I want my mo’ better life. Wa wa wa


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

What right do Illegal Aliens think they have to protest Alabama enforcing our nation’s immigration laws? They believe they have the right to be here because pro-illegal immigration advocates like Marco Rubio, etc tell them they do and they encourage more illegal immigration.
Marco Rubio; “If your kids are hungry and hurting (hurting?) and living in a dangerous environment, there is very little you won’t do to help them.” (even committing crimes) At first I thought Rubio was talking about Americans living in neighborhoods with high populations of Illegal Aliens. But he was talking about Illegal Aliens crossing the border illegally to give their children a better life in the land of freebies. Instead they end up creating the same dangerous environment they left back home. Gangs, drugs, rapes, shootings and stabbings, thief, etc the norm for neighborhoods of Illegal Aliens. When they move into a neighborhood, property value drops and American take their losses and children and leave.
They come here and create the same environment they left.

Illegal Aliens have created war zones in neighborhoods all across this nation.
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They protest because they believe they are entitled to a mo' better life at any expense to any one.
They whine because our current administration wants them to whine and complain so they can give the criminals amnesty so they can vote legally, since it has been proven they voting now.
They protest because they believe they are entitled to a mo' better life at any expense to any one.
The same way you felt you were entitled to your motorized chair at the expense of everyone else?

LilOlLady is a US Citizen, not an illegal alien. Different story. Americans have paid taxes their entire lives to gov't for one service or another but then have to fight for it when that same gov't says "you don't need it".

Half of California's budget deficit is attributed to social services for illegal aliens. Then we see illegal aliens who haven't paid their entire lives for something getting it right away. And on top of it all, they wave the mexican flag, refuse to learn english and say that where they live is really mexico so gringos need to get out.

It just infuriating!
As someone that HAS lived with illegal aliens, it could be worse. It could be better. I see good people here support illegals, because their hearts are in the right place, they want to help. I understand that. But, I am surrounded by folks (illegal aliens) that neither understand nor respect my heritage, my country's laws or me personally. These illegals hate, they do plenty bad things. I notice their vile behavior, and that isn't a fault of mine. Nor do I profit from them in ANY way, so, I am no fan of illegal aliens. We ALL loose allot from ignoring illegal aliens. .. I can NEVER get that point across. Why can't all good Americans help their fellow Americans, and stop this mess?

What right do Illegal Aliens think they have to protest Alabama enforcing our nation’s immigration laws? They believe they have the right to be here because pro-illegal immigration advocates like Marco Rubio, etc tell them they do and they encourage more illegal immigration.
Marco Rubio; “If your kids are hungry and hurting (hurting?) and living in a dangerous environment, there is very little you won’t do to help them.” (even committing crimes) At first I thought Rubio was talking about Americans living in neighborhoods with high populations of Illegal Aliens. But he was talking about Illegal Aliens crossing the border illegally to give their children a better life in the land of freebies. Instead they end up creating the same dangerous environment they left back home. Gangs, drugs, rapes, shootings and stabbings, thief, etc the norm for neighborhoods of Illegal Aliens. When they move into a neighborhood, property value drops and American take their losses and children and leave.
They come here and create the same environment they left.

Illegal Aliens have created war zones in neighborhoods all across this nation.

I am so sick of people sneaking in and making demands. And what makes it worse is our government giving in to them and encouraging more to come.

Identity theft by illegals is rampant. Many have come here and found their better life, but unfortunately, it already belonged to someone else.

I'll find some links I read about some real horror stories from citizens who were victims of identity theft. Local police tell them it's a federal matter and the federal government just doesn't give a damn. Illegals get away with a lot. They are not prosecuted for using citizens social security numbers. People would have a fit if they knew how many of us are "sharing" our number with an illegal worker. They can ruin a citizen's credit or even steal their retirement accounts, all with the federal government's blessing apparently. The social security administration is not allowed to contact people whose number has been compromised!!! The social security numbers are the property of the federal government and even though we have to have one and need it for everything from employment to loans, they do not protect the numbers.
They whine because our current administration wants them to whine and complain so they can give the criminals amnesty so they can vote legally, since it has been proven they voting now.

Of course they are voting. That is why the left is so againt DMV photo identifications. The excuse that old black people don' have birth certificates or money to go to the DMV. And allow student to vote with a student identification card. Illegal aliens have student id cards.:eusa_boohoo:

What right do Illegal Aliens think they have to protest Alabama enforcing our nation’s immigration laws? They believe they have the right to be here because pro-illegal immigration advocates like Marco Rubio, etc tell them they do and they encourage more illegal immigration.
Marco Rubio; “If your kids are hungry and hurting (hurting?) and living in a dangerous environment, there is very little you won’t do to help them.” (even committing crimes) At first I thought Rubio was talking about Americans living in neighborhoods with high populations of Illegal Aliens. But he was talking about Illegal Aliens crossing the border illegally to give their children a better life in the land of freebies. Instead they end up creating the same dangerous environment they left back home. Gangs, drugs, rapes, shootings and stabbings, thief, etc the norm for neighborhoods of Illegal Aliens. When they move into a neighborhood, property value drops and American take their losses and children and leave.
They come here and create the same environment they left.

Illegal Aliens have created war zones in neighborhoods all across this nation.

I am so sick of people sneaking in and making demands. And what makes it worse is our government giving in to them and encouraging more to come.

Identity theft by illegals is rampant. Many have come here and found their better life, but unfortunately, it already belonged to someone else.

I'll find some links I read about some real horror stories from citizens who were victims of identity theft. Local police tell them it's a federal matter and the federal government just doesn't give a damn. Illegals get away with a lot. They are not prosecuted for using citizens social security numbers. People would have a fit if they knew how many of us are "sharing" our number with an illegal worker. They can ruin a citizen's credit or even steal their retirement accounts, all with the federal government's blessing apparently. The social security administration is not allowed to contact people whose number has been compromised!!! The social security numbers are the property of the federal government and even though we have to have one and need it for everything from employment to loans, they do not protect the numbers.

some will not know their social security card have been stolen until they file for their social security and some one else with thier number may be collecting. Stolen ID is a nightmare for millions.
They protest because they believe they are entitled to a mo' better life at any expense to any one.

The same way you felt you were entitled to your motorized chair at the expense of everyone else?


I paid into social security and medicare and that entitles me to a power chair. :cuckoo:
My black ancestors also gave 200 years of free labor that built this country condoned by the federal government. You. and the land stolen from my other relatives. I deserve a power chair and a scooter.:eusa_hand:
I thought this thread was about the OWS dopes...

Here you are again, Unkotare. You seem to be every where I am. :eusa_hand:
If you don't have anything new to complain about don't complain at all.:eusa_shhh:
We are here discussing illegal immigration over and over to keep it alive. When we stop talking about it there will no longer be any illegal aliens.
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No, you just keep saying the same fucking thing over and over. Maybe you're a sock too?
As someone that HAS lived with illegal aliens, it could be worse. It could be better. I see good people here support illegals, because their hearts are in the right place, they want to help. I understand that. But, I am surrounded by folks (illegal aliens) that neither understand nor respect my heritage, my country's laws or me personally. These illegals hate, they do plenty bad things. I notice their vile behavior, and that isn't a fault of mine. Nor do I profit from them in ANY way, so, I am no fan of illegal aliens. We ALL loose allot from ignoring illegal aliens. .. I can NEVER get that point across. Why can't all good Americans help their fellow Americans, and stop this mess?

Excellent question. When so many Americans are in need, why support criminals? I have often wondered about that, too. Good hearts, wrong heads, help your fellow "villager" before dragging in those willing to break the law in order to gain their objective. Break one law, why not break others. It is, after all, for "da chillins"!
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