I feel a little depressed

I'd love to go to the local shelter and play with the dogs and maybe very short walks since I can't walk far myself...but..I'm skeered to. I KNOW I would bring one home. I just know it. And seeing them in cages depresses me more. :(
You just passed the fourth anniversary, didn't you? It's better with time, but then at times .... it's not.

Go adopt some of the animals they sent to your area from the hurricane areas.

We rescued an abandoned kitten the mom cat left under the porch. He's so sweet. He has kidney issues and it makes me sad that he might not be around long term. But I love him to pieces.

So sweet. Tomorrow I may do that. Thank you. So glad to see you post.
I'd love to go to the local shelter and play with the dogs and maybe very short walks since I can't walk far myself...but..I'm skeered to. I KNOW I would bring one home. I just know it. And seeing them in cages depresses me more. :(

I love to go to the shelter too but I have not done it for quite a while now.
I can take blankies and stuff to the pound but I can't go in. Last time I did that, I spent 900 bucks on my CC paying for adoption fees so people would adopt more. Got me in some major doo doo with MrG. But I'd do it again if I could. Which I can't.
I need to avoid the shelters as much as possible. Glad I have some new friends here with dogs. I just go spoil those!

Drifter should volunteer at Red Cross as grief counselor. She is good at lifting people up. And now its her turn to be raised up and I think everyone is doing a fine job. Hell, I'm feeling mighty perky now too and I ain't even loaded!
Sometimes the best thing is to keep pushing forward and going through the motions until the funk lifts...it will eventually lift. I try to break the apathy by making myself do things. Walking, running. It can be hard to engage with people, but movement seems to help.

:smiliehug:The funk WILL lift...it always does eventually. This is also a hard time of year.
Sometimes the best thing is to keep pushing forward and going through the motions until the funk lifts...it will eventually lift. I try to break the apathy by making myself do things. Walking, running. It can be hard to engage with people, but movement seems to help.

:smiliehug:The funk WILL lift...it always does eventually. This is also a hard time of year.

Thanks, I agree about that. I got a crummy cold and have not been to the gym for a week now. So that sucks. I know it will pass it just sucks to feel this way. I hate it.

Tell Drifter about your love of spider stories. Doubledog...doublespider dare ya! Be explicit too. I love your yarns. I think she will too. :rofl:

*gasp* I don't belong in the LOUNGE!!! I can't behave myself, and I'll get all smited by someone with a damn ban stick!

Drifter I hope this passes for you quickly. You are a fine gal.

I'm stupid happy most of the time, but it's getting near the month that life changes just about brought me down a couple years ago. I've gotten much better at dealing with november and December, but I didn't do it alone. Everyone here offered good advice, I think.

I've a million stories Gracie. I thought of writing a book. Life with a redneck and how I survived. :) If we're both still around long enough, you'll probably hear em all because I never fuckin shut up.
Life a is like prison, a "life sentence" haha.:laugh2: Don't worry I'm not going to kill myself since I know how much pain it brings to people you leave behind. But life is not all it's cracked up to be imo.

Life is a struggle, that is what makes us appreciate the parts that are really good.

We have to eat everyday, that means clean the dishes. We wear clothes, ergo laundry. Need I say more?
*gasp* I don't belong in the LOUNGE!!! I can't behave myself, and I'll get all smited by someone with a damn ban stick!

Drifter I hope this passes for you quickly. You are a fine gal.

I'm stupid happy most of the time, but it's getting near the month that life changes just about brought me down a couple years ago. I've gotten much better at dealing with november and December, but I didn't do it alone. Everyone here offered good advice, I think.

I've a million stories Gracie. I thought of writing a book. Life with a redneck and how I survived. :) If we're both still around long enough, you'll probably hear em all because I never fuckin shut up.

Sleep talking, it is a thing....if you sleep walk, make me a sammich.
I go to church once in a while but I am not particularly religious more spiritual. I miss that community bonding sometimes.

Last time I was at church for a regular service was two Easters ago. Everyone was so robotic, I was deeply saddened. The Lord has risen, get fired up people! On the other hand, I was raised on sixteenth century German hymns, so there's that.

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