I don't get it. Do republicans even acknowledge the colossal mess of our nation's infrastructure?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
It's amazing to me how republicans in power bitch about entitlement programs, yet won't do a fucking thing to fix our infrastructure. Not only do they refuse to cut any defense spending to pay for it, but they refuse to raise taxes on the wealthy. Taxing the wealthy is the ONLY way this mess is going to be fixed without adding more unnecessary government debt.
It's amazing to me how republicans in power bitch about entitlement programs, yet won't do a fucking thing to fix our infrastructure. Not only do they refuse to cut any defense spending to pay for it, but they refuse to raise taxes on the wealthy. Taxing the wealthy is the ONLY way this mess is going to be fixed without adding more unnecessary government debt.

Republican voters are delusional enough to think that they can get rich and drive a Humvee as long as government gets out of their way. It's a combination of their lack of logic and basic arithmetic skills.
It's amazing to me how republicans in power bitch about entitlement programs, yet won't do a fucking thing to fix our infrastructure. Not only do they refuse to cut any defense spending to pay for it, but they refuse to raise taxes on the wealthy. Taxing the wealthy is the ONLY way this mess is going to be fixed without adding more unnecessary government debt.

Republican voters are delusional enough to think that they can get rich and drive a Humvee as long as government gets out of their way. It's a combination of their lack of logic and basic arithmetic skills.
Yeah, they are total emotional thinkers. They can't think critically. It's a serious deficit.
Republicans are aware that we need to work on infrastructure. We'd be willing to spend some money there if the Democrats would stop giving it all away to buy the votes of the parasitic class.
I'd rather be delusional than be some snobby self righteous horses ass such as you and the op are.

As if you idiots are going to try and tell us ALL the Democrats in THIS COUNTRY is marching in lockstep with you and all your foot stomping and wailing over our infrastructure . WE PAY state TAXES for that and our STATES keeps up our roads, bridges, etc etc. If your state doesn't that isn't Republicans fault. It's because you probably live in state run by Democrats. now go sit down Your ugliness is worn out already
It's amazing to me how republicans in power bitch about entitlement programs, yet won't do a fucking thing to fix our infrastructure. Not only do they refuse to cut any defense spending to pay for it, but they refuse to raise taxes on the wealthy. Taxing the wealthy is the ONLY way this mess is going to be fixed without adding more unnecessary government debt.

Republican voters are delusional enough to think that they can get rich and drive a Humvee as long as government gets out of their way. It's a combination of their lack of logic and basic arithmetic skills.
Yeah, they are total emotional thinkers. They can't think critically. It's a serious deficit.

And this leads them to not having a clue about how a nation maintains its own infrastructure.
It's amazing to me how republicans in power bitch about entitlement programs, yet won't do a fucking thing to fix our infrastructure. Not only do they refuse to cut any defense spending to pay for it, but they refuse to raise taxes on the wealthy. Taxing the wealthy is the ONLY way this mess is going to be fixed without adding more unnecessary government debt.

Republican voters are delusional enough to think that they can get rich and drive a Humvee as long as government gets out of their way. It's a combination of their lack of logic and basic arithmetic skills.
Yeah, they are total emotional thinkers. They can't think critically. It's a serious deficit.

And this leads them to not having a clue about how a nation maintains its own infrastructure.

oh Matt, stop it. OUR states maintains the NATIONS infrastructure.. the only thing the Federal government maintains is their pockets and the monies they steal out of the coffers that is suppose to go to states. We not only pay STATE taxes for this but also a hefty GAS TAX. So if things aren't up to par to your alls standard then go bitch at Your federal dear leaders in government.... AND the one thing they are Responsible for is OUR MILITARY AND THEIR UPKEEP
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Republicans are aware that we need to work on infrastructure. We'd be willing to spend some money there if the Democrats would stop giving it all away to buy the votes of the parasitic class.
Seems the OP has forgot what a fine bang up job Democrats are doing on infastucture in cities like Baltimore/St Louis/Detroit/Chicago/Oakland and a host of other major cities.
I'd rather be delusional than be some snobby self righteous horses ass such as you and the op are.

As if you idiots are going to try and tell us ALL the Democrats in THIS COUNTRY is marching in lockstep with you and all your foot stomping and wailing over our infrastructure . WE PAY state TAXES for that and our STATES keeps up our roads, bridges, etc etc. If your state doesn't that isn't Republicans fault. It's because you probably live in state run by Democrats. now go sit down Your ugliness is worn out already
Our total infrastructure spending accounts for 5% of the federal budget. It is very much both a federal AND state issue. There are systems of nation's infrastructure funded by the federal government. This is way more than just highways for Christ's sakes, which by the way, are funded by the federal government.
Republicans are aware that we need to work on infrastructure. We'd be willing to spend some money there if the Democrats would stop giving it all away to buy the votes of the parasitic class.
Seems the OP has forgot what a fine bang up job Democrats are doing on infastucture in cities like Baltimore/St Louis/Detroit/Chicago/Oakland and a host of other major cities.
Here's the difference: republicans DO NOTHING for infrastructure and democrats DON'T DO ENOUGH for infrastructure.
Republicans are aware that we need to work on infrastructure. We'd be willing to spend some money there if the Democrats would stop giving it all away to buy the votes of the parasitic class.
Seems the OP has forgot what a fine bang up job Democrats are doing on infastucture in cities like Baltimore/St Louis/Detroit/Chicago/Oakland and a host of other major cities.

No, they haven't forgotten. they just can't bring themselves to BLAME one damn thing on their party, EVER. What the frick happened to that almost a TRILLION dollars stimulus Obama stole from us taxpayers? All I ever saw for it was this stupid sign posted along some roads and not even our HIGHWAYS
Republicans are aware that we need to work on infrastructure. We'd be willing to spend some money there if the Democrats would stop giving it all away to buy the votes of the parasitic class.
Seems the OP has forgot what a fine bang up job Democrats are doing on infastucture in cities like Baltimore/St Louis/Detroit/Chicago/Oakland and a host of other major cities.

No, they haven't forgotten. they just can't bring themselves to BLAME one damn thing on their party, EVER. What the frick happened to that almost a TRILLION dollars stimulus Obama stole from us taxpayers? All I ever saw for it was this stupid sign posted along some roads and not even our HIGHWAYS
Oh my god Stephanie you are so stupid. Not only are you completely unaware of what the stimulus cost, you don't even know what was in it. The stimulus cost 787 billion. 280 billion of the 787 was extending TAX CUTS. The rest was spent on unemployment benefits for the millions of people who lost their jobs in the Bush recession, energy investments, and infrastructure. The tax cut for the middle class and extension of unemployment benefits created close to 3 million private jobs.
Look at this bonehead blaming Republicans for the crumbling infrastructure. Obama and the Democrats have run our debt up so high we'll never be able to pay it off yet the infrastructure is still crumbling. Welfare and food stamp spending, however, has skyrocketed. If the OP had a brain he would put two and two together and realize that the Dems are the ones controlling the money. Instead, he blames Bush. Figures, doesn't it? More proof that liberals are stupid.
Look at this bonehead blaming Republicans for the crumbling infrastructure. Obama and the Democrats have run our debt up so high we'll never be able to pay it off yet the infrastructure is still crumbling. Welfare and food stamp spending, however, has skyrocketed. If the OP had a brain he would put two and two together and realize that the Dems are the ones controlling the money. Instead, he blames Bush. Figures, doesn't it? More proof that liberals are stupid.
Lol it's amazing how ignorant you people are. Welfare spending increased due to automatic spending increases, not because of Obama. Not only that, but food stamp spending specifically was cut by republicans under Obama and is now at the level it was before which is a measly 70 billion per year. It is only food stamp participation that has increased since the the great Bush recession, not the amount spent.
Look at this bonehead blaming Republicans for the crumbling infrastructure. Obama and the Democrats have run our debt up so high we'll never be able to pay it off yet the infrastructure is still crumbling. Welfare and food stamp spending, however, has skyrocketed. If the OP had a brain he would put two and two together and realize that the Dems are the ones controlling the money. Instead, he blames Bush. Figures, doesn't it? More proof that liberals are stupid.

I'm sorry, but the data doesn't support your contention.

US Federal Debt
It's amazing to me how republicans in power bitch about entitlement programs, yet won't do a fucking thing to fix our infrastructure. Not only do they refuse to cut any defense spending to pay for it, but they refuse to raise taxes on the wealthy. Taxing the wealthy is the ONLY way this mess is going to be fixed without adding more unnecessary government debt.
Aand another Billy Triple Fail Troll Thread rolls out.
Hey, Billy. Where are all the collapsing bridges and crumbling roads? Didnt Barack Obama get a Porkulus Bill passed with billions for "infrastructure"? Where'd the money go?
Look at this bonehead blaming Republicans for the crumbling infrastructure. Obama and the Democrats have run our debt up so high we'll never be able to pay it off yet the infrastructure is still crumbling. Welfare and food stamp spending, however, has skyrocketed. If the OP had a brain he would put two and two together and realize that the Dems are the ones controlling the money. Instead, he blames Bush. Figures, doesn't it? More proof that liberals are stupid.
Lol it's amazing how ignorant you people are. Welfare spending increased due to automatic spending increases, not because of Obama. Not only that, but food stamp spending specifically was cut by republicans under Obama and is now at the level it was before which is a measly 70 billion per year. It is only food stamp participation that has increased since the the great Bush recession, not the amount spent.
So there are more people on it but less spending? Billy, are you on drugs?
It's amazing to me how republicans in power bitch about entitlement programs, yet won't do a fucking thing to fix our infrastructure. Not only do they refuse to cut any defense spending to pay for it, but they refuse to raise taxes on the wealthy. Taxing the wealthy is the ONLY way this mess is going to be fixed without adding more unnecessary government debt.
Where does the federal government need to spend money on infrastructure?
Look at this bonehead blaming Republicans for the crumbling infrastructure. Obama and the Democrats have run our debt up so high we'll never be able to pay it off yet the infrastructure is still crumbling. Welfare and food stamp spending, however, has skyrocketed. If the OP had a brain he would put two and two together and realize that the Dems are the ones controlling the money. Instead, he blames Bush. Figures, doesn't it? More proof that liberals are stupid.
Lol it's amazing how ignorant you people are. Welfare spending increased due to automatic spending increases, not because of Obama. Not only that, but food stamp spending specifically was cut by republicans under Obama and is now at the level it was before which is a measly 70 billion per year. It is only food stamp participation that has increased since the the great Bush recession, not the amount spent.
So there are more people on it but less spending? Billy, are you on drugs?
No, he's just stupid.

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