I don't NEED a tax cut. Do you?

You already have an obscene public employees pension from the State of California.

Obsecne? You seem to support a system where bankers deserve Million Dollar Bonuses and salaries in seven figures; insurance salespersons earn six figures and account executives earn even more.
My pension is not obscene. I earned it by doing what no banker would ever do, no insurance agent would do, no stockbrocker would do. Next time you hear a prowler in your home at night, call a banker.

What's that, beating up unarmed civilian's? Lying under oath?
The badge doesn't buy respect, it's what you do with it that matters.
I would defend my home, first.
I sure wouldn't call a cop, unless there was no other choice.

Sure you would.

Been there, done that. You over value your capability, even with the best intentions, which I have seen, unfortunately, I've seen the less than virtuous side too. So ... No .... there is a good chance there are issues I would not bother to report. There are different types of cops in different types of places, I'll grant you that. Were you State, City, County? I've some decent guys with badges, still do. I've known some that were definitely on the wrong side of the bars.

Oh gosh.
I don't need a tax cut, do you?
CrusaderFrank and Revere are simple trolls, emphasis on simple.

I never turn down a chance to keep more of my own hard-earned money.

If you want to give the Zero more of your money I'm sure your check writing hand isn't broken.
I am not in California. And California had really insanely low price levels for college tuition. Oregon Tuition is a great deal higher.

The state of California tax does not matter for this discussion, as we are arguing federal tax, which would go to me to spend on my kids tuition here in Oregon. Where the legislature is just a little less insane than the folks in Sacramento.
Indeed, if you want to , the government does take contributions. If you think you don't pay enough, you can write a check and mail it to

Bureau of the Public Debt.
Department G,
Post Office Box 2188,
Parkersburg, West Virginia, 26106-2188
Make a note in the memo section that it is a gift to reduce the debt held by the public

We will all thank you for your selflessness.

But it really isn't up to you to determine whether or not we need our own money
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Let's review. The public employee pensioner who is rendering his state destitute is wagging his finger at people who still work for a living and earn half of what his pension pays, and want a tax cut.

See something wrong with this picture?

Doesn't include pensions and early retirements, which are out of this world compared to private sector jobs.

The unemployment rate in the private sector in CA is about 12 percent.

What is the unemployment rate in the public sector?

Did you read the article/study? Of course not.
Unless you are speaking of Safety Retirement (of which I am a member) pensions in California are generally based on this formula:

2% @ 55; this means a retiree receives 2% of the average of their final three years of compensation for each year of work.
So, If an employee earns an average of $5,000 per month for three years, and worked 20 years, the employee would receive (2 x 20 = 40) 40% of $5,000 each month in retirement, or $2,000 per month.

Safety is much different, we earn 3% at 50. I won't tell you what I make, but I worked 32 years, so, (3 x 32 = 96) or 96% of the final year salary. Very generous indeed.
On the other hand, the safety job's are dangerous, and out of every 100 applicants only 3%are hired and remain employed for over five years.

In my 32 years we were always understaffed, and that is true for all agencies in California. Today is no exception. Caseloads have increased, overtime limited and training cut back.

Jobs are an issue, for another thread. Blame placed on government workers is a canard, Yes, reform is necessay, but to suggest that is the only problem is dishonest and anyone who believes such is ignorant - some willfully and others because they are too lazy or too stupid. Which are you, Revere?
More from the lizard who calls YOU greedy for wanting a tax cut:

Anyone who is retired and makes 96 percent of their highest wages shouldn't make an ass of himself about how great the private sector has it.

Actually I retired as a member of the management team; add 12% to my final compensaton and you'll have a better picture.
Now, what does an executive in the private sector make? Or, a commercial banker who simply moves other peoples money from one place to another?
And, btw, I contributed over $20,000 in my final year towards my retirement.
Revere, you don't know very much and your ignorance is fueled by hate and fear.

As for the unfunded liability, yep that's true. I noted in an earlier post that this needs reform. However, the tea party, Palin and you (among others) choose to divide the American people with half-truths, lies and hate and fear mongering. It works, fools like you repeat the propaganda and don't have any understanding whatsoever of the issues.
Indeed, if you want to , the government does take contributions. If you think you don't pay enough, you can write a check and mail it to

Bureau of the Public Debt.
Department G,
Post Office Box 2188,
Parkersburg, West Virginia, 26106-2188
Make a note in the memo section that it is a gift to reduce the debt held by the public

We will all thank you for your selflessness.

But it really isn't up to you to determine whether or not we need our own money
Liberals are very generous. They'll give somebody the shirt off your back.
And if you received a tax cut, what would you do with the extra money?

Oh that's easy.

Without even considering the dead economy and the risks involved I would immediately invest it in new productive capacity and hire more people than I could afford.

What's that, beating up unarmed civilian's? Lying under oath?
The badge doesn't buy respect, it's what you do with it that matters.
I would defend my home, first.
I sure wouldn't call a cop, unless there was no other choice.

Sure you would.

Been there, done that. You over value your capability, even with the best intentions, which I have seen, unfortunately, I've seen the less than virtuous side too. So ... No .... there is a good chance there are issues I would not bother to report. There are different types of cops in different types of places, I'll grant you that. Were you State, City, County? I've some decent guys with badges, still do. I've known some that were definitely on the wrong side of the bars.

I worked for two agencies (One City, One County; and, consulted with the State, and the Feds). For one period of time I managed Internal Affairs, for another I managed a domestic violence unit and I was a training manager; I was the director of HR, charged with recruitment, background investigations, hiring, training and discipline. As a deputy and as a supervisor I had a great deal of street experience in adult and juvenile investigations. I worked closely with police officers, sheriff deputies, parole agents and probation officers; Prosecutors, DA investigators, social workers and judges.
You are correct. LEO's and those engaged in employment in the criminal justice system are human beings. However, we are judged by a higher standard then most other employees, in and out of government service. To suggest the professionals I worked with were corrupt is bull shit. My staff and the staff of others we collaborated with were mostly bright, brave and above reproach.
"Been there and done that", more bull shit. You may have had one negative experience, or maybe your experience was the result of being placed in the cage.
Sure you would.

Been there, done that. You over value your capability, even with the best intentions, which I have seen, unfortunately, I've seen the less than virtuous side too. So ... No .... there is a good chance there are issues I would not bother to report. There are different types of cops in different types of places, I'll grant you that. Were you State, City, County? I've some decent guys with badges, still do. I've known some that were definitely on the wrong side of the bars.

I worked for two agencies (One City, One County; and, consulted with the State, and the Feds). For one period of time I managed Internal Affairs, for another I managed a domestic violence unit and I was a training manager; I was the director of HR, charged with recruitment, background investigations, hiring, training and discipline. As a deputy and as a supervisor I had a great deal of street experience in adult and juvenile investigations. I worked closely with police officers, sheriff deputies, parole agents and probation officers; Prosecutors, DA investigators, social workers and judges.
You are correct. LEO's and those engaged in employment in the criminal justice system are human beings. However, we are judged by a higher standard then most other employees, in and out of government service. To suggest the professionals I worked with were corrupt is bull shit. My staff and the staff of others we collaborated with were mostly bright, brave and above reproach.
"Been there and done that", more bull shit. You may have had one negative experience, or maybe your experience was the result of being placed in the cage.

cops always stick up for one another even when they are dirty.

How many in law enforcement are dirty? .0075%, 75%?

You will still say none are dirty. THAT is the nature of that beast.
As a single mother, I get back enough! I also wouldn't mind giving some of that up, if it means it will get us out of debt.

Here is a better idea....Make a real difference instead.... AmeriCares Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Aid Organization

I have charities I donate to. ;)
I also get back more than I pay into, I would be fine with getting less, so my child doesn't grow up in a three world country. ;)

You know, if you itemize deductions you don't have to take as many and can actually pay more out of pocket... You can do this now without the hypothetical cuts mentioned in the OP...

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