I Had An Argument With One Of My Friends, Who Do You Believe Was In The Wrong?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
I'm just curious because I've known this guy for years now, but lately he was just pushing me aside and things just kept coming up last minute (allegedly because they were all appointments that he just happened to forget about) when it came to making plans for him to come over and see me. So, I was debating about between just letting it go or confronting him about it.

I opted for the latter and I was very calm about it and asked him nicely that before we make plans to see each other, could he please double check the calendar and that's when he totally went off on me. Being the good friend that I am, I left the door open for if he ever wanted to give me a genuine apology, but I have to wonder if I did the right thing by ending our friendship after so long?

I mean I can have patience and understanding if something truly comes up but this was a continuing thing with him and I personally think that he isn't worth it and he overreacted. Especially since he's the one who kept screwing up by not checking the calendar before we made plans to spend time together. On the other hand it's a sucker punch for me since we used to spend so much time together over the years so that's where I'm having the struggle.
No idea how serious his stuff is...but speaking for myself...

Last year everything of mine was put on hold...for thew entire year! Due to heart problems.

Few people want to hear about how serious it is/was...they just want to believe I had heart surgery and everything is all back to normal now.

The only serious question about my heart was asked at the thanksgiving table...which was not the place to tell it (especially since the news was grim at that time).

My neice is getting married on the 30th of this month but I have another surgery on the 25th and they are all telling me I have to go to the wedding...they refuse to understand I CAN'T.

What I'm trying to say is...maybe your friends condition is more serious than you thunk and maybe he doesn't want to tell you.
I'm just curious because I've known this guy for years now, but lately he was just pushing me aside and things just kept coming up last minute (allegedly because they were all appointments that he just happened to forget about) when it came to making plans for him to come over and see me. So, I was debating about between just letting it go or confronting him about it.

I opted for the latter and I was very calm about it and asked him nicely that before we make plans to see each other, could he please double check the calendar and that's when he totally went off on me. Being the good friend that I am, I left the door open for if he ever wanted to give me a genuine apology, but I have to wonder if I did the right thing by ending our friendship after so long?

I mean I can have patience and understanding if something truly comes up but this was a continuing thing with him and I personally think that he isn't worth it and he overreacted. Especially since he's the one who kept screwing up by not checking the calendar before we made plans to spend time together. On the other hand it's a sucker punch for me since we used to spend so much time together over the years so that's where I'm having the struggle.
Okay. Here Goes: You say you "personally think that he isn't worth it" and that you "have to wonder if I did the right thing by ending our friendship"

I believe he ended it. You're just in denial. Like being the last one to know. Sounds sad. Now time to move on.
I'm just curious because I've known this guy for years now, but lately he was just pushing me aside and things just kept coming up last minute (allegedly because they were all appointments that he just happened to forget about) when it came to making plans for him to come over and see me. So, I was debating about between just letting it go or confronting him about it.

I opted for the latter and I was very calm about it and asked him nicely that before we make plans to see each other, could he please double check the calendar and that's when he totally went off on me. Being the good friend that I am, I left the door open for if he ever wanted to give me a genuine apology, but I have to wonder if I did the right thing by ending our friendship after so long?

I mean I can have patience and understanding if something truly comes up but this was a continuing thing with him and I personally think that he isn't worth it and he overreacted. Especially since he's the one who kept screwing up by not checking the calendar before we made plans to spend time together. On the other hand it's a sucker punch for me since we used to spend so much time together over the years so that's where I'm having the struggle.
sorry to hear that ... it sounds as though you should cherish the good times and move on .. leave it to your friend to decide if they want to still be a part of your life .
What I'm trying to say is...maybe your friends condition is more serious than you thunk and maybe he doesn't want to tell you.

That's a really good point, but still. No matter how serious it is couldn't he still check the calendar ahead of time? As I said before, I am a reasonable and understanding person and once is definitely understandable, twice is a little bit, but after three times it's a bit much and there was no need for an attitude about it either. Btw, glad that you are doing much better now. :smiliehug:
sorry to hear that ... it sounds as though you should cherish the good times and move on .. leave it to your friend to decide if they want to still be a part of your life .

Thank you. That's why I did, but I'm still leaving the door open for him. I don't hold grudges and if he genuinely wants to give me an apology then I'll be waiting. Again, I was just curious about what you guys thought and at first I thought that Dante Reawakened was just being a dickhead again, but actually he's probably right.
Thank you. That's why I did, but I'm still leaving the door open for him. I don't hold grudges and if he genuinely wants to give me an apology then I'll be waiting. Again, I was just curious about what you guys thought and at first I thought that Dante Reawakened was just being a dickhead again, but actually he's probably right.
i agree leave the door open .
Thank you. That's why I did, but I'm still leaving the door open for him. I don't hold grudges and if he genuinely wants to give me an apology then I'll be waiting. Again, I was just curious about what you guys thought and at first I thought that Dante Reawakened was just being a dickhead again, but actually he's probably right.
I rarely hold grudges in interpersonal relationships. Depending upon the deepness of any relationship, for me dictates any reconciliation.

good luck
I'm just curious because I've known this guy for years now, but lately he was just pushing me aside and things just kept coming up last minute (allegedly because they were all appointments that he just happened to forget about) when it came to making plans for him to come over and see me. So, I was debating about between just letting it go or confronting him about it.

I opted for the latter and I was very calm about it and asked him nicely that before we make plans to see each other, could he please double check the calendar and that's when he totally went off on me. Being the good friend that I am, I left the door open for if he ever wanted to give me a genuine apology, but I have to wonder if I did the right thing by ending our friendship after so long?

I mean I can have patience and understanding if something truly comes up but this was a continuing thing with him and I personally think that he isn't worth it and he overreacted. Especially since he's the one who kept screwing up by not checking the calendar before we made plans to spend time together. On the other hand it's a sucker punch for me since we used to spend so much time together over the years so that's where I'm having the struggle.
Were you asking him sarcastically or genuinely? Either way, it's a fair question if he keeps cancelling.
I rarely hold grudges in interpersonal relationships. Depending upon the deepness of any relationship, for me dictates any reconciliation.

good luck

Wow, you actually do have a nice guy side after all. Shocking lol

Were you asking him sarcastically or genuinely? Either way, it's a fair question if he keeps cancelling.

Genuinely and yeah this was the day of that he has supposed to have been coming over. Not a couple days before or the day before,.. the day of and last minute too. He couldn't check the calendar before then?

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