I hate shitty, weak-walled fish tanks


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009
Probably $35.99 at Walmart

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsQy54p2zQQ]YouTube - Weightlifting Fail[/ame]
People who keep fish for pets are just plain silly. I had a pet fish and I named him George. It was a bitch to get his collar on when it was time to go for a walk and you should have seen the people stareing at him. Guess not to many people have pet gold fish... He died the first day I had him so I flushed him and I keep pennies in his little fish bowl. Fish just aren't much fun.
People who keep fish for pets are just plain silly. I had a pet fish and I named him George. It was a bitch to get his collar on when it was time to go for a walk and you should have seen the people stareing at him. Guess not to many people have pet gold fish... He died the first day I had him so I flushed him and I keep pennies in his little fish bowl. Fish just aren't much fun.

You had the wrong kind of fish, dude.. African Cichlids, and Oscars are a friggen riot. They don't like your decorating skills, they'll just rearrange things themselves, and when they get bored, they beat the shit out of each other.
I raised guppies for money when I was a girl. I babysat, had a guppy industry, and trimmed dogs.

That's how I paid for my horse and school clothes. Money went straight to mom, except for $10 per week I kept for getting candy on the weekends.

I wish I could make that my avatar, it's just too funny, and it reminds me of my own boys. They go through that period where they're all "manly" and tough but honestly can't even walk a straight line without tripping or breaking something. And they weigh about 130 lbs still...hence the desire to "bulk up" so their bodies will catch up with their dreams of manliness!

When my boys were that age they went on a cross-country vacation to Yellowstone with their grandma and her two miniature poodles, LOL! We have all these great photos with the manly men and the curly little dogs (one pink one peach) with their intricate grooming designs.
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I won't let stupid people by my tanks. I have 2 55 gallons and a 25 short. One tank full of johanis and catfish the other with a 7 year old Jack Dempsey and 4 year old Red Terror. My Green Terror died this summer, which sucked. The 25 short has Turbo the Red Eared Slider in it.

I'm thinking about consolidating the 55s so that I can start collecting Missouri fish next spring. bluegill, Missouri sunfish and catfish would be a nice tank.

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