I Can't Believe This - Not Today

What suprises me the most, is that as retired has said, I am voting for him only because he is Black.
Look at the graph. Oh Golly, Ms Molly, how do white republicans rate Blacks?
No, no racial shit here in America folks, nothing to see, keep moving.

Good Golly Miss Molly! Do blacks hate whites?
National (US) Poll * July 15, 2008 * Women, Blacks Give Obama 9 - P - Quinnipiac University
But black voters back Sen. Obama 94 - 1 percent, while women support him 55 - 36 percent. Obama leads 63 - 31 percent among voters 18 to 34 years old and 48 - 44 percent among voters 35 to 54, while voters over 55 split with 45 percent for McCain and 44 percent for Obama.
All other racial groups vote somewhere between 50-65 percent for any candidate. Only blacks vote in such high number for themselves.
Pure racism.
Someday, a black man or woman will run for president and I will vote for him. But I will never vote for someone who attends a church who's pastor says "God Damn America" just like Louis Farrakhan does. Nor will I vote for someone who's spouse says she hasn't been proud of her country in a long time. Nor will I vote for someone who has plans to turn our country into a socialist utopia through confiscatory tax rates.
I don't make my political decisions based on race, liberals do that. Nor do I use my race as a weapon to intimidate people with, liberals do that. That's what political correctness is, intimidation. And it seems that the OP of this thread, rayboyusmc, is a victim of it.
Someday, when a conservative minority comes along, I'll vote for him. But based on political ideology not race or ethnicity.
but has it ever occurred to you that white Republicans might not want to vote for Obama because they don't believe in his political idealism nor his smoke and mirrors "change" BS? Too easy, huh?

I don't discount that a great many Republicans DO in fact disagree policy wise with Obama. But there are plenty out there who haven't even listened to his policy or ideas and are simply against him because he's black. Deny that all you like Gunny but there are statements to prove it.

And just a reminder ... I'm white, not Republican. And I won't vote for Obama because I don't agree with his leftwing politics and I think he's full of shit and you blind partisans are buying it, but I could give a fuck less what colore his skin is, nor what is or isn't hanging between his legs.

and that's very comendable of you to vote on the "issues" however to attribute those of us who ARE voting for Obama as being "BLIND PARTISANS" would indicate that you think you're the ONLY clear sighted person in the world. Perhaps I actually agree with Obama? Perhaps I actually want a government like the one he describes? is that blind partisanship or is that me finding a candidate who speaks to the ideals and future that I want for myself, my daughter and this country?

are you blindly partisan because you can't see the benefits of a government that works for the people instead of against them: better education, lower taxes for the middle class, healthcare for everyone, an end to war, etc?

I don't outright disregard your opinions as partisan bullshit, I'm sure they are based on your own experiences and your own values and I'd greatly appreciate you giving the same respect to my opinions.

thank you in advance.
But I will never vote for someone who attends a church who's pastor says "God Damn America"

Even if he wasn't there when he said that.

But you will vote for a VP who's husband belonged for many years to a political party that said damn the US flag?

No hippocrissy there?
Political Pulse | The Associated Press-Yahoo! News Poll on Yahoo! News

Funny thing about bias, it generalizes and doesn't take into account the individual. Obama can't be lazy and be where he is. He wasn't born into a rich family like Bush or have an Admiral for a daddy. He can't be violent, because he hasn't punched out McMumbles for the lies he keeps telling on TV.

What suprises me the most, is that as retired has said, I am voting for him only because he is Black.

Look at the graph. Oh Golly, Ms Molly, how do white republicans rate Blacks?

No, no racial shit here in America folks, nothing to see, keep moving.

it's too bad he's running as a democrat. they've been a racist party pretty much their whole existence. if it weren't for republicans, the civil rights act of 1964 would never have passed.
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This may go beyond your comprehension also Gunny, But they may not vote for him because he is black also. Or can't you accept that?

I never said you were a bigot, I said the data indicates that white republicans are more bigotted. Take it or leave it. Don't lay your shit on me.

I didn't say all. So quit jerking off. How am I twisting shit by posting the data in the poll. If you don't want to beleive it, fine, but don't tell me I am a bigot because of what the data indicates.

As for twisting shit, your hands are just a little brown also. You aren't a lot more objective than I am.

Wasting your time explaing to him what you did not say.

This retired gunny does this strawdog crap to every one of us.

He insinuates words and beliefs and concepts into our posts that simple are NOT there.

Basically if he doesn't like (and often doesn't even understand) the message he blindly attacks the messenger.

If we stop responding to this nitwit technique, perhaps there will be less of it?

We reward people when we write to them, you know.
You know, one of the things that Obama has been having to fight for damn near this whole campaign is the fact that he's black (LOTS of people, mainly reps have been saying they won't vote for him because of his pigmentation), he's also had to fight the misconception that he's Muslim because of his heritage, as well as his name (lots of others have said they won't vote for Barack HUSSEIN Obama), as well as having the right-wing propaganda machine (FAUX News) continually confuse his last name with Osama.

Is there racism? Only when someone in a position of perceived power sees an opening to try to tear down their opponent.
When white folks (as well as black folks,latino folks etc)voted for Hillary over Obama in the primary, the Obots cried it's because they are "racists" all over the place. Now when the opposing party while/black/Latino etc wont vote for a left winger they are "racists" too. Obots sure are narrow minded, ignorant and intolerant.
This may go beyond your comprehension also Gunny, But they may not vote for him because he is black also. Or can't you accept that?

I never said you were a bigot, I said the data indicates that white republicans are more bigotted. Take it or leave it. Don't lay your shit on me.

I didn't say all. So quit jerking off. How am I twisting shit by posting the data in the poll. If you don't want to beleive it, fine, but don't tell me I am a bigot because of what the data indicates.

As for twisting shit, your hands are just a little brown also. You aren't a lot more objective than I am.

Anyone got a number how many black people are voting for Barack Obama because he's (half-) black (omit half-white)? My estimate is 65%. Yesterday, my minority of an aunt said he was Muslim. I do what every American should, corrected her (he's Christian duh).

Can people phantom that maybe people won't vote for Barack Obama because he's relatively inexperienced and would have "wowed" us with what he has already done in Washington as a Senator since 2005. Has he really "wowed" us with legislation that directly affects "you" and "i"? Of course, there are some people that would look at the color of the individual (Barack), the gender of the individual (Palin), or the last name of the individual (Clinton), as their reasons why they should vote. We are stuck this election year with moderates (more to the left leaning). Whatever happened to a choice of conservatives. Let's pray someone like a Michael Bloomberg can run and people actually look at his record with the economy. This is the guy we need. Of course he's a mayor. But look what he has done in his life that made him the eight richest man in the world.
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I'm voting Obama because he's a vanilla/chocolate swirl cone. Best of both worlds!

Besides he could really reach across the aisle, he's half and half.
No need to race bait.

We have the better candidate.

McCain has peaked. It's all downhill from here.

How so? We should be scared of his inexperienced.

They want to lead this nation, what have they done in Congress that shows any sign of leadership?

Whoever the next president is, we are faced with consequences of the bailouts of last week. I hope the next President would get us out of Iraq yet McCain hasn't indicated it. Obama wants to take taxpayers money $billions and give it to the United Nations to combat extreme poverty around the world. What about the poverty in his home country?

Here is quote from an article "US Government funding for the UN"

The United States gives $13.3 billion tax dollars in direct Foreign Aid annually. The United States is above and beyond the single most generous benefactor of the United Nations, donating $2.4 billion dollars of OUR money, to primarily third-world dictators.

This amount is 25% of the United Nations budget. In addition, the United States also gives another $1.4 billion tax dollars to United Nations' programs and agencies. The American taxpayers fund more for the United Nations than ALL of the other 177 member nations COMBINED.

And the world hate us. Guess what, fund more than we do for god sake.
I like half and half. And if there is any race bating, look into the mirror on the right.

Why don't any of the interviews ask him about being white?

If he had the smarts and drive to come up from a poor Kansas half breed and get to where he is now without having a rich daddy or daddy admiral, he is ofay in my book.:tongue:
Anyone got a number how many black people are voting for Barack Obama because he's (half-) black (omit half-white)? My estimate is 65%

I doubt that high. His views on pro-choice don't go as well in the Black Religious Community. I was also informed by one of my black co workers that he is endorsed by Planned Parenthood and that they were created to stop black babies from being born. She also fell for the shit that he wants to teach Dildoes and Condoms 101 to kintergarten kids.
I like half and half. And if there is any race bating, look into the mirror on the right.

Why don't any of the interviews ask him about being white?

If he had the smarts and drive to come up from a poor Kansas half breed and get to where he is now without having a rich daddy or daddy admiral, he is ofay in my book.:tongue:

You know, that also is one of the things that makes Obama stand way out in front of McInsane. Obama worked for what he'd gotten, and learned a hell of a lot along the way. McInsane hasn't, as he came from a wealthy family and went to Annapolis as a legacy. So....basically he didn't work for squat as well as didn't really do much work at all. Lost planes as well as only barely passed the Academy.

And....if you want to talk about experience, let's look at something real quick.

Obama's experience comes from his growing up and having to learn how to get along as well as get ahead so that he could do what he wanted. McCain's experience isn't even close to that, because he's always had a silver spoon in his mouth.

In my book, Obama's experience is better than McCain's.

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