I stopped listening to what the media has to say about Trump


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
The media lies and distorts so much no days that it is impossible to tell what is true and what isn't. I would include conservative media as well but I've seen this during the Bush years where things Bush supposedly said were either never said or f'n exaggerated beyond belief. Often these comments were said by some pro-Bush blogger (i'm assuming) and then carried to be the actual thing Bush said. I've seen this during the Reagan years as well.

I've notice that Breitbart news exaggerated the story about the female reported getting beaten up. That was not entirely true but Breitbart ran with it anyways. An occasional lie might be understandable considering the passion some people may have. It was an error but the left wing 'liberal' media just seems to pull things out of the air. There isn't even a basis for what they say sometimes so when they say anything about Trump I simply don't believe it...PERIOD. I'll go directly to the source for my news which is something that can be done in this age of the internet.
The media lies and distorts so much no days that it is impossible to tell what is true and what isn't. I would include conservative media as well but I've seen this during the Bush years where things Bush supposedly said were either never said or f'n exaggerated beyond belief. Often these comments were said by some pro-Bush blogger (i'm assuming) and then carried to be the actual thing Bush said. I've seen this during the Reagan years as well.

I've notice that Breitbart news exaggerated the story about the female reported getting beaten up. That was not entirely true but Breitbart ran with it anyways. An occasional lie might be understandable considering the passion some people may have. It was an error but the left wing 'liberal' media just seems to pull things out of the air. There isn't even a basis for what they say sometimes so when they say anything about Trump I simply don't believe it...PERIOD. I'll go directly to the source for my news which is something that can be done in this age of the internet.

In other words, you'll just simply believe everything Trump says. Your OP is kind of a waste of time, nobody doubted that to begin with.
I used to record and watch Meet the Press, Face the Nation, and CNNs State of the Union on Sunday morning.

Won't be doing that anymore until after the election.
just listen to the ridiculous things he says himself, for all you need to know...
That bubble must be sooo comfy:
"America great, wall, no foreigners, jobs, tremendous, my friend called me and said you are the best"
Enjoy it before it pops, even if he is elected.
That bubble must be sooo comfy:
"America great, wall, no foreigners, jobs, tremendous, my friend called me and said you are the best"
Enjoy it before it pops, even if he is elected.
Who sad no foreigners?
I have no problem with Legal Immigration or people seeking Political Asylum.
I am not thrilled with Illegal Immigration or Business Visa abuse.
That bubble must be sooo comfy:
"America great, wall, no foreigners, jobs, tremendous, my friend called me and said you are the best"
Enjoy it before it pops, even if he is elected.

America great--this is probably the really offensive part for you. It is so obvious that a lot of people on the left really hate this country for a lot of reasons. They don't fucking say it out loud because they don't have the guts to do it. I really don't care if you hate this country but tell your friends at CNN to stop waving the American flag because it really looks kind of phony to some of us who know what really patriotic people sound like.
The media lies and distorts so much no days that it is impossible to tell what is true and what isn't. I would include conservative media as well but I've seen this during the Bush years where things Bush supposedly said were either never said or f'n exaggerated beyond belief. Often these comments were said by some pro-Bush blogger (i'm assuming) and then carried to be the actual thing Bush said. I've seen this during the Reagan years as well.

I've notice that Breitbart news exaggerated the story about the female reported getting beaten up. That was not entirely true but Breitbart ran with it anyways. An occasional lie might be understandable considering the passion some people may have. It was an error but the left wing 'liberal' media just seems to pull things out of the air. There isn't even a basis for what they say sometimes so when they say anything about Trump I simply don't believe it...PERIOD. I'll go directly to the source for my news which is something that can be done in this age of the internet.
Classic closed-minded conservative.

‘The media’ do nothing of the sort – they do not exist as a single entity with a single purpose or agenda.

And that ‘the media’ report news and information which conflict with ridiculous, errant, wrongheaded conservative dogma makes ‘the media’ neither ‘liberal’ nor ‘liars.’
That bubble must be sooo comfy:
"America great, wall, no foreigners, jobs, tremendous, my friend called me and said you are the best"
Enjoy it before it pops, even if he is elected.
Who sad no foreigners?
I have no problem with Legal Immigration or people seeking Political Asylum.
I am not thrilled with Illegal Immigration or Business Visa abuse.

I've gave up on trying to convince these people that only illegal migration across the border is to stopped. Lets just go full throttle and ban everyone from entering the country since it is what they believe anyways.
That bubble must be sooo comfy:
"America great, wall, no foreigners, jobs, tremendous, my friend called me and said you are the best"
Enjoy it before it pops, even if he is elected.
Who sad no foreigners?
I have no problem with Legal Immigration or people seeking Political Asylum.
I am not thrilled with Illegal Immigration or Business Visa abuse.
You know what, you are right. It's not all foreigners just some races that are singled out.
The media lies and distorts so much no days that it is impossible to tell what is true and what isn't. I would include conservative media as well but I've seen this during the Bush years where things Bush supposedly said were either never said or f'n exaggerated beyond belief. Often these comments were said by some pro-Bush blogger (i'm assuming) and then carried to be the actual thing Bush said. I've seen this during the Reagan years as well.

I've notice that Breitbart news exaggerated the story about the female reported getting beaten up. That was not entirely true but Breitbart ran with it anyways. An occasional lie might be understandable considering the passion some people may have. It was an error but the left wing 'liberal' media just seems to pull things out of the air. There isn't even a basis for what they say sometimes so when they say anything about Trump I simply don't believe it...PERIOD. I'll go directly to the source for my news which is something that can be done in this age of the internet.
Classic closed-minded conservative.

‘The media’ do nothing of the sort – they do not exist as a single entity with a single purpose or agenda.

And that ‘the media’ report news and information which conflict with ridiculous, errant, wrongheaded conservative dogma makes ‘the media’ neither ‘liberal’ nor ‘liars.’

I'm a conservative? Anyways. I'm pretty closed minded to lies. Period. End of discussion. The liberal media has distorted things for years. Now I just tune them out. It is their own fault for not competing out there and the fact that there combined ratings can't beat foxnews says quite a lot about what the public really thinks of them.
That bubble must be sooo comfy:
"America great, wall, no foreigners, jobs, tremendous, my friend called me and said you are the best"
Enjoy it before it pops, even if he is elected.
Who sad no foreigners?
I have no problem with Legal Immigration or people seeking Political Asylum.
I am not thrilled with Illegal Immigration or Business Visa abuse.
You know what, you are right. It's not all foreigners just some races that are singled out.

Let's discuss facts...
Who comprises the majority of Illegal Immigrants?
Who comprises the majority of Business Visas?
The media lies and distorts so much no days that it is impossible to tell what is true and what isn't. I would include conservative media as well but I've seen this during the Bush years where things Bush supposedly said were either never said or f'n exaggerated beyond belief. Often these comments were said by some pro-Bush blogger (i'm assuming) and then carried to be the actual thing Bush said. I've seen this during the Reagan years as well.

I've notice that Breitbart news exaggerated the story about the female reported getting beaten up. That was not entirely true but Breitbart ran with it anyways. An occasional lie might be understandable considering the passion some people may have. It was an error but the left wing 'liberal' media just seems to pull things out of the air. There isn't even a basis for what they say sometimes so when they say anything about Trump I simply don't believe it...PERIOD. I'll go directly to the source for my news which is something that can be done in this age of the internet.

In other words, you'll just simply believe everything Trump says. Your OP is kind of a waste of time, nobody doubted that to begin with.
At least you would know what Trump actually said instead of what someone claimes he said.

Trump did not say make America white again. Sarah Palin never said she could see Russia from her house. Listen to the media and you would never know that.
I stopped listening to what the American Government/Corporate Medis says about anything a long time ago. It's all just Government/Corporate-scripted Bullshit.

There is no credible independent media. 'Journalists' receive all information from Government. Therefore, everything you see and read is a Government/Corporate-created illusion.

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