I Miss Glenn Beck

Jon Stewart is a comedian. It never fails to amaze me that the radical left depends on the Comedy Channel for news analysis.
Jon Stewart is a comedian. It never fails to amaze me that the radical left depends on the Comedy Channel for news analysis.

Attacks can be made with comedy or hate. Comedy is healthy, hate is not. You can scream a person is stupid or said something stupid but only the people already in agreement with your ideology, philosophy, religious beliefs etc. will likely pay attention. When presented in a comedic fashion the same subject becomes open to a wider audience and the audience is more likely to change their minds about a particular subject. Comedy has a way of putting things in perspective in an enjoyable way. So if a pundit tells you over and over that Obama is a liar, many folks won't listen because they are convinced the pundit has an agenda and may be lying to promote a political agenda. If a comedian tells a joke that shows how Obama lied, it will be accepted without the feeling of guilt for perhaps being hateful or suckered into believing bs. Obama being a liar becomes funny, and accepted.

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