I cant wait for AI to take over the jobs in Hollywood

So, you are saying that Hollywood makes crap for idiots

Thanks for proving the OP's point.

Drop by any time dolt.
He seems to be upset that minorities and gay people are no longer locked out of good roles in Hollywood. If he correctly thought movies and TV were crap he would not even care. Instead he seems like he feels betrayed that the people he hates get to have careers in the entertainment industry.
You think I am illiterate because I don't stare at the idiot box for hours everyday? That does not even make sense.

First, I don't just THINK you are illiterate. Second, your TV is just a monitor with speakers--- it is as smart or as dumb as the programming you choose to select, and apparently everything you select for TV makes it an idiot box for you.
That particular piece of fascist garbage simply hates everyone.

First, I don't just THINK you are illiterate. Second, your TV is just a monitor with speakers--- it is as smart or as dumb as the programming you choose to select, and apparently everything you select for TV makes it an idiot box for you.
Shove it nazi. You're still not making sense. I don't watch TV because I would rather read in quiet room than listen to the noise.

Do they let you have a TV in there?

I thought you said Hollywood only made crap.
Silence is unnerving to some. Being alone with just their thoughts is absolutely intolerable. I suspect you are like that.

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