I guess the leftists better thank Dubya


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
{Something that looks an awful lot like democracy is beginning to take hold in Iraq. It may not be 'mission accomplished'—but it's a start.

"Iraqi democracy will succeed," President George W. Bush declared in November 2003, "and that success will send forth the news from Damascus to Tehran that freedom can be the future of every nation." The audience at the National Endowment for Democracy in Washington answered with hearty applause. Bush went on: "The establishment of a free Iraq at the heart of the Middle East will be a watershed event in the global democratic revolution."}

A Democratic Iraq Is Emerging - Newsweek

Well gawddamn - looks like Bush was 100% right.
Iraq was an illegal invasion of a sovereign nation based on fear, a contemporary moral comparison is the Russian invasion of Hungry during the cold war. Over a hundred thousand Iraqi men, woman, and children died. Over four thousand Americans died. Imagine the heartache of these deaths on all those families, and now calling, what will now be another Iran, a success is wrong headed imperial nonsense. Revolutions must come from inside as Russia and now Egypt prove so well.

Once Upon a Time...: Trapped in the Wrong Paradigm: Three Handy Rules

"I repeat: the entire war and occupation are immoral. If you criticize the Bush administration on the grounds that it "bungled" the war, this leaves one, and only one, inevitable implication: if they had prosecuted the war and occupation "competently," then you would have no complaints whatsoever. That is: you think the invasion and occupation of Iraq were justified and moral. If that's what you actually think, you belong in the Bush camp. You're arguing over managerial style, and about issues that are entirely trivial."
Iraq was an illegal invasion of a sovereign nation based on fear, a contemporary moral comparison is the Russian invasion of Hungry during the cold war. Over a hundred thousand Iraqi men, woman, and children died. Over four thousand Americans died. Imagine the heartache of these deaths on all those families, and now calling, what will now be another Iran, a success is wrong headed imperial nonsense. Revolutions must come from inside as Russia and now Egypt prove so well.

Once Upon a Time...: Trapped in the Wrong Paradigm: Three Handy Rules

"I repeat: the entire war and occupation are immoral. If you criticize the Bush administration on the grounds that it "bungled" the war, this leaves one, and only one, inevitable implication: if they had prosecuted the war and occupation "competently," then you would have no complaints whatsoever. That is: you think the invasion and occupation of Iraq were justified and moral. If that's what you actually think, you belong in the Bush camp. You're arguing over managerial style, and about issues that are entirely trivial."

fifty years ago generally isn't considered to be contemporary even if it were analogous to begin with.

Iraq was an illegal invasion of a sovereign nation based on fear, a contemporary moral comparison is the Russian invasion of Hungry during the cold war. Over a hundred thousand Iraqi men, woman, and children died. Over four thousand Americans died. Imagine the heartache of these deaths on all those families, and now calling, what will now be another Iran, a success is wrong headed imperial nonsense. Revolutions must come from inside as Russia and now Egypt prove so well.

Once Upon a Time...: Trapped in the Wrong Paradigm: Three Handy Rules

"I repeat: the entire war and occupation are immoral. If you criticize the Bush administration on the grounds that it "bungled" the war, this leaves one, and only one, inevitable implication: if they had prosecuted the war and occupation "competently," then you would have no complaints whatsoever. That is: you think the invasion and occupation of Iraq were justified and moral. If that's what you actually think, you belong in the Bush camp. You're arguing over managerial style, and about issues that are entirely trivial."

fifty years ago generally isn't considered to be contemporary even if it were analogous to begin with.

midcan't does that a lot
Iraq was an illegal invasion of a sovereign nation based on fear,

I'm not interested in your Obama verses.

The FACT is that Bush stated his intent, and it appears to be going just like he said. Look like the middle east IS exploding in a massive move to democratically elected and free nations.

Put down your holy book, and THINK.
Saying something will happen, and then nearly 10 years later the first beginnings of a first step in taking a first step does not a fulfilled prophecy make.

Here's one for ya: The US will be destroyed in nuclear war. It might not happen today, or tomorrow, or next year, but 500 years from now I'm going to look like a regular Nostradamus.
Saying something will happen, and then nearly 10 years later the first beginnings of a first step in taking a first step does not a fulfilled prophecy make.

I understand your discomfort, Reagan caused the USSR to collapse, now Bush is bringing democracy to the middle east.

Still, there is no denying that Bush openly claimed that establishing Iraq as a middle east democracy would drive nations throughout the region to rise up and demand what Iraq has.

There is no denying that this is EXACTLY what is occurring.
The Invasion of Iraq was more than justified because Sadam wanted Iran to believe that he had WMD. He admitted this. He played a dangerous game and he lost.

The Invasion itself was actually military genius. But damn, did they screw up the occupation.
Saying something will happen, and then nearly 10 years later the first beginnings of a first step in taking a first step does not a fulfilled prophecy make.

I understand your discomfort, Reagan caused the USSR to collapse, now Bush is bringing democracy to the middle east.

Still, there is no denying that Bush openly claimed that establishing Iraq as a middle east democracy would drive nations throughout the region to rise up and demand what Iraq has.

There is no denying that this is EXACTLY what is occurring.
i think we are still not certain whats happening in the ME right now will actually lead to democracy
You're an ass.
I saw the subject line and thought little Dumbya had killed himself.

Then you started to cry because BOOOSHH may be vindicated.

Say, maybe YOU can join Al Qaeda to make sure this doesn't stand. After all, you're one and only goal is to promote your shameful party.
Iraq was an illegal invasion of a sovereign nation based on fear,

I'm not interested in your Obama verses.

The FACT is that Bush stated his intent, and it appears to be going just like he said. Look like the middle east IS exploding in a massive move to democratically elected and free nations.

Put down your holy book, and THINK.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but did we ever find any WMD's in Iraq?
Saying something will happen, and then nearly 10 years later the first beginnings of a first step in taking a first step does not a fulfilled prophecy make.

I understand your discomfort, Reagan caused the USSR to collapse, now Bush is bringing democracy to the middle east.

Still, there is no denying that Bush openly claimed that establishing Iraq as a middle east democracy would drive nations throughout the region to rise up and demand what Iraq has.

There is no denying that this is EXACTLY what is occurring.

Actually, the USSR economy, their failed war in Afghanistan and Nationalism caused it's collapse. The arms race that started in the 60's certainly had a good sized effect and certianly Ronald Reagan did have something to do with it by upping the arms race with Star Wars when the USSR's economy was already in peril, it's just that he wasn't the sole reason.
Regarding Bush, Iraq and democracy in the Middle East, you may be right. There's a difference between forced democracy and voluntary democracy, time will tell.
Iraq was an illegal invasion of a sovereign nation based on fear,

I'm not interested in your Obama verses.

The FACT is that Bush stated his intent, and it appears to be going just like he said. Look like the middle east IS exploding in a massive move to democratically elected and free nations.

Put down your holy book, and THINK.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but did we ever find any WMD's in Iraq?
yes, just not the stockpiles that were expected
Saying something will happen, and then nearly 10 years later the first beginnings of a first step in taking a first step does not a fulfilled prophecy make.

I understand your discomfort, Reagan caused the USSR to collapse, now Bush is bringing democracy to the middle east.

Still, there is no denying that Bush openly claimed that establishing Iraq as a middle east democracy would drive nations throughout the region to rise up and demand what Iraq has.

There is no denying that this is EXACTLY what is occurring.

Actually, the USSR economy, their failed war in Afghanistan and Nationalism caused it's collapse. The arms race that started in the 60's certainly had a good sized effect and certianly Ronald Reagan did have something to do with it by upping the arms race with Star Wars when the USSR's economy was already in peril, it's just that he wasn't the sole reason.
Regarding Bush, Iraq and democracy in the Middle East, you may be right. There's a difference between forced democracy and voluntary democracy, time will tell.
"star wars" is a movie
Reagan pushed the strategic defense initiative
Democracy was not invented by dubya.

He was right that democracy will save this world.

I agree with the shrub on this one.
The Tunisians and the Egyptians caused 'regime change' without wrecking their countries. People rallied in the squares of towns in those countries but did not loot their national museums. I guess 'war is messy' can result in regime change. Facebook can do it too.

I guess now that the right wingers and the water carriers for the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld gang will now thump their chests and declare victory. I wonder why they had to kill hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and thousands of Americans and finance the whole charade with loans from the communists in China when something as innocuous as e-mail could have done it better?
I understand your discomfort, Reagan caused the USSR to collapse, now Bush is bringing democracy to the middle east.

Still, there is no denying that Bush openly claimed that establishing Iraq as a middle east democracy would drive nations throughout the region to rise up and demand what Iraq has.

There is no denying that this is EXACTLY what is occurring.

Actually, the USSR economy, their failed war in Afghanistan and Nationalism caused it's collapse. The arms race that started in the 60's certainly had a good sized effect and certianly Ronald Reagan did have something to do with it by upping the arms race with Star Wars when the USSR's economy was already in peril, it's just that he wasn't the sole reason.
Regarding Bush, Iraq and democracy in the Middle East, you may be right. There's a difference between forced democracy and voluntary democracy, time will tell.
"star wars" is a movie
Reagan pushed the strategic defense initiative

Oh shut up! :eusa_hand: You know what I mean and SDI was nicknamed "Star Wars",,,,,,no?
The Tunisians and the Egyptians caused 'regime change' without wrecking their countries. People rallied in the squares of towns in those countries but did not loot their national museums. I guess 'war is messy' can result in regime change. Facebook can do it too.

I guess now that the right wingers and the water carriers for the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld gang will now thump their chests and declare victory. I wonder why they had to kill hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and thousands of Americans and finance the whole charade with loans from the communists in China when something as innocuous as e-mail could have done it better?

I have serious doubts that peaceful insurrection would have worked against a guy who was known to gas whole villages....
{Something that looks an awful lot like democracy is beginning to take hold in Iraq. It may not be 'mission accomplished'—but it's a start.

"Iraqi democracy will succeed," President George W. Bush declared in November 2003, "and that success will send forth the news from Damascus to Tehran that freedom can be the future of every nation." The audience at the National Endowment for Democracy in Washington answered with hearty applause. Bush went on: "The establishment of a free Iraq at the heart of the Middle East will be a watershed event in the global democratic revolution."}

A Democratic Iraq Is Emerging - Newsweek

Well gawddamn - looks like Bush was 100% right.

What a dumb fuck you are. Are you saying, spreading Democracy was Bush's plan all along? So, he just lied about WMD to pull it off? We can't afford to spread Deomcracy you jerk off.

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