I Guess It's Over-Kerry Has This Important


Kerry and his radical left friends
Recently the Communist Party of the United States endorsed Kerry. Looks like he is getting even more support from the radical left with 2 socialist/Marxist Latin American leaders recently endorsing the candidate (and one of them being invited to the Democratic National Convention). Both are accused of rampant human rights violations:

The most eye-popping Kerry endorsement last week came from Tómas Borge, one of the nine commandantes of Nicaragua's famed Sandinista revolution and perhaps the most feared.

To preserve their power for a decade, the Sandinistas had to use the secret police and no small measure of brutality. Mr. Borge was infamously adept at using both. Last week during a 25th anniversary celebration of the Sandinista revolution, the aging rebel pledged that the Sandinistas "would sweep the Nicaraguan people to a new war if the U.S. attacks Cuba." Shortly thereafter, without a trace of irony, Mr. Borge declared George W. Bush, "demented, crazy and paranoid." Mr. Kerry, he said, "is a more sensible and balanced man, [who] would improve relations between the U.S. and us."

Mr. Borge of course has reason to like Mr. Kerry. The Massachusetts senator went to Nicaragua in 1985 to meet the Soviet-backed Sandinista leadership and worked hard in the U.S. Senate against President Reagan's efforts to defend U.S. security interests in Central America. Notably, when the president sought to fund CIA aid for anti-Sandinista forces in this Cold War arena, Mr. Kerry introduced a restrictive amendment to the authorization bill, saying, "If it's strictly humanitarian assistance, then it's OK for the CIA to do it. But if the CIA moves off to tangential activities, that would be a violation." This, for anyone who doesn't already get it, helps explain why the CIA has become increasingly ineffectual over the past 20 years.


A second Latin admirer of Mr. Kerry is former Peruvian President Alan García, and in this case, the good feeling is mutual. Mr. García was an invited guest to the Democratic Convention in Boston. Most of Latin America recalls the García government from 1985 to 1990, which left the country in shambles, suffering hyperinflation, shortages and the ruthless terror of the Maoist Shining Path.

But the Massachusetts senator may remember Mr. García for a different reason. Mr. Kerry played point man in the Senate's not very productive investigation of the Bank of Commerce and Credit International (BCCI). Mr. García's government was implicated in the shenanigans of that infamous bank.

In July 1991, Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morganthau charged that two Peruvian central bank officials had taken $3 million in bribes in exchange for placing central bank reserves with BCCI Panama. As the Journal's David Asman noted, "That announcement was the result of months of cooperation between Mr. Morganthau's office and an investigative committee set up by the Peruvian Congress." In their painstakingly researched book "BCCI," Peter Truell and Larry Gurwin wrote, "The D.A.'s office said it had information showing that Peru's former president, Alan García Pérez, knew about the bribes."

The Peruvian Congress charged the former president with embezzlement. But as the Associated Press reported in August 1992, Mr. García had "filled the benches during his last year in office with judges sympathetic to his Aprista party" and the supreme court threw out the case. Mr. García fled to Colombia. He is now back in Peru trying to revive his political career. With reference to his trip to the U.S. this week, he said: "I think we have to guarantee that the immense flows of cash that move around the world don't miss Peru."

It's clear why Mr. García wants to hang out with the Democrats but some Peruvians are asking why Mr. Kerry would legitimize this guy with an invitation to Boston.

It is pretty scary who Kerry's friends are.
i wouldnt feel too bad about knowing where it lead. i knew where it lead too. i mean how many organizations have the initials cp?

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