I Guess Wisconsin Dems Don't Like Democracy


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts


14 Democrats took off from their jobs in the Wisconsin state House of Representatives and headed off to the Illinois. Now they're holed up in a Best Western motel attempting to avoid voting on a bill that will limit collective bargaining for government workers who belong to unions.

I mean really??

I guess it looks like they have issues with Democracy itself.

You can't get a recount when the election was fair. You can't say that you lost so you don't wanna play anymore. You have to suck it up and deal with the loss. Well these folks (Democrats) don't think they have to.

We've been arguing here on this forum about what exactly is Democracy. If you read up on it Democracy isn't as fair as it sounds. Many have the impression that true Democracy is a really good thing. But in some cases it can be woefully inadequate.

In a Democracy the majority rules. The minority's rights are disregarded.

A Democracy

The chief characteristic and distinguishing feature of a Democracy is: Rule by Omnipotent Majority. In a Democracy, The Individual, and any group of Individuals composing any Minority, have no protection against the unlimited power of The Majority. It is a case of Majority-over-Man.


The people have spoken in Wisconsin. They decided to throw the Democratic controlled congress out of office. Now the Democrats are acting like sore-losers and leaving, preventing the state from representing the voters. The same thing happened in Texas last year. Those Dems took off for Oklahoma to avoid a vote. I guess this just means that they aren't honest, right????


They lost and so they need to abide by the will of their boss.

They may have forgotten this but their boss is The Voters.

They decided basically to tell the voters to go screw themselves.

So.............do you think they should have hot-footed it out of the state to avoid their responsibilities, or do you think this act is thwarting the will of the people thus anti-Democratic?

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look, they need to come back and do their jobs. this is the way it works.

I hated the obama care bill, I hated that they rammed it up our asses, but, thems da breaks.
can you imagine if the rep house and senate members took off and refused to fill a quorum for the obama care vote?
look, they need to come back and do their jobs. this is the way it works.

I hated the obama care bill, I hated that they rammed it up our asses, but, thems da breaks.
can you imagine if the rep house and senate members took off and refused to fill a quorum for the obama care vote?

They're really cutting their own throats.

Law changes are being passed while they are gone.

The latest is a law taking away their direct-deposits.

They have to come to work now to collect their pay-checks.
The Wisconsin quorum rule is a defacto supermajority rule. Kind of like the filibuster rule.

Are you saying the filibuster is anti-democracy??
look, they need to come back and do their jobs. this is the way it works.

I hated the obama care bill, I hated that they rammed it up our asses, but, thems da breaks.
can you imagine if the rep house and senate members took off and refused to fill a quorum for the obama care vote?

So that filibustering that killed the public option that most Americans wanted, that was anti-Democracy?

The Senate Republicans hate Democracy?
Waah, the republican majority wasn't voting our way so we abandoned our posts and encouraged the unions to break the law and riot.....Democracy liberal style
The Wisconsin quorum rule is a defacto supermajority rule. Kind of like the filibuster rule.

Are you saying the filibuster is anti-democracy??

This isn't a filibuster. A filibuster is when you have the courage to show up and try to prevent legislation from being passed.

When they show up, then you can call it a filibuster.

What they're doing should be against the law. If they stay away long enough it may just be.
Waah, the republican majority wasn't voting our way so we abandoned our posts and encouraged the unions to break the law and riot.....Democracy liberal style

Only extremists think the Dems are in the right.

They're just looking childish and foolish.....and assuring massive losses in the next election.
The Wisconsin quorum rule is a defacto supermajority rule. Kind of like the filibuster rule.

Are you saying the filibuster is anti-democracy??

This isn't a filibuster. A filibuster is when you have the courage to show up and try to prevent legislation from being passed.

When they show up, then you can call it a filibuster.

What they're doing should be against the law. If they stay away long enough it may just be.

I wonder why you can't be arrested for filibustering, but you can be arrested for running away from your elected position?

NYCarabineer doesn't understand why they had to leave the State to effectively kill the quorum. It is because the Sgt. At Arms has already issued arrest warrants for them which are enforceable should they ever return to Wisconsin.
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14 Democrats took off from their jobs in the Wisconsin state House of Representatives and headed off to the Illinois. Now they're holed up in a Best Western motel attempting to avoid voting on a bill that will limit collective bargaining for government workers who belong to unions.

maybe we should pass hat for room service?

What do these derelict yokels think they are accomplishing...?

A couple Tea Party members spotted the Flee Party members from Wisconsin in the tiny town of Harvard, IL at the Heritage Suites (in McHenry county just south of the Wisconsin border). It is believed that once the FleeBaggers realized they were spotted, they pulled up stakes and were last seen headed south on Hwy23 toward Marengo...


» BREAKING PHOTOS!! Wisconsin ‘Fleebagger’ Spotted In Illinois UPDATE: Police Called To ‘Fleebag’ Hotel - Big Government
STFU and get in the back of the room, we won!!

I guess it doesn't sound so great when your the recipient.

These Dem weenies really get me. If they were in power and the Reps headed for the hills they would be screaming like stuck pigs.

They all need to grow a pair and do what they were elected to do. Don't think anyone in WI elected them to run like weenies. Jeeze. Gutless wonders one and all.
14 Democrats took off from their jobs in the Wisconsin state House of Representatives and headed off to the Illinois. Now they're holed up in a Best Western motel attempting to avoid voting on a bill that will limit collective bargaining for government workers who belong to unions.

maybe we should pass hat for room service?


You might have to cause I heard yesterday on Fox News, The Number One News Source for America that they legislature in Wisconsin passed a rule that if anyone is absent more than two days his check will not be in the mail. He has to return personally to the floor of the House and pick it up. This gets more humiliating each day for dimwits.
The Wisconsin quorum rule is a defacto supermajority rule. Kind of like the filibuster rule.

Are you saying the filibuster is anti-democracy??

This isn't a filibuster. A filibuster is when you have the courage to show up and try to prevent legislation from being passed.

When they show up, then you can call it a filibuster.

What they're doing should be against the law. If they stay away long enough it may just be.

I wonder why you can't be arrested for filibustering, but you can be arrested for not running away from your elected position?

NYCarabineer doesn't understand why they had to leave the State to effectively kill the quorum. It is because the Sgt. At Arms has already issued arrest warrants for them which are enforceable should they ever return to Wisconsin.

I imagine leaving the state is against the rules where as a filibuster is not.
The Wisconsin quorum rule is a defacto supermajority rule. Kind of like the filibuster rule.

Are you saying the filibuster is anti-democracy??

This isn't a filibuster. A filibuster is when you have the courage to show up and try to prevent legislation from being passed.

When they show up, then you can call it a filibuster.

What they're doing should be against the law. If they stay away long enough it may just be.

Filibustering is the minority using a procedural rule to prevent legislation passing that would in fact pass with a simple majority.

I will however note your description of the filibuster as courageous in the event we see a GOP 50 something majority in the Senate in 2012.:lol::lol::lol:
The Wisconsin quorum rule is a defacto supermajority rule. Kind of like the filibuster rule.

Are you saying the filibuster is anti-democracy??

This isn't a filibuster. A filibuster is when you have the courage to show up and try to prevent legislation from being passed.

When they show up, then you can call it a filibuster.

What they're doing should be against the law. If they stay away long enough it may just be.

I wonder why you can't be arrested for filibustering, but you can be arrested for running away from your elected position?

NYCarabineer doesn't understand why they had to leave the State to effectively kill the quorum. It is because the Sgt. At Arms has already issued arrest warrants for them which are enforceable should they ever return to Wisconsin.

So forcing people to vote at gunpoint is Democracy here?

lol you people get dumber every day.

Look, the quorum 3/5ths rule is stupid. The Wisconsin legislature, whenever it implemented that rule, screwed up. Now they're finding out they screwed up.
This isn't a filibuster. A filibuster is when you have the courage to show up and try to prevent legislation from being passed.

When they show up, then you can call it a filibuster.

What they're doing should be against the law. If they stay away long enough it may just be.

I wonder why you can't be arrested for filibustering, but you can be arrested for running away from your elected position?

NYCarabineer doesn't understand why they had to leave the State to effectively kill the quorum. It is because the Sgt. At Arms has already issued arrest warrants for them which are enforceable should they ever return to Wisconsin.

So forcing people to vote at gunpoint is Democracy here?

lol you people get dumber every day.

Look, the quorum 3/5ths rule is stupid. The Wisconsin legislature, whenever it implemented that rule, screwed up. Now they're finding out they screwed up.

Who is holding a gun?

They were elected to represent the People and are paid to do so.

Abandoning that responsibility is a jail-able offense, whereas a filibuster is not.

They're going to lose, and they know it. They are just posturing for the impending defeat.

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