“I know the Boston Bombers” … Deeply Religious Family


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Emphasize “Family” something the media is completely ignoring.

Here is an infidel who knew the family for years. She describes a deeply religious family. The daughters suffered forced marriages and in one case, the unhappy union was accompanied by the requiste beatings prescribed in that culture. The writer decribes the Boston jihadis' mother this way, "The hijab shouldn’t have surprised me so much, because she had become increasingly religious while I was in college. She often mentioned Allah, and the lessons of the Koran. “Allah will reward him."

Read more @ "I know the Boston bombers" .... deeply religious family - Atlas Shrugs

And, of course, this is totally biased as it comes from Islamophobe Pamela Geller. And yeah, she also reports that the FBI is seeking an Islamic “sleeper cell” in Boston as they believe these two did not act alone. Read @ Boston bombers: FBI hunting 12-strong terrorist ?sleeper cell? linked to brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev - Mirror Online
Emphasize “Family” something the media is completely ignoring.

Here is an infidel who knew the family for years. She describes a deeply religious family. The daughters suffered forced marriages and in one case, the unhappy union was accompanied by the requiste beatings prescribed in that culture. The writer decribes the Boston jihadis' mother this way, "The hijab shouldn’t have surprised me so much, because she had become increasingly religious while I was in college. She often mentioned Allah, and the lessons of the Koran. “Allah will reward him."

Read more @ "I know the Boston bombers" .... deeply religious family - Atlas Shrugs

And, of course, this is totally biased as it comes from Islamophobe Pamela Geller. And yeah, she also reports that the FBI is seeking an Islamic “sleeper cell” in Boston as they believe these two did not act alone. Read @ Boston bombers: FBI hunting 12-strong terrorist ?sleeper cell? linked to brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev - Mirror Online
Be careful when mentioning the bombers religion or religiosity or the fact that they seem to have gotten Sudden Jihad Syndrome as so many other homegrown Muslim terrorists have. Otherwise your thread will be shipped out to a different section.

Islam is peaceful and if you disagree they will kill you.
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Your point?

Anyone looking at the Boston Marathon terror attack knows it is not isolated to these two kids. One was 19 the other 26. This was not the work of 2 persons. No way.

And-- no huge surprise-- since they are criminals, their guns had not been registered.

Sun Apr 21, 2013 7:46pm EDT

(Reuters) - The two brothers suspected in the Boston Marathon bombings, who police say engaged in a gun battle with officers early Friday after a frenzied manhunt, were not licensed to own guns in the towns where they lived, authorities said on Sunday.

In the confrontation with police on the streets of a Boston suburb, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were armed with handguns, at least one rifle and several explosive devices, authorities say.

But neither brother appears to have been legally entitled to own or carry firearms where they lived, a fact that may add to the national debate over current gun laws. Last week, the U.S. Senate rejected a bill to expand background checks on gun purchases, legislation that opponents argued would do nothing to stop criminals from buying guns illegally.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, who was killed in the shootout with police, would have been required to apply for a gun license with the local police department where he lived in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

But there is no record of him having done so, according to Cambridge Police Department spokesman Dan Riviello.

Even if he had earlier received a gun license from somewhere outside Cambridge, that license would have to be registered with Cambridge police upon becoming a resident of the city, Riviello said. In Massachusetts, gun licenses are issued by municipal police departments.

"There is no record of him having a license to carry," Riviello told Reuters.

Tsarnaev's younger brother Dzhokhar, 19, who was captured alive on Friday after the manhunt, would have been too young to get a handgun license. Under state law, residents under 21 may only apply for a so-called firearms identification card, which allows the holder to own only rifles that hold 10 rounds or less and shotguns.

Boston bombing suspects did not have valid handgun licenses | Reuters
You know, I agree with Sunni, there is no such thing as a Islamic terrorist. These guys are simply devout Muslims following the tenements of Islam. It's not their fault.
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Hopefully congress will make all Muslims applying for citizenship in the US swear a loyalty oath to forgo Shariah and Islamism.
Hopefully congress will make all Muslims applying for citizenship in the US swear a loyalty oath to forgo Shariah and Islamism.

That is what the oath to uphold the constitution of the united states is all about, Roudy. Still commiting perjury is not a conflict of interest for the person who believes in al takeyya. How convenient, eh?
You know, I agree with Sunni, there is o such thing as a Islamic terrorist. These guys are simply devout Muslims following the tenements of Islam. It's not their fault.
Actually, they weren't because the killing of innocent civilians is forbidden in Islam. .. :cool:
Yeah right, your prophet robbed and looted caravans and slaughtered innocent people, he invaded lands and raped and pillaged and plundered. And so did his followers who came after him. How many Hindus did Muslims slaughter in the conquest of India? 80 million.

Islamic terrorists are simply emulating their prophets actions. In the West we say "what would Jesus do?" Islamic terrorists say "what would Mohammed do?" And then show the world by massacring innocent people.
I have heard the Family all over the news

why does the OP lie about that?
The mother, father, and an aunt in Canada are all nutjobs like Sunni. They claim the boys didn't do it, they were set up by the US govt. Won't be much longer before they find a way to blame the Jews. LOL.

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