I was at a party with a bunch of Doctors last night....

So the op is a liar? Nice

What did I lie about?

Perhaps not exactly a lie, but you were extremely misleading in the OP that you were willing to wait and see. It now appears that you are 100% supportive of ACA and defend it passionately.

Not quite a lie. But getting there.

Some people are too fast to through out the term "lie" or "liar". The only consequence is that the logical person can make is that person's opinion is worthless.

You are incorrect. I am not 100% supportive of the ACA. I think something needs to change or addressed in the current system. However, I don't know if this is the solution. I am not automatically opposed to it. I have adopted a wait and see attitude.

When it comes to the election, I think any affirmative step is better than what Romney is peddling right now. Which is a non solution and return to the status quo.

Though, I will vote this election based on who I think has enough balls to stand up to the pro-war lobby that is determined to get us into a war with Iran.

Again, not Romney.
What did I lie about?

Perhaps not exactly a lie, but you were extremely misleading in the OP that you were willing to wait and see. It now appears that you are 100% supportive of ACA and defend it passionately.

Not quite a lie. But getting there.

Some people are too fast to through out the term "lie" or "liar". The only consequence is that the logical person can make is that person's opinion is worthless.

You are incorrect. I am not 100% supportive of the ACA. I think something needs to change or addressed in the current system. However, I don't know if this is the solution. I am not automatically opposed to it. I have adopted a wait and see attitude.

When it comes to the election, I think any affirmative step is better than what Romney is peddling right now. Which is a non solution and return to the status quo.

Though, I will vote this election based on who I think has enough balls to stand up to the pro-war lobby that is determined to get us into a war with Iran.

Again, not Romney.

While I fail to see ANY connection between the so-called 'pro war lobby' and the ACA, but nice deflection there, I will believe you have ANY problems with the ACA when you just once acknowledge the legitimate concerns of those of us who do without putting us down or accusing us of all manner of ugly things.

And I'm sorry. I will never agree that a bad solution to something, most especially something that even has the potential to make things far worse than they already are, is better than no solution at all.
Ranging from those who are starting on July 1st (like me) to those who have practiced for a few years to those that have practiced for a decade.

All anyone could talk about was ACA and it wasn't good.

The more experienced doctors were already making plans to leave medicine. I heard comments along the line of "this is the end of medicine." "The system is going to implode." "You will basically be working for peanuts in an environment that is going to be rife with litigation and no shields." "Your only hope is for Romney to win and get rid of this monstrosity, otherwise you should leave now."

Actually, I didn't hear any of this. I didn't hear anything good or bad about the ACA. Most people seemed unconcerned.

I believe they are unconcerned because no one knows what the true effect* of ACA is going to be. I had a good laugh at my local conservative talker guy trying to articulate what he thought this would do to patient care. He sounded like an idiot, because the things he was saying made absolutely no sense to someone familiar with patient care.

ACA could indeed be disastrous policy. It could also be great policy. I just don't know. And I don't think you, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, or Ed Schultz do either.

*Meaning the effect on health care delivery in this country and not the effect on individual tax payers in regard to cost.

AS with most people YOU have NO idea how health finances work but I do as I started a company that everyday helps at least 10,000 times a DAY health care providers know if they will be paid by Medicare! So I have access that YOU and many others don't!

The FACT is Obamacare was a tax but if Obamacare had been HONESTLY presented to the 6 votes JUST 6 that it passed by, IT would NOT have passed because most of the people that voted YES DIDN"T understand there were 21 NEW taxes being raised in Obamacare!
If they knew that some of the YES votes would have been NO!

The FACT that Obamacare will as Obama wants DESTROY 1,400 health insurance companies over time. Putting 400,000 people out of work AND eliminating over $100 billion a year in Federal/State/Local and property taxes!
Where will that $100 billion come from?

Finally MOST of those people that voted yes and I know YOU for sure think there were 50 million "uninsured"... THERE ARE NOT!!!
10 million are not citizens says the Census Bureau!
14 million are covered by Medicaid but said they were not and they are counted!
Finally now 17.5 million that for the majority NeVER added ONE cent to the $60 billion in
what hospitals call "uncompensated" services!
YET these people were counted.
So truly less then 8 million are in need of insurance... AND everyone of those doctors would agree.. One of the reason health insurance has increased more is the $600 billion a year in duplicate tests, specialist referrals anything these doctors do to protect their butts from lawsuits!
Tell you what you ask everyone of those doctors if they would favor a 10% tax on lawyers as Obamacare taxed tanning salons and the $10 billion of lawyers $100 billion income would have provided insurance for the truly UNINSURED!
They would love it!

Your a liar...plain and simple. Also, you're a liar who just parrots the same swill spewed out by the like of Drudge and Levine and Crowley and Krauthammer, Kristol, Maulkin, Limbaugh, etc., etc.

You offer NO proof of your statements. Also, you fail to mention the FACT that companies who claim they cannot afford health insurance are offered tax incentives to do so.

The AHC does NOT affect people who are below the poverty line, or the unemployed. You get a tax if you are pulling a paycheck that can afford healthcare insurance but you REFUSE TO DO SO, whether your job offers it or not....and tax is adjusted to individual incomes...which comes to less than pulling up the slack for the Bush tax cuts regarding revenue for the country.

Since neocons/teabaggers all worship at the alter of the "free market", please explain as how adding folk to insurance companies client list is going to "destroy them". I'll wait.
But the point is, Kaiser was NOT dictating everything. Kaiser was stating what they, Kaiser, would pay for under the terms of their own policy. If you didn't like whatever restrictions your contract with them imposed, you are now free to purchase different, more friendly insurance, or buy what you need on your own. It is no different for me or any of the millions of other Seniors on Medicare. The government strictly dictates what we can or cannot have and what it will pay for what we get. And a whole lot of that makes absolutely no sense at all..

Under a totally government controlled program, you will have no such options because all other options will be eliminated. And if you do not think that is where Obama is headed with this, you haven't been paying attention. Once government has the ability to issue the payments, it has the ability to call all the shots re your medical care.

And anybody who thinks government is more competent to do that than is the private sector is probably pretty close to being a fool.

Medicare paid for many, many things when my father was sick and he was denied no treatment.

I find it laughable that you are on medicare and yet here you are whining about something that won't impact you in the least.

If you don't like medicare, don't use it. Pretty simple.

The government has already taken away my options. No insurance company other than those that anybody but millionaries can afford will take on a patient who is eligible for Medicare. So for those of us of limited means, it is Medicare or nothing.

My aunt recently went for an injection as treatment for her severe osteoporosis. Her bloodwork indicated that the injections were having an adverse affect on her liver, so she could not take any more of that particular medication. We sat in the area for three hours while they researched what Medicare would or would not pay for an alternative. We were advised that the best medication for her condition, better than the one she had been getting and with far fewer side effects, was not authorized by Medicare UNLESS she had had her gall bladder out. I asked what her gall bladder had to do with osteoporosis. The doctor said, nothing at all, but Medicare is full of stupid and incomprehensible rules like that. So we waited another hour, she got an injection of an inferior medication, we waited still another hour to be sure there would be no adverse reaction to it, and left.

Now if government Medicare can effectively put all Senior Citizens under its control and dictate what they can and cannot have as determined by the government and cause almost all private sector insurance to go away, does anybody with a brain honestly believe that private sector insurance will survive once government takes over control of the entire medical system? Especially when Fearless Leader expressed before he was elected President that a wholly controlled government system was his goal?

The government didn't take away your options, it gave you options. Before medicare, many of the elderly couldn't afford insurance because insurance companies don't want to take on a sure loss.

Not to mention that without medicare, all the advances in geriatric treatment would be almost non-existent. Without insurance, no one is going to want to pay much attention to someone that doesn't have much life left to begin with.

Your most horrible example is someone that got a test (paid for by medicare, no doubt) that saved her from a painful rapidly approaching death. And you are whining because she had to accept a generic drug.


Not to mention that the doctor could have gotten medicare to pay for the drug if the doctor thought it was a medical necessity.
Medicare paid for many, many things when my father was sick and he was denied no treatment.

I find it laughable that you are on medicare and yet here you are whining about something that won't impact you in the least.

If you don't like medicare, don't use it. Pretty simple.

The government has already taken away my options. No insurance company other than those that anybody but millionaries can afford will take on a patient who is eligible for Medicare. So for those of us of limited means, it is Medicare or nothing.

My aunt recently went for an injection as treatment for her severe osteoporosis. Her bloodwork indicated that the injections were having an adverse affect on her liver, so she could not take any more of that particular medication. We sat in the area for three hours while they researched what Medicare would or would not pay for an alternative. We were advised that the best medication for her condition, better than the one she had been getting and with far fewer side effects, was not authorized by Medicare UNLESS she had had her gall bladder out. I asked what her gall bladder had to do with osteoporosis. The doctor said, nothing at all, but Medicare is full of stupid and incomprehensible rules like that. So we waited another hour, she got an injection of an inferior medication, we waited still another hour to be sure there would be no adverse reaction to it, and left.

Now if government Medicare can effectively put all Senior Citizens under its control and dictate what they can and cannot have as determined by the government and cause almost all private sector insurance to go away, does anybody with a brain honestly believe that private sector insurance will survive once government takes over control of the entire medical system? Especially when Fearless Leader expressed before he was elected President that a wholly controlled government system was his goal?

The government didn't take away your options, it gave you options. Before medicare, many of the elderly couldn't afford insurance because insurance companies don't want to take on a sure loss.

Not to mention that without medicare, all the advances in geriatric treatment would be almost non-existent. Without insurance, no one is going to want to pay much attention to someone that doesn't have much life left to begin with.

Your most horrible example is someone that got a test (paid for by medicare, no doubt) that saved her from a painful rapidly approaching death. And you are whining because she had to accept a generic drug.


Not to mention that the doctor could have gotten medicare to pay for the drug if the doctor thought it was a medical necessity.

I'm not 100% against medicare, especially since obviously the private sector certainly isn't willing to take on that kind of risk themselves, but let's agree....SOMETHING needs to be done to fix the eventual mess because the current path is unsustainable.
The government has already taken away my options. No insurance company other than those that anybody but millionaries can afford will take on a patient who is eligible for Medicare. So for those of us of limited means, it is Medicare or nothing.

My aunt recently went for an injection as treatment for her severe osteoporosis. Her bloodwork indicated that the injections were having an adverse affect on her liver, so she could not take any more of that particular medication. We sat in the area for three hours while they researched what Medicare would or would not pay for an alternative. We were advised that the best medication for her condition, better than the one she had been getting and with far fewer side effects, was not authorized by Medicare UNLESS she had had her gall bladder out. I asked what her gall bladder had to do with osteoporosis. The doctor said, nothing at all, but Medicare is full of stupid and incomprehensible rules like that. So we waited another hour, she got an injection of an inferior medication, we waited still another hour to be sure there would be no adverse reaction to it, and left.

Now if government Medicare can effectively put all Senior Citizens under its control and dictate what they can and cannot have as determined by the government and cause almost all private sector insurance to go away, does anybody with a brain honestly believe that private sector insurance will survive once government takes over control of the entire medical system? Especially when Fearless Leader expressed before he was elected President that a wholly controlled government system was his goal?

The government didn't take away your options, it gave you options. Before medicare, many of the elderly couldn't afford insurance because insurance companies don't want to take on a sure loss.

Not to mention that without medicare, all the advances in geriatric treatment would be almost non-existent. Without insurance, no one is going to want to pay much attention to someone that doesn't have much life left to begin with.

Your most horrible example is someone that got a test (paid for by medicare, no doubt) that saved her from a painful rapidly approaching death. And you are whining because she had to accept a generic drug.


Not to mention that the doctor could have gotten medicare to pay for the drug if the doctor thought it was a medical necessity.

I'm not 100% against medicare, especially since obviously the private sector certainly isn't willing to take on that kind of risk themselves, but let's agree....SOMETHING needs to be done to fix the eventual mess because the current path is unsustainable.

That's another thread.
Ranging from those who are starting on July 1st (like me) to those who have practiced for a few years to those that have practiced for a decade.

All anyone could talk about was ACA and it wasn't good.

The more experienced doctors were already making plans to leave medicine. I heard comments along the line of "this is the end of medicine." "The system is going to implode." "You will basically be working for peanuts in an environment that is going to be rife with litigation and no shields." "Your only hope is for Romney to win and get rid of this monstrosity, otherwise you should leave now."

Actually, I didn't hear any of this. I didn't hear anything good or bad about the ACA. Most people seemed unconcerned.

I believe they are unconcerned because no one knows what the true effect* of ACA is going to be. I had a good laugh at my local conservative talker guy trying to articulate what he thought this would do to patient care. He sounded like an idiot, because the things he was saying made absolutely no sense to someone familiar with patient care.

ACA could indeed be disastrous policy. It could also be great policy. I just don't know. And I don't think you, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, or Ed Schultz do either.

*Meaning the effect on health care delivery in this country and not the effect on individual tax payers in regard to cost.

AS with most people YOU have NO idea how health finances work but I do as I started a company that everyday helps at least 10,000 times a DAY health care providers know if they will be paid by Medicare! So I have access that YOU and many others don't!

The FACT is Obamacare was a tax but if Obamacare had been HONESTLY presented to the 6 votes JUST 6 that it passed by, IT would NOT have passed because most of the people that voted YES DIDN"T understand there were 21 NEW taxes being raised in Obamacare!
If they knew that some of the YES votes would have been NO!

The FACT that Obamacare will as Obama wants DESTROY 1,400 health insurance companies over time. Putting 400,000 people out of work AND eliminating over $100 billion a year in Federal/State/Local and property taxes!
Where will that $100 billion come from?

Finally MOST of those people that voted yes and I know YOU for sure think there were 50 million "uninsured"... THERE ARE NOT!!!
10 million are not citizens says the Census Bureau!
14 million are covered by Medicaid but said they were not and they are counted!
Finally now 17.5 million that for the majority NeVER added ONE cent to the $60 billion in
what hospitals call "uncompensated" services!
YET these people were counted.
So truly less then 8 million are in need of insurance... AND everyone of those doctors would agree.. One of the reason health insurance has increased more is the $600 billion a year in duplicate tests, specialist referrals anything these doctors do to protect their butts from lawsuits!
Tell you what you ask everyone of those doctors if they would favor a 10% tax on lawyers as Obamacare taxed tanning salons and the $10 billion of lawyers $100 billion income would have provided insurance for the truly UNINSURED!
They would love it!

Your a liar...plain and simple. Also, you're a liar who just parrots the same swill spewed out by the like of Drudge and Levine and Crowley and Krauthammer, Kristol, Maulkin, Limbaugh, etc., etc.

You offer NO proof of your statements. Also, you fail to mention the FACT that companies who claim they cannot afford health insurance are offered tax incentives to do so.

The AHC does NOT affect people who are below the poverty line, or the unemployed. You get a tax if you are pulling a paycheck that can afford healthcare insurance but you REFUSE TO DO SO, whether your job offers it or not....and tax is adjusted to individual incomes...which comes to less than pulling up the slack for the Bush tax cuts regarding revenue for the country.

Since neocons/teabaggers all worship at the alter of the "free market", please explain as how adding folk to insurance companies client list is going to "destroy them". I'll wait.

please explain as how adding folk to insurance companies client list is going to "destroy them". I'll wait.

ANSWER: There won't be any insurance companies!
Obama has said he prefers a SINGLE payer system!

That means as in the Federal Government.. MONEY goes in and services ceased to exist!

Insurance has ALWAYS been a bet. Insurance company through experience i.e. ratings have an idea of how much in claims the insured files and company must pay!
BUT if the insurance company HAS NO way of knowing what the risks are they are doing nothing but taking your money in and sending your money out!
No profit in that so they don't exist!
Simple as that!

So IN THEORY what ignorant people LIKE YOU were told and you believed is "simply increased the POOL!
YOU have a pool and tell EVERYONE JUMP IN and there will be no more POOL!

I know that seems a simple little kid explanation BUT THAT is the FACT!
There is a FINITE POOL of health services! EVERYONE jumps into use the services will mean everyone will no longer have ANY space (or similarly services..) to use!

Therefore there are NO more InSURANCE companies.
500,000 health insurance employees no longer working collecting unemployment!
Your local property taxes GO UP cause health insurance companies no longer paying!
YOUR Federal/state/local income taxes go up since there are no more insurance companies at a cost of $100 billion a year!
But ignorant people NEVER thought abou that!
The government didn't take away your options, it gave you options. Before medicare, many of the elderly couldn't afford insurance because insurance companies don't want to take on a sure loss.

Not to mention that without medicare, all the advances in geriatric treatment would be almost non-existent. Without insurance, no one is going to want to pay much attention to someone that doesn't have much life left to begin with.

Your most horrible example is someone that got a test (paid for by medicare, no doubt) that saved her from a painful rapidly approaching death. And you are whining because she had to accept a generic drug.


Not to mention that the doctor could have gotten medicare to pay for the drug if the doctor thought it was a medical necessity.

I'm not 100% against medicare, especially since obviously the private sector certainly isn't willing to take on that kind of risk themselves, but let's agree....SOMETHING needs to be done to fix the eventual mess because the current path is unsustainable.

That's another thread.

I know. I just wanted you to know that a libertarian can support at least the IDEA of certain government programs.
83% of doctors said they would seriously consider leaving medicine.

Yeah right.

Doctors make bank and many have massive student loans to repay.

99% of them aren't going ANYWHERE.

I saw a doctor I know in line at the grocery store this morning. He told me that on Monday he's quitting his practice and going to work for McD's.


Watching all those unhealthy out of shape fat asses grab up value meals all day should really help him feel better about the healthcare situation in the country.
BUT ignorant people don't care... they think it will be FREE! They are glad those EVIL profiteering insurance companies will be out of business!

When the REALITY is because of Medicare we have had escalating health care insurance costs!

Tell me why would ANY insurer pay 6,000% more then necessary for a service?
Would they stay in business?
Medicare does and gladly !
Those of you that don't believe me.. tell me what city you live in and I guarantee that the largest hospital OVERCHARGES Medicare a minimum of 100% or MORE and in some cases 6,000% MORE then the cost of services!
But most of you ignorant people won't take the time and THAT's why we have Obamacare!
The majority of IGNORANT people making opinons based on biased LIES.. i.e. there have never been 50 million uninsured for example is the most common lie!
Medicare paid for many, many things when my father was sick and he was denied no treatment.

I find it laughable that you are on medicare and yet here you are whining about something that won't impact you in the least.

If you don't like medicare, don't use it. Pretty simple.

The government has already taken away my options. No insurance company other than those that anybody but millionaries can afford will take on a patient who is eligible for Medicare. So for those of us of limited means, it is Medicare or nothing.

My aunt recently went for an injection as treatment for her severe osteoporosis. Her bloodwork indicated that the injections were having an adverse affect on her liver, so she could not take any more of that particular medication. We sat in the area for three hours while they researched what Medicare would or would not pay for an alternative. We were advised that the best medication for her condition, better than the one she had been getting and with far fewer side effects, was not authorized by Medicare UNLESS she had had her gall bladder out. I asked what her gall bladder had to do with osteoporosis. The doctor said, nothing at all, but Medicare is full of stupid and incomprehensible rules like that. So we waited another hour, she got an injection of an inferior medication, we waited still another hour to be sure there would be no adverse reaction to it, and left.

Now if government Medicare can effectively put all Senior Citizens under its control and dictate what they can and cannot have as determined by the government and cause almost all private sector insurance to go away, does anybody with a brain honestly believe that private sector insurance will survive once government takes over control of the entire medical system? Especially when Fearless Leader expressed before he was elected President that a wholly controlled government system was his goal?

The government didn't take away your options, it gave you options. Before medicare, many of the elderly couldn't afford insurance because insurance companies don't want to take on a sure loss.

Not to mention that without medicare, all the advances in geriatric treatment would be almost non-existent. Without insurance, no one is going to want to pay much attention to someone that doesn't have much life left to begin with.

Your most horrible example is someone that got a test (paid for by medicare, no doubt) that saved her from a painful rapidly approaching death. And you are whining because she had to accept a generic drug.


Not to mention that the doctor could have gotten medicare to pay for the drug if the doctor thought it was a medical necessity.

you're so full of shit.
Ranging from those who are starting on July 1st (like me) to those who have practiced for a few years to those that have practiced for a decade.

All anyone could talk about was ACA and it wasn't good.

The more experienced doctors were already making plans to leave medicine. I heard comments along the line of "this is the end of medicine." "The system is going to implode." "You will basically be working for peanuts in an environment that is going to be rife with litigation and no shields." "Your only hope is for Romney to win and get rid of this monstrosity, otherwise you should leave now."

Actually, I didn't hear any of this. I didn't hear anything good or bad about the ACA. Most people seemed unconcerned.

I believe they are unconcerned because no one knows what the true effect* of ACA is going to be. I had a good laugh at my local conservative talker guy trying to articulate what he thought this would do to patient care. He sounded like an idiot, because the things he was saying made absolutely no sense to someone familiar with patient care.

ACA could indeed be disastrous policy. It could also be great policy. I just don't know. And I don't think you, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, or Ed Schultz do either.

*Meaning the effect on health care delivery in this country and not the effect on individual tax payers in regard to cost.

I suggest you hang out with real doctors instead of pretend ones then.


The Doctor Patient Medical Association recently released a doctor survey about Obamacare. Here are the Overall Conclusions:

Almost unanimous that medicine is on the wrong track, and overwhelmingly blame the government; highest numbers ever opting out of Medicare or refuse Medicaid; corporate medicine (including hospital and insurance companies) is intentionally trying to destroy private practice; believe direct payment by patients will restore accountability & patient control (absolutely true -skyrocketing costs due to divorce between those utilizing the system and the true financial impact); want to restore autonomy, elimination of government involvement, increased patient responsibility and free market reforms are solutions.

The left likes to drag out phony stats pretending the US has one of the worst health care systems but it is phony. Our system is responsible for 95% of all medical advancements and innovation in the world with no close second which is then shared globally, nearly always with zero strings attached. This means once Obamacare finishes destroying our system, it won't just be Americans who lose out, so will the rest of the world.
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Ranging from those who are starting on July 1st (like me) to those who have practiced for a few years to those that have practiced for a decade.

All anyone could talk about was ACA and it wasn't good.

The more experienced doctors were already making plans to leave medicine. I heard comments along the line of "this is the end of medicine." "The system is going to implode." "You will basically be working for peanuts in an environment that is going to be rife with litigation and no shields." "Your only hope is for Romney to win and get rid of this monstrosity, otherwise you should leave now."

Actually, I didn't hear any of this. I didn't hear anything good or bad about the ACA. Most people seemed unconcerned.

I believe they are unconcerned because no one knows what the true effect* of ACA is going to be. I had a good laugh at my local conservative talker guy trying to articulate what he thought this would do to patient care. He sounded like an idiot, because the things he was saying made absolutely no sense to someone familiar with patient care.

ACA could indeed be disastrous policy. It could also be great policy. I just don't know. And I don't think you, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, or Ed Schultz do either.

*Meaning the effect on health care delivery in this country and not the effect on individual tax payers in regard to cost.

WOW! You must really believe that most everyone on this board is a big an idiot as you are, really.
Let's examine this a little, a very little, someone making nearly a million dollars a year is willing to give up all that money and education because they might have to work with a bill from congress. Now really.
Take your windbag bullshit somewhere else and try and sell it.
83% of doctors said they would seriously consider leaving medicine.

Yeah right.

Doctors make bank and many have massive student loans to repay.

99% of them aren't going ANYWHERE.

I saw a doctor I know in line at the grocery store this morning. He told me that on Monday he's quitting his practice and going to work for McD's.


It's a government program.

"MD to McD"
While I fail to see ANY connection between the so-called 'pro war lobby' and the ACA, but nice deflection there

There is no connection, and it wasn't a deflection. Your reading comprehension just sucks. I simply stated the issue that is driving my individual vote this election. It has nothing to do with ACA, even though health care policy will most directly effect me.

, I will believe you have ANY problems with the ACA when you just once acknowledge the legitimate concerns of those of us who do without putting us down or accusing us of all manner of ugly things.

What in the hell are you talking about? When have I accused you of anything or put you down?

And I'm sorry. I will never agree that a bad solution to something, most especially something that even has the potential to make things far worse than they already are, is better than no solution at all.

That's were we part ranks. I don't think it's a bad solution. I highly doubt the doomsday scenarios the right is peddling. I also doubt that this is going to be a cure all for medicine.
83% of doctors said they would seriously consider leaving medicine.

Yeah right.

Doctors make bank and many have massive student loans to repay.

99% of them aren't going ANYWHERE.

Hyperbole aside, you are right.

If you are a physician you are highly skilled labor and on the supply side of a huge demand curve.

The people who claim this is going to put doctors in the poor house have flunked economics.

The government can only get away with pissing doctors off so much. If they make the environment so toxic that doctors flee the field en masse, the voters will riot and vote out every politician in Washington.

When you start messing with people's health care, they go ballistic. This is why Medicare/Medicaid are the most popular government programs in Washington - regardless of political affiliation.

This is why even Ron Paul claimed he wouldn't touch Medicare.

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