I Have Lost All Connection With US Politics


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
I simply can't stand it any more. Are Americans (Democrats) the biggest idiots in the world ? The polls dont make any sense. They overwhelmingly say that the country is headed in the wrong direction. OK. But together with that, they (some of them) say that most voters prefer Joe Biden to be president.

EARTH TO DEMOCRATS: if you think the country is headed in the wrong direction (the direction of making the Biden family rich, and really no other direction), then why do you support the guy who has the country drifting about, with no actual leadership ?

Crime is soaring in the blue cities, prices continue to rise after massive inflation, LGBT lunatics are grooming schoolkids, and some goofballs are wrecking police departments by defunding them.

When will Democrats come to the realization that they put a guy in the White House who isnt paying any attention to them (occasionally pretends to, like the Maui visit), doesn't care one iota about them, and whose one track mind is on making money (FOR HIMSELF). Sheeesh!
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Hawaii is a blue state that voted for Biden (at least they claim they did) in 2020. Well, if they actually did vote for him, they just recently got a taste of what they voted for.

I was surprised that Biden even bothered himself to go there after the fires. Judging by his performance there, he might just as well have stayed away.
I simply can't stand it any more. Are Americans (Democrats) the biggest idiots in the world ? The polls dont make any sense. They overwhelmingly say that the country is headed in the wrong direction. OK. But together with that, they (some of them) say that most voters prefer Joe Biden to be president.
Not sure why this needs to be so complicated.

The majority thought the country is going in the wrong direction when Trump was President, too. It's not about the temporary White House occupant. It's not about the parties. It's bigger than that.

Viewing the world through a tribal, hardcore partisan lens only distorts reality.

Source: Satisfaction With the United States
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I simply can't stand it any more. Are Americans (Democrats) the biggest idiots in the world ? The polls dont make any sense. They overwhelmingly say that the country is headed in the wrong direction. OK. But together with that, they (some of them) say that most voters prefer Joe Biden to be president.

EARTH TO DEMOCRATS: if you think the country is headed in the wrong direction (the direction of making the Biden family rich, and really no other direction), then why do you support the guy who has the country drifting about, with no actual leadership ?

Crime is soaring in the blue cities, prices continue to rise after massive inflation, LGBT lunatics are grooming schoolkids, and some goofballs are wrecking police departments by defunding them.

When will Democrats come to the realization that they put a guy in the White House who isnt paying any attention to them (occasionally pretends to, like the Maui visit), doesn't care one iota about them, and whose one track mind is on making money (FOR HIMSELF). Sheeesh!
You've highlighted the flaw in a democracy; enough idiots voted Biden in
You've highlighted the flaw in a democracy; enough idiots voted Biden in
Not just "democracy"; every society throughout time has consisted of somewhat intelligent sociopaths and psychopaths exploiting the intellectually challenged. We must realize that those who are more gifted protect and aid our brothers and sisters from the avaricious, inhuman minority.
Not sure why this needs to be so complicated.

The majority thought the country is going in the wrong direction when Trump was President, too. It's not about the temporary White House occupant. It's not about the parties. It's bigger than that.

Viewing the world through a tribal, hardcore partisan lens only distorts reality.

Source: Satisfaction With the United States
I dont remember seeing any poll that said the country was going in the wrong direction when Trump was president, I highly doubt that. Inflation was 1.4%, GDP has just risen to its higher point (35.3%) in US history, crime was down, and the border was secure.

Yes it IS about the White House occupant, and very much so.

And I'm not viewing "the world". I'm talking about viewing the USA. And if you want a good view of that, take a look at the train wreck we have now, with a "president" who isn't even interested in the country, or what happens to it, and compare that with THIS >>> MAGAPILL
I dont remember seeing any poll that said the country was going in the wrong direction when Trump was president, I highly doubt that. Inflation was 1.4%, GDP has just risen to its higher point (35.3%) in US history, crime was down, and the border was secure.

Yes it IS about the White House occupant, and very much so.

And I'm not viewing "the world". I'm talking about viewing the USA. And if you want a good view of that, take a look at the train wreck we have now, with a "president" who isn't even interested in the country, or what happens to it, and compare that with THIS >>> MAGAPILL
I would like pknopp to explain what he thinks is "fake news" about what I posted in Post # 9 & 11.

Are you saying that inflation was NOT 1.4% ? GDP had NOT just risen to its higher point (35.3%) in US history ? Crime wasn't down ? and the border wasn't secure ? If so I'd like to know how you could ascertain that.
I simply can't stand it any more. Are Americans (Democrats) the biggest idiots in the world ? The polls dont make any sense. They overwhelmingly say that the country is headed in the wrong direction. OK. But together with that, they (some of them) say that most voters prefer Joe Biden to be president.

EARTH TO DEMOCRATS: if you think the country is headed in the wrong direction (the direction of making the Biden family rich, and really no other direction), then why do you support the guy who has the country drifting about, with no actual leadership ?

Crime is soaring in the blue cities, prices continue to rise after massive inflation, LGBT lunatics are grooming schoolkids, and some goofballs are wrecking police departments by defunding them.

When will Democrats come to the realization that they put a guy in the White House who isnt paying any attention to them (occasionally pretends to, like the Maui visit), doesn't care one iota about them, and whose one track mind is on making money (FOR HIMSELF). Sheeesh!
Nope, Orange man bad.

Besides, January 6th.

Look at the link in my post. It's right there.

The fact is, this disatisfaction is not new. Nor is it based on partisan ideology.
Your link shows satisfaction being highest when Trump was president, since 2003. Then it of course fell with the pandemic (not Trump's doing) It also shows satisfaction being at 20% now (one of the lowest readings since the survey began in 1980)
It shows exactly what I said: That dissatisfaction is not new.
It shows exactly what I said. That numbskulls sometime support an opportunist who has no interest in the country whatsoever. And that while being dissatisfied (20% are satisfied now) they still support Biden. The question is WHY ?

Part of the answer may lie in the lopsidedness of polls in general. Generally, Republicans don't answer polls (because they consider them to be akin to the media, which they don't trust)

So while we look at polls thinking they are representitive of the whole country, most often they constitute the replies of 70% or more of Democrats. This is why Hillary Clinton was shocked that she lost. Skewed polls said she was going to win in a landslide.
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