I thought Obama's appeasement strategy was going to make the world love us?


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
More epic failure by the con artist who lied his way into the White House. His appeasement policy has not made the world love us, it has emboldened the muslim terrorists who know there will be zero retribution from the Coward in Chief....

Just look at this list from 2012 ALONE. Seriously, look how long it will take you just to scroll to the bottom. Reading the entire thing would take weeks... More epic Obama failure.

TheReligionofPeace.com - List of Islamic Terror Attacks for 2012
i hate that im going to say this, is it possible when he was bowing to everyone, he wasnt going low enough?
wow Poodle Boy.....what a great, unbiased website you got there....that's like going to "commiebuster.org" to "prove" that Obama's a Marxist.
wow Poodle Boy.....what a great, unbiased website you got there....that's like going to "commiebuster.org" to "prove" that Obama's a Marxist.

That is unbiased DATA that can be independently verified. Are you seriously that stupid? It's a list of dates and locations for terrorist attacks in 2012. How can that possibly be "biased"?!?!

I guess this must be the new strategy supplementing the idiot liberal dumbocrat strategy of screaming "racist" when losing an argument. Now they also add "biased" even when it makes ZERO sense in the context. :lol:
That's what you get for believing Obama had an "Appeasement Strategy". These right wingers can be indoctrinated into believing anything.
More epic failure by the con artist who lied his way into the White House. His appeasement policy has not made the world love us, it has emboldened the muslim terrorists who know there will be zero retribution from the Coward in Chief....

Just look at this list from 2012 ALONE. Seriously, look how long it will take you just to scroll to the bottom. Reading the entire thing would take weeks... More epic Obama failure.

TheReligionofPeace.com - List of Islamic Terror Attacks for 2012

As with the economy, Obama was also left with a Bush Era foreign policy mess to clean up.

And much of the international damage done during the Bush years might never be rectified – Iran in particular.
More epic failure by the con artist who lied his way into the White House. His appeasement policy has not made the world love us, it has emboldened the muslim terrorists who know there will be zero retribution from the Coward in Chief....

Just look at this list from 2012 ALONE. Seriously, look how long it will take you just to scroll to the bottom. Reading the entire thing would take weeks... More epic Obama failure.

TheReligionofPeace.com - List of Islamic Terror Attacks for 2012

As with the economy, Obama was also left with a Bush Era foreign policy mess to clean up.

And much of the international damage done during the Bush years might never be rectified – Iran in particular.

wait for it..........BOOOOOOOSH! There....said it for 'em.....
I thought the peace prize was down payment on future events. I guess Obama should return the prize.
That's what you get for believing Obama had an "Appeasement Strategy". These right wingers can be indoctrinated into believing anything.

I love how you deny every reality. You probably think the earth is flat, don't you stupid?

  • Obama was on national televisions apologizing to other nations for "mistakes" America has made.

  • He pulled out of Iraq early and made sure the world knew he didn't have the stomach to fight for America.

  • He refused to stop Iran's work on developing a nuclear weapon

  • He insulted our closest ally's (Israel and England) but reached out to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro (all of which spit in his face :lol:)

If that's not appeasement, what the hell is!??! Oh that's right, you're a liberal wing-nut who prefers propaganda over facts. Never mind....
wait for it..........BOOOOOOOSH! There....said it for 'em.....

Barack Obama did more damage in his first week in the White House than George Bush did in 8 years. But you never were one to let the facts get in the way of your propaganda campaign....
So a right wing moron and an End Times fundie puts together a movie, on the Internet, and it's Obama's fault that it pisses off Muslims, and their right wing fundies get violent.

What boneheaded logic.

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