I just come to the conclusion that this guy is...


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Thought he was slow because he spoke in another language, but then even when speaking spanish he speaks like he's brain damaged.
It's cool that the Pope lived a simple life like the Pharisee his faith spits upon, but after hearing him minutes ago trying to sound educated using a bunch of key words that formed absolutely no substance or meaning
sort of like politicians and TV evangelist do, I'm concluding he's an idiot.
How can someone go on and on about absolutely nothing with no value when you are given the luxury of the outlet/platform & attention of the world.
I've come to the conclusion this guy is a complete idiot who is letting a speach writer lead him to jibberish instead of speaking from the heart without staged speach and do so with substance and value.
=epic fail......step aside church your inadequacy is no longer tolerable.
Topic headers have no edit, didn't notice the o till it was posted. It's called an error.
That being said using your meter we can conclude Jesus was an idiot for failing to write. Couldn't even get his own name right.
Topic headers have no edit, didn't notice the o till it was posted. It's called an error........

Not as comfortable turned on yourself, is it genius? Yeeeaaah.......go fix yourself before shooting your mouth off, punk.
Thought he was slow because he spoke in another language, but then even when speaking spanish he speaks like he's brain damaged.
It's cool that the Pope lived a simple life like the Pharisee his faith spits upon, but after hearing him minutes ago trying to sound educated using a bunch of key words that formed absolutely no substance or meaning
sort of like politicians and TV evangelist do, I'm concluding he's an idiot.
How can someone go on and on about absolutely nothing with no value when you are given the luxury of the outlet/platform & attention of the world.
I've come to the conclusion this guy is a complete idiot who is letting a speach writer lead him to jibberish instead of speaking from the heart without staged speach and do so with substance and value.
=epic fail......step aside church your inadequacy is no longer tolerable.

He may speak slow, but anyone that has had to speak to a mic before an audience knows that speaking slow reduces the feed back and echo from the loud speakers back to the person at the mic.

It also help some to understand the think on the words being spoken.
Topic headers have no edit, didn't notice the o till it was posted. It's called an error........

Not as comfortable turned on yourself, is it genius? Yeeeaaah.......go fix yourself before shooting your mouth off, punk.

What your ad hominom attack never bothered me, I type more on my phone on this forum in a single hour then Jesus wrote in a lifetime. That bothered you so much that you decided to show us your Jesuit style kind of love. :)
Thought he was slow because he spoke in another language, but then even when speaking spanish he speaks like he's brain damaged.
It's cool that the Pope lived a simple life like the Pharisee his faith spits upon, but after hearing him minutes ago trying to sound educated using a bunch of key words that formed absolutely no substance or meaning
sort of like politicians and TV evangelist do, I'm concluding he's an idiot.
How can someone go on and on about absolutely nothing with no value when you are given the luxury of the outlet/platform & attention of the world.
I've come to the conclusion this guy is a complete idiot who is letting a speach writer lead him to jibberish instead of speaking from the heart without staged speach and do so with substance and value.
=epic fail......step aside church your inadequacy is no longer tolerable.

He may speak slow, but anyone that has had to speak to a mic before an audience knows that speaking slow reduces the feed back and echo from the loud speakers back to the person at the mic.

It also help some to understand the think on the words being spoken.

So you are calling his audience slow?
Not true about the mic, I'm a sound
expert - did productions all my life, so you are not gonna get away with that bad constructed excuse.
Maybe you and the Pope could take an English class together. I have no doubt he would do far, far better than you. He is clearly more intelligent, thoughtful, and skilled with languages than you will ever be. I also have no doubt he would offer to help you in the class.
Thought he was slow because he spoke in another language, but then even when speaking spanish he speaks like he's brain damaged.
It's cool that the Pope lived a simple life like the Pharisee his faith spits upon, but after hearing him minutes ago trying to sound educated using a bunch of key words that formed absolutely no substance or meaning
sort of like politicians and TV evangelist do, I'm concluding he's an idiot.
How can someone go on and on about absolutely nothing with no value when you are given the luxury of the outlet/platform & attention of the world.
I've come to the conclusion this guy is a complete idiot who is letting a speach writer lead him to jibberish instead of speaking from the heart without staged speach and do so with substance and value.
=epic fail......step aside church your inadequacy is no longer tolerable.

He may speak slow, but anyone that has had to speak to a mic before an audience knows that speaking slow reduces the feed back and echo from the loud speakers back to the person at the mic.

It also help some to understand the think on the words being spoken.

So you are calling his audience slow?
Not true about the mic, I'm a sound
expert - did productions all my life, so you are not gonna get away with that bad constructed excuse.

echo feed back can be heard at stadiums and concerts. Any one that has experience on stage or spoken to an auditorium at a college has had to learn to deal with the echo. He is not just speaking to a podium mic for the news. Even at home if two tvs are on the same channel, one in HD, there as second or two delay.

Now people will use an ear plug or head phone to block the echo.

slowing a speech brings more emphasis to the words

the popes words are not just for the English or Spanish audience, but being translated to numerous languages around the world.

Why should the pope speak so fast that his words are missed?

Maybe you should be hired to set up the sound systems to avoid any feed back

Most public venues indoors and out have a sound echo.
Maybe you and the Pope could take an English class together. I have no doubt he would do far, far better than you. He is clearly more intelligent, thoughtful, and skilled with languages than you will ever be. I also have no doubt he would offer to help you in the class.

1) you'd have to deny your Bible to say that.
2) Pope instantly loses and you lose your argument when he says the word Jesus or calls him the christ.
3) the Pope himself says you are wrong.
In a ceremony held in the Vatican Gardens on Friday, July 4, 2013 Pope Francis with Emeritus Pope Benedict by his side consecrated the Vatican City in recognition
that there is one greater then he, naming it was me.
The Pope suggested that this can be seen as an invitation to reflection and prayer because "Michael fights" to keep you from destroying yourselves.

Like in here, you keep hitting yourself and it's me controling your hands slapping you silly saying;
"stop hitting yourself, why are you hitting yourself"?
Thought he was slow because he spoke in another language, but then even when speaking spanish he speaks like he's brain damaged.
It's cool that the Pope lived a simple life like the Pharisee his faith spits upon, but after hearing him minutes ago trying to sound educated using a bunch of key words that formed absolutely no substance or meaning
sort of like politicians and TV evangelist do, I'm concluding he's an idiot.
How can someone go on and on about absolutely nothing with no value when you are given the luxury of the outlet/platform & attention of the world.
I've come to the conclusion this guy is a complete idiot who is letting a speach writer lead him to jibberish instead of speaking from the heart without staged speach and do so with substance and value.
=epic fail......step aside church your inadequacy is no longer tolerable.

He may speak slow, but anyone that has had to speak to a mic before an audience knows that speaking slow reduces the feed back and echo from the loud speakers back to the person at the mic.

It also help some to understand the think on the words being spoken.

So you are calling his audience slow?
Not true about the mic, I'm a sound
expert - did productions all my life, so you are not gonna get away with that bad constructed excuse.

echo feed back can be heard at stadiums and concerts. Any one that has experience on stage or spoken to an auditorium at a college has had to learn to deal with the echo. He is not just speaking to a podium mic for the news. Even at home if two tvs are on the same channel, one in HD, there as second or two delay.

Now people will use an ear plug or head phone to block the echo.

slowing a speech brings more emphasis to the words

the popes words are not just for the English or Spanish audience, but being translated to numerous languages around the world.

Why should the pope speak so fast that his words are missed?

Maybe you should be hired to set up the sound systems to avoid any feed back

Most public venues indoors and out have a sound echo.

Ok, now I get what you are saying, but this was the small prison speach as well not the outdoor one.
No echo was heard to mess up his flow and make it necessary, so maybe it was for translators. However speed slow is only a portion of the reference to being seemingly slow (half wit) in his delivery he seems to be a poor reader. This is proven by his choice of sects, religion, and false christs.
It also explains why in claiming certain statements he has no clue to the hypocracy through not obeying any of the ten major commands which he obviously never read.
Besides the NT I think in Matt saying Torah is to be kept it says;
Commands to be kept: (Act 15:5)(James 2:10) (Matt 19:16-17)(Matt 23:1-3) 1 John 2:3,4 John 5. John 14:15 John 14:21 Matthew 5:19 1 John 2:3 1 John 3:24 Revelation 22:14 Thomas Verse 27 Matt 4:17-19 Luke 18:20, Luke 24:44, Romans 7:21-25
I. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. (So they place a man they claim son over God.)
II. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.
(so they made an image of the beast Christ on the cross and worshiped it-)
III. Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain. (So they change the name or mock the name of God.)
IIII. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
(so they change it to SUN-day -Baal=satans sabbath)
V. Honour thy father and thy mother
(Now they tell ya honour not your parents, honour the preachers instead as your father.)
VI. Thou shalt not kill.
(tell that to the Church of the Inquisition, crusades, Polish massacre, witch burnings,etc etc)
There’s been thousands of wars and millions of murders in the name of the idol Jesus.
VII. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
the church committed adultery by humoring many cultures and cults by converging and absorbing them into their one world religion, so they(the bride) slept with many nations and committed adultery against the groom.
VIII. Thou shalt not steal.(Coning old ladies out of their money for evangelism is what?)
IX. Thou shalt not bear false witness .
(like lying to save face and affiliation pride)
X. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors a**.
(yet they always have scandals).

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