I thought the moon landings were supposed to be stepping stones


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
to other planets like Mars etc.

And that bases would be set up on the lunar surface.

Never enterned by mind that Gene Cernan would be the last American to set foot on the moon in Dec 1972.

Was the American public imisinformed????????????
We decided we liked to spend money on war more than on exploring space.

I said Cernan was the last AMERICAN to set foot on the moon - the Chinese have announced their intention to put a man on the moon by 2025.

Hey -we beat them by 56 years.....................
The great social experiment does not leave room for things like the future. People grew tired of space and did not see the true reality of it. It saddens me but NASA has faced budget problems for the last 20 years. It is no longer a matter of pushing the envelope into the future. We need money for WIC, healthcare, ignorant wars and a host of other things. In all that we forgot that expanding the knowledge and scope of all humanity should still be one of our most sought after goals. Alas, it is not.
for the naysayers I suggest you read what NASA has discovered in the last 10 years. We still have plans on going but it is a long way to Mars, unlike the moon which is close and look at the dangers we encountered with that flight. Sorry things aren't going as fast as you want. I thought we'd be using flying cars by now.
Going to the moon is totally different than going to mars. The moon is a few day mission. Going to mars would take at least 2 years. You would have to go around the sun once in order to get close enough to earth to get back again.
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Funding is going to be the problem, the rest is the easy part. No more shuttle, and using 1960's Russian tech isn't helping.
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Originally posted by ginscpy
the moon landings were supposed to be stepping stones

The moon landings WERE/ARE stepping stones.

You have a hard time recognising them as such because you interact and judge things and events through a time scale based on the average human life expectancy...

40 years is a giant lapse of time for a man, but just a miserable second for mankind.

So your perception is basically an "optical" illusion created by your mind, an illusion created by the fact that most of us are dead after our 70th something birthday.
José;3875231 said:
Originally posted by ginscpy
the moon landings were supposed to be stepping stones
The moon landings WERE/ARE stepping stones.

You have a hard time recognising them as such because you interact and judge things and events through a time scale based on the average human life expectancy...

40 years is a giant lapse of time for a man, but just a miserable second for mankind.

So your perception is basically an "optical" illusion created by your mind, an illusion created by the fact that most of us are dead after our 70th something birthday.

And this will always be the problem with humanitys' ability to comprehend anything real. Nature is beyond the comprehension of the simple minded.
to other planets like Mars etc.

And that bases would be set up on the lunar surface.

Never enterned by mind that Gene Cernan would be the last American to set foot on the moon in Dec 1972.

Was the American public imisinformed????????????
I agree. Next year we are going to fly some astonauts around the moon. Why? Didn't we already do that? But that's what we're doing next. Then the next year they're going to fly

After circling the moon, the spacecraft will return to Earth for a splashdown landing in the Pacific Ocean.

Artemis II is expected to pave the way for the Artemis III mission later this decade, which NASA has vowed will put the first woman and person of color on the lunar surface. It will also mark the first time humans have touched down on the moon since the Apollo program ended in 1972.

The Artemis III mission is expected to take off later this decade. But much of the technology the mission will require, including spacesuits for walking on the moon and a lunar landerto ferry the astronauts to the moon’s surface, is still in development.

NASA is targeting a 2025 launch date for Artemis III, though the space agency’s inspector general has already said delays will likely push the mission to 2026 or later.

Sounds like we are a long way from ever landing on the moon. Never happened.

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