I Love These


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Nearly daily Taranto includes these, thought I'd share today's. The quotes are the headlines, at the site are the links to them:


Wouldn't It Have Been Easier Just to Buy Some?
"U.K. Soldiers Serving in War to Get Germ-Fighting Underwear"--headline, Associated Press, Aug. 18

And You Shoulda Seen the One That Got Away!
"Fish Kill Likely Caused by Fishing Operation"--headline, WBAL-TV Web site (Baltimore), Aug. 17

Thanks for the Tip!--II
"Health Tip: Prevent Chemical Poisoning"--headline, HealthDayNews, Aug. 17

What Would Utah Kids Do Without Experts?
"Experts Want Utah Kids to 'Lighten Up' "--headline, Deseret News (Salt Lake City), Aug. 18

World Ends, Everyone Hit, Expert Contends
"While the poor remain prime targets for disasters, natural and otherwise, these destructive events can strike any society or class depending on both random chance and the patterns in which people live, one expert researcher contends."--HealthDayNews, Aug. 17

What Would We Do Without Chinese Experts?
"Chinese Experts: No Such Things as 'Lake Monsters' "--headline, People's Daily (Red China), Aug. 18

"Experts Warn of Deafening Growth in Personal Music"--headline, Times (London), Aug. 18

That's Easy for You to Say!
"Leipheimer Tames Rettenbachferner to Take Lead"--headline, Reuters, Aug. 18

The Next Best Thing to Abstinence
"Study: Tap Water Poses Little Pregnancy Risk"--headline, MSNBC.com, Aug. 16

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