I am Tired of 'Beautiful' Media People


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Been feeling more and more this way for the past few years, but the media always takes the photogenic person over the person who has their best qualities in their mind. Brain vrs Body is how I phrase it, and Body gets the nod every time in our popular media and I am sick of it.

When I see some talking head with almost perfect features, groomed to the nth degree, and a blazing white smile, I immediately think that that person has no substance. That of course is not true, but I reflect that there are likely dozens of people who could have been hired who spends more time and money on things like buying and reading books than on buying and using teeth whitener.

It is hilarious to watch guests catch their barely above average IQ hosts by surprise by using a word that wasnt in their prep sheets before the show.

But it is a sad message we are sending our children; if you want to be taken seriously, then you have to have model good looks.

And aside from that, the most beautiful people I know, that give me the most good 'vibes' when I see them, are not artificial media good looking type people; they are normal people who have a special place in my life. People I have grown to know, respect and love over many years are the most beautiful people I know, and it has ZIP to do with their looks.

What a shame that the double digit IQ population is being so misled and made even more shallow than Nature would incline them to be anyway.

Our media is a reflection of how we see ourselves as a people, and right now that would suggest that the USA is shallow, contrived and moronic.
Would you rather see ugly media people?
YES! if they bring more cerebral wattage, sure.

My point is that I dont care if they are ugly or not as long as they THINK effectively and rationally.

Too many of todays 'Talking Heads' are all show and no depth.

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