobs a month when BHO took office had anything to do with the GOP congresses from 1994.

But the American voter remembers. JRK, if you succeed in tying MR to the bush years, you get four more years of BHO.
Romney is a Marxist liberal pig. If we elect him he will destroy our party.

The Romney Files

Read that then tell me if you still believe him.

Reading a biased opinion?
no thanks
Being rich and taking care of your wealth within the laws is not a bad thing
That is what this country needs
a leader who knows how to create wealth and to get out of this class warfare BS

BTW I am not even close to rich, I think the tax laws need changing for every-one and bring that wealth home
Why wouldn't he be the BEST choice for the GOP right now?

He could win over a liberal state like MA by being moderate on some issues, which is good for independent voters.

He has built a company and became a powerful businessman, which is the epitome of the GOP platform.

He has a clean record and personal life, which eliminates the crutch Obamination relies on to win elections against Democraps and Republicans.

Romney is too perfect for Democraps to affect, he is going to crush them especially picking ultra conservative Ryan as his sidekick.

He was always my first choice because he is just better than what we had running against him.

He was my 4th choice
Knowing what I know about him today he would have been mt 1st

he is a very compassionate conservative
Why wouldn't he be the BEST choice for the GOP right now?

He could win over a liberal state like MA by being moderate on some issues, which is good for independent voters.

He has built a company and became a powerful businessman, which is the epitome of the GOP platform.

He has a clean record and personal life, which eliminates the crutch Obamination relies on to win elections against Democraps and Republicans.

Romney is too perfect for Democraps to affect, he is going to crush them especially picking ultra conservative Ryan as his sidekick.

He was always my first choice because he is just better than what we had running against him.

He was my 4th choice
Knowing what I know about him today he would have been mt 1st

he is a very compassionate conservative

Romney will be destroyed by Obama this fall.
Romney is a Marxist liberal pig. If we elect him he will destroy our party.

The Romney Files

Read that then tell me if you still believe him.

Reading a biased opinion?
no thanks
Being rich and taking care of your wealth within the laws is not a bad thing
That is what this country needs
a leader who knows how to create wealth and to get out of this class warfare BS

BTW I am not even close to rich, I think the tax laws need changing for every-one and bring that wealth home

You didn't read the link:eusa_silenced: This proves that romney is like Obama.
yea, nothing like Ryan the bush baby and Mittens the rich baby, getting to be the executive team, let's see how they fair with dems blocking their proposals and budget.

so can we scream the dems will be obstructionists and blame everything on them like the dems do incorrrectly to the republicans?
not sure why you woud continue to support this regime
I don't support this regime. I also don't support the one you have chosen to support.

Yes it is.

yeah... Saying you can give more jobs while having no evidence to support that really doesn't anything to me.

*laughs* Actually... I don't support either Obama or Mitt because of that. The platform of the republican party says that they want to even things out... But they do not actually do that. I need proof.


good luck with that
*shrugs* I think it's partly your fault for supporting who you did.

When W was the President we had a number of Bi partisan events
from removing Saddam to No child left behind, budgets, Sarbanes Oxley
Tarp, stimulus, extending UE in 03
Name one event that has taken place sense BHO took office?
Eh... No Child Left Behind... That makes me angry.

I also supported the War against Saddam... But not because of WMD. It really was all about the oil.

My fault?
In 2007, the last GOP budget we were within 163 billion of breaking even
from 94-06 we had very little deficit and jobs out the wazoo
except for 01-02 that was done with a GOP congress (the senate was the dems those years when Jim Jeffers jumped parties after being elected a repub)

Since 07 it has been a wreck
Partly your fault. If we are talking about the past and not the present... It was partly my fault back then. I voted the Bush's in too.
He was my 4th choice
Knowing what I know about him today he would have been mt 1st

he is a very compassionate conservative

You a funny JeRK... make me laugh long time.. :lol:

The good thing about a JRK thread is that you'll never get the last word...and all of his are so hilarious.

I do not see either of you stating anything but personal attacks
Speaks volumes about who and what you are and what you believe in
He was my 4th choice
Knowing what I know about him today he would have been mt 1st

he is a very compassionate conservative

but you people dont like compassion remember.

You say compassion makes people weak and stupid

Who are "you people"? And, how do you know what "you people" like, or don't like. It is obvious that the hate and distain that you feel for "you people" that do not agree with your idiocy, has confused your thinking, or more likely, has confused the propaganda you puke all over these boards.

All conservatives are not compassionate, just like all liberals are not compassionate, but the vast majority of conservatives are compassionate, and prove it by the amounts they donate to charities. Most liberals, however, want compassion to be a government function, so that they do not have to be compassionate on their own. After all, giving to good causes, costs money.
You a funny JeRK... make me laugh long time.. :lol:

The good thing about a JRK thread is that you'll never get the last word...and all of his are so hilarious.

I do not see either of you stating anything but personal attacks
Speaks volumes about who and what you are and what you believe in

See; you will never get the last word in with this moron.

It's Sunday and still no WMDs were found in Iraq. GO! :D
Why wouldn't he be the BEST choice for the GOP right now?

He could win over a liberal state like MA by being moderate on some issues, which is good for independent voters.

He has built a company and became a powerful businessman, which is the epitome of the GOP platform.

He has a clean record and personal life, which eliminates the crutch Obamination relies on to win elections against Democraps and Republicans.

Romney is too perfect for Democraps to affect, he is going to crush them especially picking ultra conservative Ryan as his sidekick.

He was always my first choice because he is just better than what we had running against him.

He was my 4th choice
Knowing what I know about him today he would have been mt 1st

he is a very compassionate conservative

I just getting to really know the man
I agree now, 12 months ago Perry and Cain were my choices
Your 100% right about him
Ryan was also the right choice
The good thing about a JRK thread is that you'll never get the last word...and all of his are so hilarious.

I do not see either of you stating anything but personal attacks
Speaks volumes about who and what you are and what you believe in

See; you will never get the last word in with this moron.

It's Sunday and still no WMDs were found in Iraq. GO! :D

your running low on stupid comments
I love doing this

Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says

By Samantha L. Quigley
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, June 29, 2006 – The 500 munitions discovered throughout Iraq since 2003 and discussed in a National Ground Intelligence Center report meet the criteria of weapons of mass destruction, the center's commander said here today.
"These are chemical weapons as defined under the Chemical Weapons Convention, and yes ... they do constitute weapons of mass destruction," Army Col. John Chu told the House Armed Services Committee.
The Chemical Weapons Convention is an arms control agreement which outlaws the production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons. It was signed in 1993 and entered into force in 1997.
The munitions found contain sarin and mustard gases, Army Lt. Gen. Michael D. Maples, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, said. Sarin attacks the neurological system and is potentially lethal.
"Mustard is a blister agent (that) actually produces burning of any area (where) an individual may come in contact with the agent," he said. It also is potentially fatal if it gets into a person's lungs.
The munitions addressed in the report were produced in the 1980s, Maples said. Badly corroded, they could not currently be used as originally intended, Chu added.
let it go bud, this thread is about Romney
Today is Sunday
I got all my golf in already
all day sports in 100 degree heat and CC still does not get it
I do not see either of you stating anything but personal attacks
Speaks volumes about who and what you are and what you believe in

See; you will never get the last word in with this moron.

It's Sunday and still no WMDs were found in Iraq. GO! :D

your running low on stupid comments
I love doing this

Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says

By Samantha L. Quigley
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, June 29, 2006 – The 500 munitions discovered throughout Iraq since 2003 and discussed in a National Ground Intelligence Center report meet the criteria of weapons of mass destruction, the center's commander said here today.
"These are chemical weapons as defined under the Chemical Weapons Convention, and yes ... they do constitute weapons of mass destruction," Army Col. John Chu told the House Armed Services Committee.
The Chemical Weapons Convention is an arms control agreement which outlaws the production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons. It was signed in 1993 and entered into force in 1997.
The munitions found contain sarin and mustard gases, Army Lt. Gen. Michael D. Maples, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, said. Sarin attacks the neurological system and is potentially lethal.
"Mustard is a blister agent (that) actually produces burning of any area (where) an individual may come in contact with the agent," he said. It also is potentially fatal if it gets into a person's lungs.
The munitions addressed in the report were produced in the 1980s, Maples said. Badly corroded, they could not currently be used as originally intended, Chu added.
let it go bud, this thread is about Romney
Today is Sunday
I got all my golf in already
all day sports in 100 degree heat and CC still does not get it

See...JeRK can't let anything pass.

You weren't wrong about Romney; he is going to lose in November. And lose by a wide margin.

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