I Thought The World Was Gonna Love Us When Barry Sotereo Check In


Gold Member
May 22, 2011
obama is failing and the way things are, he cannot do anything else. He is either under attack or attacking. He is being ground up in a foreign meat grinder, at the same time he has declared war on energy on Constitutional rights, on journalists on conservatives, on everyone but his own inner circle of synchophants.

This is like dominoes, they are all going to fall.
Obama has been condensed to a dunce and sits shivering in the corner of a small, dark and hidden room, that embodies his real interpretation of, transparency.

The whole world now sees you as many of us have for 5 years, Barry. Suck your thumb.
Part of obama's problem is he doesnt' know when to shut up. He does nothing, but comments on everything. There he is getting the crap diplomatically knocked out of him on the Snowden matter, what's on his mind? He's disappointed the the SCOTUS voting rights case! obama should not pretend that he can walk and chew gum at the same time because it is obvious that he can't or won't.
I never thought I'd see the day I'd take an old commie piece of shit like Putin over this rat bastard we have in the oval orifice.
If you thought that or anyone seriously argued that, you and they are a fool. Though I know you don't actually believe that.

Why does it matter if the world loves us anyway? Shouldn't we do what's right regardless of wht the world thinks?
Fuck Russia. Fuck China.

I'll bet they have a much better surveillance program for their citizens. Do you think they aren't trying to do the same to us as we are to them?

Hatred for President Obama must run pretty deep for so many to side with our adversaries in Russia and China. Wow!
Fuck Russia. Fuck China.

I'll bet they have a much better surveillance program for their citizens. Do you think they aren't trying to do the same to us as we are to them?

Hatred for President Obama must run pretty deep for so many to side with our adversaries in Russia and China. Wow!

Hatred, no. Fear of the position the dumbass is putting us in, yes.
Fuck Russia. Fuck China.

I'll bet they have a much better surveillance program for their citizens. Do you think they aren't trying to do the same to us as we are to them?

Hatred for President Obama must run pretty deep for so many to side with our adversaries in Russia and China. Wow!

Well, you don't see Putin pushing the world closer to WWIII. But yes my hatred for Barry runs so deep that I like Putin better and that is one hell of a leap for me.
I never thought I'd see the day I'd take an old commie piece of shit like Putin over this rat bastard we have in the oval orifice.

That's going to become more common as time goes on. Russia threw off the shackles of communism as we picked them up and put them on.

I never thought I would see the day when a Russian president said that Russia was a Christian country. When Russia protects Christians and the US does not but arms those who are slaughtering Christians and Jews.

I never thought I would see the day when the United States supports cannibals and those who would shoot children for making a joke.

I don't know how old you are, but I grew up under the cold war. Never in a million years did I imagine that American Christians would have this to say:

Mystic Post.com - Is Russia more Christian than the United States? Medvedev might just say Yes!

Is Russian leadership more Christian than the United States? Is the Russian Government more Christian than George Bush ever hoped the United States to be? The answer is yes, and not only is it true, but thanks to born again Christians, Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin, Christian influence in matters of State is rapidly on the rise. Let's look at the facts.

A couple of weeks ago Barack Obama skipped Church on Christmas Day while the President of Russia, Dimitry Medvedev, on January 6, 2010, attended mid-night mass services celebrating the Russian Orthodox Christmas in grand splendor in the traditional Vigil liturgy in Saint Christ the Saviour Cathedral in the presence of 4,000 people, including Patriarch Kirill.

I would never in a million years imagine that this would happen in my lifetime.
Fuck Russia. Fuck China.

I'll bet they have a much better surveillance program for their citizens. Do you think they aren't trying to do the same to us as we are to them?

Hatred for President Obama must run pretty deep for so many to side with our adversaries in Russia and China. Wow!

Well, you don't see Putin pushing the world closer to WWIII. But yes my hatred for Barry runs so deep that I like Putin better and that is one hell of a leap for me.

Why arm cannibal rebels in Syria, Putin asks | Moyne Gazette

Russian President Vladimir Putin, arriving in Britain ahead of an international summit set to be dominated by disagreement over the US decision to send weapons to Syria's rebels, said the West must not arm fighters who eat human flesh.

"One does not really need to support the people who not only kill their enemies, but open up their bodies, eat their intestines in front of the public and cameras," Mr Putin said.

"Are these the people you want to support? Are they the ones you want to supply with weapons? Then this probably has little relation to the humanitarian values preached in Europe for hundreds of years."

The incident Putin referred to was most likely that of a rebel commander filmed last month cutting into the torso of a dead soldier and biting into a piece of one of his organs.

It would be inhuman to support obama when he is the only supporting the most evil and most barbaric faction. The only one exhibiting any sense of decency is Putin.

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