“I need a favor” was about Cloudstrike! Not Biden, not Burisma

"Stalinist Democrats" LoL Once again - The Pee Wee Defense aka I know you are but what am I? ...

Pathetic Frank. Know you quotes Stalin?

Guess ;)

Not if you can prove they aren’t reporting the news

We understand - Anyone who dares to be critical of Dear Leader is an Enemy of the People. Very Stalinist with a dash of Mao and Adolf.

IOW, the only REAL news comes from OANN, Fox, Newsmax, Breitbart, Daily Caller, and Gateway Pundit :cool:
Not sure there is any accurate reporting of the news there is gathering information.. if we didn’t have internet and libs reported the news like they are they would have been hung.
But because of the Internet I think the news as a joke and extremely by Pardison so do your own research and gather information that’s all it’s here for

What does Dolly Partison have to do with anything? :)


Turn your spellcheck back on
Biden's a crook
Biden is a political opponent to Trump.
Trump wanted ukraine to announce an investigation into Biden.
Create the appearance of something wrong with Biden to hurt a political opponent.

This thread is about crowdstrike.
Putin hates crowdstrike because crowdstrike is an effective countermeasure against Putin's best cyber warfare tactics. THAT's why Trump cares.

Trump had no reason to bring up crowdstrike with Zelensky., because crowdstrike has nothing to o with Ukraine. Only reason was to undermine crowdstrike and US intelligence.
Making shit up has done more to damage Stalinist democrats credibility than anything Trump could do

"Stalinist Democrats" LoL Once again - The Pee Wee Defense aka I know you are but what am I? ...

Pathetic Frank. Know you quotes Stalin?

Guess ;)

Fake News is fake

Yep, and Stalinists are Stalinists ;)

Hitler wasn't talking about his own press. He was talking about the Soviet Press.

And yes, communists in the press are liars.
Not if you can prove they aren’t reporting the news

We understand - Anyone who dares to be critical of Dear Leader is an Enemy of the People. Very Stalinist with a dash of Mao and Adolf.

IOW, the only REAL news comes from OANN, Fox, Newsmax, Breitbart, Daily Caller, and Gateway Pundit :cool:
Not sure there is any accurate reporting of the news there is gathering information.. if we didn’t have internet and libs reported the news like they are they would have been hung.
But because of the Internet I think the news as a joke and extremely by Pardison so do your own research and gather information that’s all it’s here for

What does Dolly Partison have to do with anything? :)


Turn your spellcheck back on
Biden is a political opponent to Trump.
Trump wanted ukraine to announce an investigation into Biden.
Create the appearance of something wrong with Biden to hurt a political opponent.

This thread is about crowdstrike.
Putin hates crowdstrike because crowdstrike is an effective countermeasure against Putin's best cyber warfare tactics. THAT's why Trump cares.

Trump had no reason to bring up crowdstrike with Zelensky., because crowdstrike has nothing to o with Ukraine. Only reason was to undermine crowdstrike and US intelligence.
Making shit up has done more to damage Stalinist democrats credibility than anything Trump could do

"Stalinist Democrats" LoL Once again - The Pee Wee Defense aka I know you are but what am I? ...

Pathetic Frank. Know you quotes Stalin?

Guess ;)

Fake News is fake

Yep, and Stalinists are Stalinists ;)

Hitler wasn't talking about his own press. He was talking about the Soviet Press.

And yes, communists in the press are liars.

Yes, and other countries. But he also used it against his critics in Germany.

Trump supporters should probably ditch the phrase if they don't want to be associated with Adolf.

Donald Trump Supporters Are Using a Nazi Word to Attack Journalists
1. Not a transcript, a rough summary.

2. Proven to be incomplete.

3. An admission if guilt anyway.
No, it's an admission of doing it like every POTUS has done for the last 50 years.

There has been no inaccuracy alleged by people that actually heard the call, including the Ukraine government that states unequivocally that there was no pressure and no quid pro quo.

But I get the fact that you're expecting Trump to win YUGE in an honest election.
Why do you not understand that there are proper channels to ask for assistance of any kind from other nations? We have this thing called a "State Department" that is built to deal with other nations and has a lot of lawyers who know what is proper and what is not. This bureaucracy protects the president from perhaps getting caught conducting diplomacy for his own gain.

You're really stupid. The President sets US foreign policy. The State Dept works for him.
Democrats keep saying I need a favor was towards Biden, to help trump in the election..

After the president of Ukraine congratulates the President Trump a rooting out corruption in the United States the conversation proceeded to javelin missile’s when Trump said I need a favor about cloud strike and do you know a cloud strike is?
It was about election interference in the two thousand and 16 presidential election the Democrats are begging Trump to fix.

lol this is like the twilight zone!!

The favor was about cloud strike! lol not Biden or Burisma in fact the Ukraine president brought up first. This is going to be so embarrassing for Democrats

Yeah, but Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon say it was to get dirt on Biden. At least that's the first thing out of their mouths every time they speak about this. CNN...First Name in News.
Why do you not understand that there are proper channels to ask for assistance of any kind from other nations? We have this thing called a "State Department" that is built to deal with other nations and has a lot of lawyers who know what is proper and what is not. This bureaucracy protects the president from perhaps getting caught conducting diplomacy for his own gain.

You're really stupid. The President sets US foreign policy. The State Dept works for him.

No, the State Department works for for the American People. You are thinking of the Secretary of State to an extent. I suppose in the case of Mike Pompeo, yes .. he definitely is lying hard for the Orange Mob Boss.
Making shit up has done more to damage Stalinist democrats credibility than anything Trump could do

"Stalinist Democrats" LoL Once again - The Pee Wee Defense aka I know you are but what am I? ...

Pathetic Frank. Know you quotes Stalin?

Guess ;)

Fake News is fake

Yep, and Stalinists are Stalinists ;)

Hitler wasn't talking about his own press. He was talking about the Soviet Press.

And yes, communists in the press are liars.

Yes, and other countries. But he also used it against his critics in Germany.

Trump supporters should probably ditch the phrase if they don't want to be associated with Adolf.

Donald Trump Supporters Are Using a Nazi Word to Attack Journalists
Sorry, no can do.
Our press is as corrupt as the Soviet press.

Matter of fact they're practically one in the same.
"Stalinist Democrats" LoL Once again - The Pee Wee Defense aka I know you are but what am I? ...

Pathetic Frank. Know you quotes Stalin?

Guess ;)

Fake News is fake

Yep, and Stalinists are Stalinists ;)

Hitler wasn't talking about his own press. He was talking about the Soviet Press.

And yes, communists in the press are liars.

Yes, and other countries. But he also used it against his critics in Germany.

Trump supporters should probably ditch the phrase if they don't want to be associated with Adolf.

Donald Trump Supporters Are Using a Nazi Word to Attack Journalists
Sorry, no can do.
Our press is as corrupt as the Soviet press.

Matter of fact they're practically one in the same.

Dude that is completely goofy. We still have a free press. The soviet press is state controlled by Vladimir Putin.

That is probably why Donald admires him so with all Fake News banter. He'd love to control the media as proven when he talks of "revoking broadcasting licenses" and then goes off like a toddler every time someone tells the truth about him.

The Amazon Washington Post and three lowlife reporters, Matt Zapotosky, Josh Dawsey, and Carol Leonnig, wrote another Fake News story, without any sources (pure fiction), about Bill Barr & myself. We both deny this story, which they knew before they wrote it. A garbage newspaper!

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Fake News is fake

Yep, and Stalinists are Stalinists ;)

Hitler wasn't talking about his own press. He was talking about the Soviet Press.

And yes, communists in the press are liars.

Yes, and other countries. But he also used it against his critics in Germany.

Trump supporters should probably ditch the phrase if they don't want to be associated with Adolf.

Donald Trump Supporters Are Using a Nazi Word to Attack Journalists
Sorry, no can do.
Our press is as corrupt as the Soviet press.

Matter of fact they're practically one in the same.

Dude that is completely goofy. We still have a free press. The soviet press is state controlled by Vladimir Putin.

That is probably why Donald admires him so with all Fake News banter. He'd love to control the media as proven when he talks of "revoking broadcasting licenses" and then goes off like a toddler every time someone tells the truth about him.

Hard Stop

If you think we still have a free press then you're a bigger fool than your posts indicate.

Our press is literally owned and operated by the Democrat/Communist Party.
Why do you not understand that there are proper channels to ask for assistance of any kind from other nations? We have this thing called a "State Department" that is built to deal with other nations and has a lot of lawyers who know what is proper and what is not. This bureaucracy protects the president from perhaps getting caught conducting diplomacy for his own gain.
Wrong the President of the United States sets foreign policy, he is the chief executive he can see whatever he likes and whatever he wants it is not against the law to ask the president about the 2016 foreign interference. Democrat media urged trump in a press conference to tell Putin not to interfere in the elections..
The language absolutely exonerates Donald Trump
You miss my point. The president does set foreign policy but the sole instrument of that policy is the US State Department. He tells his Sec. of State what he wants and they try to achieve it within the limits of the law. That way the president is insulated from any blunders or impropriety. Trump was stupid to directly engage in hanky-panky especially for something as fleetingly valuable as political dirt.
Well, since Trump wasn't involved in any hanky panky, you're full of bovine excrement.
We still have a free press. The soviet press is state controlled

While that is true, the Free Press has almost always been partisan in American politics.

Gotta disagree there Boo. Back in the 60's when we had only a few news outlets, they were all operating on the same set of facts. Now you have fairly neutral sources that provide pretty straight up reporting. But most sources on the left and in particular on the right operate on ALTERNATIVE facts.

Most political junkies get their news from only the sources that agree with them. And that is why 30% of the country still supports Dear Leader. Donald wants to take us back to the 50s or 60s but he wouldn't be happy there.

Last edited:
We still have a free press. The soviet press is state controlled

While that is true, the Free Press has almost always been partisan in American politics.
The difference now is they gone from partisanship to outright advocacy.

They practice Censorship now. The conservatives are shut ot of the process.

They are colluding and plotting with Democrats to undermine or outright destroy Republicans....or anyone who gets in their way
We still have a free press. The soviet press is state controlled

While that is true, the Free Press has almost always been partisan in American politics.
The difference now is they gone from partisanship to outright advocacy.

They practice Censorship now. The conservatives are shut ot of the process.

They are colluding and plotting with Democrats to undermine or outright destroy Republicans....or anyone who gets in their way

How is the number one rated cable news station (Fox) shut out of the process? Are OANN and Newsmax TV (Donald's new favorites) shut out of the process too?

Sheesh :icon_rolleyes:
Democrats keep saying I need a favor was towards Biden, to help trump in the election..

After the president of Ukraine congratulates the President Trump a rooting out corruption in the United States the conversation proceeded to javelin missile’s when Trump said I need a favor about cloud strike and do you know a cloud strike is?
It was about election interference in the two thousand and 16 presidential election the Democrats are begging Trump to fix.

lol this is like the twilight zone!!

The favor was about cloud strike! lol not Biden or Burisma in fact the Ukraine president brought up first. This is going to be so embarrassing for Democrats

No- your Orange Messiah brought it up first.

The President: I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you're surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible.

Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States, the woman, was bad news and the people she was dealing with in the Ukraine were bad news so I just want to let you know that. The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me.

The favor was about the mythical DNC server- about the 2016 election- and about investigating his political rival.
We still have a free press. The soviet press is state controlled

While that is true, the Free Press has almost always been partisan in American politics.
The difference now is they gone from partisanship to outright advocacy.

They practice Censorship now. The conservatives are shut ot of the process.

They are colluding and plotting with Democrats to undermine or outright destroy Republicans....or anyone who gets in their way


You poor snowflakes and your delusions of persecution.
Democrats keep saying I need a favor was towards Biden, to help trump in the election..

After the president of Ukraine congratulates the President Trump a rooting out corruption in the United States the conversation proceeded to javelin missile’s when Trump said I need a favor about cloud strike and do you know a cloud strike is?
It was about election interference in the two thousand and 16 presidential election the Democrats are begging Trump to fix.

lol this is like the twilight zone!!

The favor was about cloud strike! lol not Biden or Burisma in fact the Ukraine president brought up first. This is going to be so embarrassing for Democrats

No- your Orange Messiah brought it up first.

The President: I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you're surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible.

Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States, the woman, was bad news and the people she was dealing with in the Ukraine were bad news so I just want to let you know that. The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me.

The favor was about the mythical DNC server- about the 2016 election- and about investigating his political rival.

Yep, and since then Donald has confirmed it, Rudy has confirmed it, and Mulvaney TOTALLY confirmed it. IOW, "We do this all the time - Get over it!" :icon_rolleyes:

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