I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

That's because Democrats are working. At jobs. Then they go home, have dinner, and spend time with their families. They don't have time to go to pep rallies.

Well, I've seen them on the news. Seems to me they're always holding up signs, blocking roads, and running the streets at night harassing the police and destroying neighborhoods. I don't see how they can work and raise hell all night.
ONe of the first things the clintons did when they were in the White House the first time was to order the FBI to hand over 1,000 FBI files on political enemies...........so......who do you really think is going to silence the opposition....? We actually have behavior from the clintons that show it.......

The Clintons have done a lot more than that to "silence" "critics,"

Vince Foster
Jerry Parks
Herschel Friday
James McDougle
Ron Brown

Clinton "critics" die at a fantastic rate...
A Bernie supporter now as well
A real man understands the actual threat isn't Trump...it is a country under the control of the clintons....who will turn this country into Mexico.........a real man doesn't turn into a child because another man called him a name or made fun of his family during a political debate.......

a real man fights for the country to be maintained and for a criminal like hilary to be kept out of the White House....

A real man puts on the big boy pants, cowboys up and fights for his country.........if someone calling you names will cause you to surrender the country to the criminal hilary....you are not a man....
You have no proof that Trump will be better then Clinton... NONE other then you wish it to be. There is plenty evidence Trump might be worse then Clinton with his constant flip flops and statements about making it easier to silence opposing speech.

statements about making it easier to silence opposing speech.

ONe of the first things the clintons did when they were in the White House the first time was to order the FBI to hand over 1,000 FBI files on political enemies...........so......who do you really think is going to silence the opposition....? We actually have behavior from the clintons that show it........
Di8d they push to change law so speech can more easily be squashed? Because Trump wants laws to do that. You ignorantly keep showing a turd hoping it will hide the turd you are eating up.

The democrats as a party used the IRS to prevent conservative groups from getting their tax free status.......hilary used FBI files to attack her enemies in the first White House stay......you guys are morons if you don't think this woman will attack freedom of speech......
So why is it again you are supporting a democrat that wants to do even worse?

Trump doesn't have a record......he gets a shot at doing the job....he has a record of success as a multinational business man....

Hilary has a record of absolute corruption and incompetence.....she has had a shot and has shown she cannot be trusted.....

if you want to keep getting crappy politicians...just keep rewarding the worst of them with better political offices.....if you want to get them under some sort of control, you don't reward them with the White House.....
You have no proof that Trump will be better then Clinton... NONE other then you wish it to be. There is plenty evidence Trump might be worse then Clinton with his constant flip flops and statements about making it easier to silence opposing speech.

statements about making it easier to silence opposing speech.

ONe of the first things the clintons did when they were in the White House the first time was to order the FBI to hand over 1,000 FBI files on political enemies...........so......who do you really think is going to silence the opposition....? We actually have behavior from the clintons that show it........
Di8d they push to change law so speech can more easily be squashed? Because Trump wants laws to do that. You ignorantly keep showing a turd hoping it will hide the turd you are eating up.

The democrats as a party used the IRS to prevent conservative groups from getting their tax free status.......hilary used FBI files to attack her enemies in the first White House stay......you guys are morons if you don't think this woman will attack freedom of speech......
So why is it again you are supporting a democrat that wants to do even worse?

Trump doesn't have a record......he gets a shot at doing the job....he has a record of success as a multinational business man....

Hilary has a record of absolute corruption and incompetence.....she has had a shot and has shown she cannot be trusted.....

if you want to keep getting crappy politicians...just keep rewarding the worst of them with better political offices.....if you want to get them under some sort of control, you don't reward them with the White House.....
what success? He multiple bankruptcies? Or his coning people out of their life savings with a fake school? Maybe it is the foreign labor he uses so he doesn't have to hire Americans??? Trump is broke which is why he doesnt want his tax return shown.
statements about making it easier to silence opposing speech.

ONe of the first things the clintons did when they were in the White House the first time was to order the FBI to hand over 1,000 FBI files on political enemies...........so......who do you really think is going to silence the opposition....? We actually have behavior from the clintons that show it........
Di8d they push to change law so speech can more easily be squashed? Because Trump wants laws to do that. You ignorantly keep showing a turd hoping it will hide the turd you are eating up.

The democrats as a party used the IRS to prevent conservative groups from getting their tax free status.......hilary used FBI files to attack her enemies in the first White House stay......you guys are morons if you don't think this woman will attack freedom of speech......
So why is it again you are supporting a democrat that wants to do even worse?

Trump doesn't have a record......he gets a shot at doing the job....he has a record of success as a multinational business man....

Hilary has a record of absolute corruption and incompetence.....she has had a shot and has shown she cannot be trusted.....

if you want to keep getting crappy politicians...just keep rewarding the worst of them with better political offices.....if you want to get them under some sort of control, you don't reward them with the White House.....
what success? He multiple bankruptcies? Or his coning people out of their life savings with a fake school? Maybe it is the foreign labor he uses so he doesn't have to hire Americans??? Trump is broke which is why he doesnt want his tax return shown.
I would love to be broke like Trump.
statements about making it easier to silence opposing speech.

ONe of the first things the clintons did when they were in the White House the first time was to order the FBI to hand over 1,000 FBI files on political enemies...........so......who do you really think is going to silence the opposition....? We actually have behavior from the clintons that show it........
Di8d they push to change law so speech can more easily be squashed? Because Trump wants laws to do that. You ignorantly keep showing a turd hoping it will hide the turd you are eating up.

The democrats as a party used the IRS to prevent conservative groups from getting their tax free status.......hilary used FBI files to attack her enemies in the first White House stay......you guys are morons if you don't think this woman will attack freedom of speech......
So why is it again you are supporting a democrat that wants to do even worse?

Trump doesn't have a record......he gets a shot at doing the job....he has a record of success as a multinational business man....

Hilary has a record of absolute corruption and incompetence.....she has had a shot and has shown she cannot be trusted.....

if you want to keep getting crappy politicians...just keep rewarding the worst of them with better political offices.....if you want to get them under some sort of control, you don't reward them with the White House.....
what success? He multiple bankruptcies? Or his coning people out of their life savings with a fake school? Maybe it is the foreign labor he uses so he doesn't have to hire Americans??? Trump is broke which is why he doesnt want his tax return shown.
What a good little national socialist you are...
statements about making it easier to silence opposing speech.

ONe of the first things the clintons did when they were in the White House the first time was to order the FBI to hand over 1,000 FBI files on political enemies...........so......who do you really think is going to silence the opposition....? We actually have behavior from the clintons that show it........
Di8d they push to change law so speech can more easily be squashed? Because Trump wants laws to do that. You ignorantly keep showing a turd hoping it will hide the turd you are eating up.

The democrats as a party used the IRS to prevent conservative groups from getting their tax free status.......hilary used FBI files to attack her enemies in the first White House stay......you guys are morons if you don't think this woman will attack freedom of speech......
So why is it again you are supporting a democrat that wants to do even worse?

Trump doesn't have a record......he gets a shot at doing the job....he has a record of success as a multinational business man....

Hilary has a record of absolute corruption and incompetence.....she has had a shot and has shown she cannot be trusted.....

if you want to keep getting crappy politicians...just keep rewarding the worst of them with better political offices.....if you want to get them under some sort of control, you don't reward them with the White House.....
what success? He multiple bankruptcies? Or his coning people out of their life savings with a fake school? Maybe it is the foreign labor he uses so he doesn't have to hire Americans??? Trump is broke which is why he doesnt want his tax return shown.

90% of businesses fail, investors know those odds when they invest. If you are going to start up a business, be prepared to fail 9 times. If not, work for someone else. If you think investing is to big a risk, don't put money in the stocks just put in a savings account.
2aguy, post: 14953003
..the left falls in lock step no matter what, that is why they keep winning, they know they can hash out their arguments..

No there are more Americans left of center than on the right. The trick is getting all of them to see the need to vote. The other part is getting the centrists, independents, MuggWumps to be convinced the Dems will do better at governing than the right wing whackos.

It's all about turnout - that's why RWers are always hellbent on discouraging people to vote.

That's your argument? Define why I'm wrong.

More Americans identify with Democratic Party than GOP, poll shows. Jul 6, 2015 1:31 PM EDT

APRIL 1, 2016
Democrats Increasing Their Edge in U.S. Party Affiliation

by Jeffrey M. Jones

  • Democrats hold six-percentage-point edge in party affiliation
  • One of largest advantages in Obama's second term
  • Parties were even last fall

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Forty-six percent of Americans now identify politically as Democrats or say they lean Democratic, while 40% identify as Republican or lean Republican. As recently as October, the parties had equal levels of support.

Democrats Increasing Their Edge in U.S. Party Affiliation

46 to 40 in favor of Dems. Trump increasing the margin in favor of Dems.
Last edited:
I'm dead set against a Clinton Presidency..period. I do not want her in office...period. I'm not going to act all butt hurt because people said mean things about Drumpf supporters when faced with a possible Clinton presidency. It's unthinkable to me.
Where does all this CDS come from?

When I see all this baseless Hillary hatred I often think back to this:

“Were you molested by a real estate lady?” Bill Maher and Andrew Sullivan’s shocking Hillary Clinton clash
I don't hate anyone. You're projecting. Hillary seems like a nice enough woman.

There's a huge difference between hating someone and feeling they are totally unfit to run the country. Clinton cannot get done what needs to be done to turn this country around. No career politician, left or right, can for that matter. They have ALL failed us and will continue to fail us. It's time to turn this bitch upside down and make out government what its supposed to be...for, by and of <<remember that little obscure blurb in the constitution?
Di8d they push to change law so speech can more easily be squashed? Because Trump wants laws to do that. You ignorantly keep showing a turd hoping it will hide the turd you are eating up.

The democrats as a party used the IRS to prevent conservative groups from getting their tax free status.......hilary used FBI files to attack her enemies in the first White House stay......you guys are morons if you don't think this woman will attack freedom of speech......
So why is it again you are supporting a democrat that wants to do even worse?

Trump doesn't have a record......he gets a shot at doing the job....he has a record of success as a multinational business man....

Hilary has a record of absolute corruption and incompetence.....she has had a shot and has shown she cannot be trusted.....

if you want to keep getting crappy politicians...just keep rewarding the worst of them with better political offices.....if you want to get them under some sort of control, you don't reward them with the White House.....
what success? He multiple bankruptcies? Or his coning people out of their life savings with a fake school? Maybe it is the foreign labor he uses so he doesn't have to hire Americans??? Trump is broke which is why he doesnt want his tax return shown.
What a good little national socialist you are...
Dip shit the one acting like a nazi here is you not me.
I'm dead set against a Clinton Presidency..period. I do not want her in office...period. I'm not going to act all butt hurt because people said mean things about Drumpf supporters when faced with a possible Clinton presidency. It's unthinkable to me.
Where does all this CDS come from?

When I see all this baseless Hillary hatred I often think back to this:

“Were you molested by a real estate lady?” Bill Maher and Andrew Sullivan’s shocking Hillary Clinton clash
I don't hate anyone. You're projecting. Hillary seems like a nice enough woman.

There's a huge difference between hating someone and feeling they are totally unfit to run the country. Clinton cannot get done what needs to be done to turn this country around. No career politician, left or right, can for that matter. They have ALL failed us and will continue to fail us. It's time to turn this bitch upside down and make out government what its supposed to be...for, by and of <<remember that little obscure blurb in the constitution?
Trump isn't the guy to do it. He doesn't have the knowledge or the discipline. And I firmly believe he's a sociopath with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

I'm fine with an outsider to shake up the system. But it has to be someone who instills confidence from both sides.

You may not hate Hillary, but hatred of her often goes hand in hand with opposing her.
The democrats as a party used the IRS to prevent conservative groups from getting their tax free status.......hilary used FBI files to attack her enemies in the first White House stay......you guys are morons if you don't think this woman will attack freedom of speech......
So why is it again you are supporting a democrat that wants to do even worse?

Trump doesn't have a record......he gets a shot at doing the job....he has a record of success as a multinational business man....

Hilary has a record of absolute corruption and incompetence.....she has had a shot and has shown she cannot be trusted.....

if you want to keep getting crappy politicians...just keep rewarding the worst of them with better political offices.....if you want to get them under some sort of control, you don't reward them with the White House.....
what success? He multiple bankruptcies? Or his coning people out of their life savings with a fake school? Maybe it is the foreign labor he uses so he doesn't have to hire Americans??? Trump is broke which is why he doesnt want his tax return shown.
What a good little national socialist you are...
Dip shit the one acting like a nazi here is you not me.
If you say so Adolf....
Wise up people...Trump, even if a COMMUNIST, couldn't possibly be this bad...But the Hildebeast wants to continue it, besides adding 550,000 muslim terrorists to our country!

Obama and Trump are alike in this election because both are and were unknown and all that is known is ignored by the koolaid drinkers.
So why is it again you are supporting a democrat that wants to do even worse?

Trump doesn't have a record......he gets a shot at doing the job....he has a record of success as a multinational business man....

Hilary has a record of absolute corruption and incompetence.....she has had a shot and has shown she cannot be trusted.....

if you want to keep getting crappy politicians...just keep rewarding the worst of them with better political offices.....if you want to get them under some sort of control, you don't reward them with the White House.....
what success? He multiple bankruptcies? Or his coning people out of their life savings with a fake school? Maybe it is the foreign labor he uses so he doesn't have to hire Americans??? Trump is broke which is why he doesnt want his tax return shown.
What a good little national socialist you are...
Dip shit the one acting like a nazi here is you not me.
If you say so Adolf....
Thanks for once again showing how ignorant of facts and history you are....
Wise up people...Trump, even if a COMMUNIST, couldn't possibly be this bad...But the Hildebeast wants to continue it, besides adding 550,000 muslim terrorists to our country!

Obama and Trump are alike in this election because both are and were unknown and all that is known is ignored by the koolaid drinkers.

No...Trump has been in the public eye for decades...Obama hid as much as possible......there is no comparison...
Wise up people...Trump, even if a COMMUNIST, couldn't possibly be this bad...But the Hildebeast wants to continue it, besides adding 550,000 muslim terrorists to our country!

Obama and Trump are alike in this election because both are and were unknown and all that is known is ignored by the koolaid drinkers.

No...Trump has been in the public eye for decades...Obama hid as much as possible......there is no comparison...
NONE of which was policy decisions and most was him going bankrupt. Tell me what flavor is the koolaid?
Wise up people...Trump, even if a COMMUNIST, couldn't possibly be this bad...But the Hildebeast wants to continue it, besides adding 550,000 muslim terrorists to our country!

Obama and Trump are alike in this election because both are and were unknown and all that is known is ignored by the koolaid drinkers.

No...Trump has been in the public eye for decades...Obama hid as much as possible......there is no comparison...
NONE of which was policy decisions and most was him going bankrupt. Tell me what flavor is the koolaid?

Trump has led actual organizations that achieved real world objectives both here and around the world dealing with the politicians and bureaucrats and laws of other countries for decades......

Hilary made,decisions that got men killed...and created the worst refugee problem since world war 2.....
Wise up people...Trump, even if a COMMUNIST, couldn't possibly be this bad...But the Hildebeast wants to continue it, besides adding 550,000 muslim terrorists to our country!

Obama and Trump are alike in this election because both are and were unknown and all that is known is ignored by the koolaid drinkers.

No...Trump has been in the public eye for decades...Obama hid as much as possible......there is no comparison...
NONE of which was policy decisions and most was him going bankrupt. Tell me what flavor is the koolaid?

Trump has led actual organizations that achieved real world objectives both here and around the world dealing with the politicians and bureaucrats and laws of other countries for decades......

Hilary made,decisions that got men killed...and created the worst refugee problem since world war 2.....
Yes yes Hillary sucks and deserves to be in jail like her husband the rapist but we are not talking the Clinton's we are talking about her number 3 benefactor Donald Trump. What were these real world achievements that he did? Hell he had to bribe politicians just to keep a float most times which means he is a lackluster business man. Was it his fraudulent school? Or his steaks that no one bought? was it that he didn't keep his word to his wives that he would never cheat? Maybe it was all the foreign employment he gave to his resort in Florida instead of hiring Americans...Is it hi 6 different sides on abortion that he had in a 7 day period? Was it his attack of another mans wife calling her ugly or accusing same said mans father of murder with NO EVIDENCE? Or is it his ties to nut jobs like Alex Jones ????? Maye his belief that Mike Tyson didn't commit rape ? I could go on and on. The truth is we republicans picked the wrong horse and now have to pray Hillary makes worse mistakes then Trump.If/When Hillary becomes president it wont be because she was qualified or even deserved the seat it will be because you idiots Nominated Donald Trump.

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