Oh...they didn't hate racism....they just want to be the ones doing that racism....Hollywood goes full racist, the other way.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Racism is wrong.....racism from any skin color is wrong......but some people were under the false belief that those calling for an end of racism actually wanted racism to end.....

Oh......silly, silly people......those with the shrillest voices, the most hate filled demands about racism....didn't want to end racism...you silly freaking rabbit. Those people are the ones who wanted to practice racism, against people they hate because of their skin color...

Racism in all colors is wrong......so the new racism about to grip Hollywood is going to be wrong too...but it is going to be real racism......the violent, hate filled racism of the new racists...who finally get to let loose the racism they have always felt, but have never had a chance to really let loose....

Keep in mind......the racism in Hollywood? The democrat party has controlled Hollywood since the 1960s.......the democrat party is the party of racism and it infected Hollywood......


The democrat party is the party of racism, and now racists of another color will punish the people of the other skin color...because it was never about ending racism...it was about exercising racism...... and, of course...all the new racists are from the democrat party too...

“Actors, writers and producers warn of ‘reverse racism’ in the film industry which has created a ‘toxic’ climate for anyone who is a white, middle-age man,” reports the Daily Mail.

Well, when you look at what has already been said openly by some of the most powerful people in the film industry, this is a perfectly justifiable fear.

Ava DuVernay, a marginally talented but still powerful director and producer, basically told “white men” not to bother to apply for a job.

“Everyone has a right to their opinion. And we – black producers with hiring power – have the right not to hire those who diminish us,” she tweeted in June. “So, to the white men in this thread, if you don’t get that job you were up for, kindly remember… bias can go both ways. This is 2020 speaking.”

There is just no question that Hollywood’s two decade blacklisting of conservatives and conservative ideas is about to extend to white people, most especially white men.

The Daily Mail spoke with “dozens of producers, writers and actors” and they claim to already see “a wave of ‘reverse racism’ pulsing through the industry.”

And if you dare to speak out against it, you will be branded as a racist and blacklisted for life:

[One] executive confirmed that the climate is now toxic for any ‘white, middle-aged man in showbusiness’. Their careers, ‘are pretty much over’.
They continued: ‘We’re only hiring people of colour, women or LGBT to write, star, produce, operate the cameras, work in craft services. If you are white, you can’t speak out because you will instantly be branded ‘racist’ or condemned for ‘white privilege’.
‘The pendulum has swung so far, everyone is paralysed with fear by the idea anything you say could be misinterpreted and your career ended instantly. There are a lot of hushed conversations going on, but publicly everyone is desperate to be seen to be promoting diversity and too terrified to speak out. It’s imploding: a total meltdown.’
If that’s not scary enough…

The latest buzzword in Tinseltown is ‘Bipoc’ – an acronym for Black, Indigenous and People of Colour – and ‘Menemy’, which means a white, male enemy of the diversity movement. ‘Everyone wants to be able to check all the boxes for each new hire,’ according to one Oscar-nominated insider.
‘Directors normally have a say about who is in their project. Not anymore. It’s all about ‘Bipoc hiring’. And it’s coming directly from the heads of the studios who know their jobs are on the line. White middle-aged men are collateral damage. They are the Menemy.’
Nathan Lee Bush, a film editor, says his career is over now because he spoke out against a Facebook call for a black film editor and only a black film editor. Bush, who’s white, complained about “people openly and proudly practicing racism” and how they are now the ones “calling everyone racist to shut them down.”

I keep telling you.....the democrat party is the home of racists of all skin colors...it was an evil party when it was created, it is an evil party now....violent, hate filled and completely secure in its hate and violence....
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For the record, I have never been racist. Gordon and Susan from Sesame Street are two of the first ever celebrities that I've gotten to meet in my life. :) :) :)

God bless you and them always!!!


P.S. I actually met Gordon twice. I lived just south of Cincinnati Ohio back in them days and both of his appearances were at the Florence KY mall in the late 80s.
Well, it's all about money, isn't it?

Story lines in Hollywood generally have gone off the cliff in recent years. All of the Bad-Asses are women, the smartest people are Black, the hippest people are lesbian or gay, and everyone over 40 is an idiot.

At the insistence of my grand-daughter I have been watching episodes of a cable-only series called, "Hanna." It is about a group of thirty genetically-engineered young women who are being groomed to take over the world, for the CIA. The basic story line is preposterous, of course, and no explanation is even hinted as to why they chose to genetically engineer girls rather than boys, who would have been three times as strong, much larger, quicker, faster, and more willing to "engage." The most formidable of the girls is Black - of course, and the most intelligent is a dyke, of course, and the head sociopathic bad person is a woman, of course.

The question is whether the viewing public will tire of this nonsense. We are talking about fantasies, so one must be willing to suspend one's disbelief to a certain extent in any event, but...

As for Blacks on television and in film, I couldn't care less, as long as the actor can carry it off. I always think back to Lou Gossett Jr. in "An Officer and a Gentlemen." I am given to understand that the drill sergeant position was supposed to be a southern white guy, but Gossett impressed the director, etc., got the part and kicked the shit out of that part. Good for him and good for all of us.
Racism is wrong.....racism from any skin color is wrong......but some people were under the false belief that those calling for an end of racism actually wanted racism to end.....

Oh......silly, silly people......those with the shrillest voices, the most hate filled demands about racism....didn't want to end racism...you silly freaking rabbit. Those people are the ones who wanted to practice racism, against people they hate because of their skin color...

Racism in all colors is wrong......so the new racism about to grip Hollywood is going to be wrong too...but it is going to be real racism......the violent, hate filled racism of the new racists...who finally get to let loose the racism they have always felt, but have never had a chance to really let loose....

Keep in mind......the racism in Hollywood? The democrat party has controlled Hollywood since the 1960s.......the democrat party is the party of racism and it infected Hollywood......


The democrat party is the party of racism, and now racists of another color will punish the people of the other skin color...because it was never about ending racism...it was about exercising racism...... and, of course...all the new racists are from the democrat party too...

“Actors, writers and producers warn of ‘reverse racism’ in the film industry which has created a ‘toxic’ climate for anyone who is a white, middle-age man,” reports the Daily Mail.

Well, when you look at what has already been said openly by some of the most powerful people in the film industry, this is a perfectly justifiable fear.

Ava DuVernay, a marginally talented but still powerful director and producer, basically told “white men” not to bother to apply for a job.

“Everyone has a right to their opinion. And we – black producers with hiring power – have the right not to hire those who diminish us,” she tweeted in June. “So, to the white men in this thread, if you don’t get that job you were up for, kindly remember… bias can go both ways. This is 2020 speaking.”

There is just no question that Hollywood’s two decade blacklisting of conservatives and conservative ideas is about to extend to white people, most especially white men.

The Daily Mail spoke with “dozens of producers, writers and actors” and they claim to already see “a wave of ‘reverse racism’ pulsing through the industry.”

And if you dare to speak out against it, you will be branded as a racist and blacklisted for life:

[One] executive confirmed that the climate is now toxic for any ‘white, middle-aged man in showbusiness’. Their careers, ‘are pretty much over’.
They continued: ‘We’re only hiring people of colour, women or LGBT to write, star, produce, operate the cameras, work in craft services. If you are white, you can’t speak out because you will instantly be branded ‘racist’ or condemned for ‘white privilege’.
‘The pendulum has swung so far, everyone is paralysed with fear by the idea anything you say could be misinterpreted and your career ended instantly. There are a lot of hushed conversations going on, but publicly everyone is desperate to be seen to be promoting diversity and too terrified to speak out. It’s imploding: a total meltdown.’
If that’s not scary enough…

The latest buzzword in Tinseltown is ‘Bipoc’ – an acronym for Black, Indigenous and People of Colour – and ‘Menemy’, which means a white, male enemy of the diversity movement. ‘Everyone wants to be able to check all the boxes for each new hire,’ according to one Oscar-nominated insider.
‘Directors normally have a say about who is in their project. Not anymore. It’s all about ‘Bipoc hiring’. And it’s coming directly from the heads of the studios who know their jobs are on the line. White middle-aged men are collateral damage. They are the Menemy.’
Nathan Lee Bush, a film editor, says his career is over now because he spoke out against a Facebook call for a black film editor and only a black film editor. Bush, who’s white, complained about “people openly and proudly practicing racism” and how they are now the ones “calling everyone racist to shut them down.”

I keep telling you.....the democrat party is the home of racists of all skin colors...it was an evil party when it was created, it is an evil party now....violent, hate filled and completely secure in its hate and violence....
Racism is stepped in narcissism. There are nine levels of narcissim. If a person is diagnosed with ANY five of the nine symtoms of narcissism they are deemed to be NPD positive. A person displaying all nine symptoms of narcissism is diagnosed as a sociopath. The following link may help you understand WHY both Tinsel Town & the political arena seem to exhibit such bizarre personages.


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