I Hate Dance Flix


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Nothing turns me off more then being forced to watch a film about young kids learning about life through dance. And if I see another cheerleader film I'm gonna scream. I've seen just about every variation. The plots are outright absurd.

Does anyone else feel the same way?

I mean musicals are one thing but dance flix piss me the f off.:evil::evil:
Nothing turns me off more then being forced to watch a film about young kids learning about life through dance. And if I see another cheerleader film I'm gonna scream. I've seen just about every variation. The plots are outright absurd.

Does anyone else feel the same way?

I mean musicals are one thing but dance flix piss me the f off.:evil::evil:

You bring up some good points about how ridiculous dance movies are.

But what should be troubling you more is the fact that you are being forced to watch them.

Are you serious? "Bring It On" was a masterpiece. Shakespearian in its depth. You are just not arty, mudwhistle.

What you talkin' about Maddie? Of course Mud ain't Arty. Arty is Arty. Mud is Mud. Clear?

Oh and I really hate RomComs. Gawd! Same plot different actors. :evil::evil: And... I hate any movie with Hugh Grant. Just sayin'. That dude is just tooo gay.
Oh and I really hate RomComs. Gawd! Same plot different actors. :evil::evil: And... I hate any movie with Hugh Grant. Just sayin'. That dude is just tooo gay.

All of those movies follow the EXACT SAME structure...even down to the required dialog-free music-filled scene where a wide array of clothes are tried-on in front of disapproving friends.
Dancing chickens would make a great movie. Would you watch a movie about dancing chickens? I think it would be cool to see chickens doing disco.
Oh and I really hate RomComs. Gawd! Same plot different actors. :evil::evil: And... I hate any movie with Hugh Grant. Just sayin'. That dude is just tooo gay.

All of those movies follow the EXACT SAME structure...even down to the required dialog-free music-filled scene where a wide array of clothes are tried-on in front of disapproving friends.

I usually don't get that far into them.

I flip it when you see them walking throught the cold streets of the city with their leg-warmers on.

Saturday Night Fever was the ultimate but it still stunk as far as movies go.

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