I am not going to be silenced on the issue of black crime


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
You aren't going to shut us up, you aren't going to force us to live in fear.

We WILL fight back against black criminals, and those that deny the reality. Anybody reading this post, including you moderators and liberals, can be a victim at any time. It's just a matter of chance.
But you do shut up about this.

Whites commit more rapes, aggravated assaults, burglaries, vandalism, arson, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, crimes against property, violent crime, forgery, counterfeiting, buying, receiving selling and possessing stolen property, illegal weapons possession, prostitution, commercialized vice, sex offenses, drug violations, drunk driving, offenses involving family and children, driving under the influence, liquor laws, drunkenness, vagrancy, curfew and loitering, and all other offenses excluding traffic, disorderly conduct and suspicion.
Not per capita. And per capita matters. Unless your black, and it ruins your point...
more rapes, aggravated assaults, burglaries, vandalism, arson, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, crimes against property, violent crime, forgery, counterfeiting, buying, receiving selling and possessing stolen property, illegal weapons possession, prostitution, commercialized vice, sex offenses, drug violations, drunk driving, offenses involving family and children, driving under the influence, liquor laws, drunkenness, vagrancy, curfew and loitering,

That was one CRAZY weekend.
more rapes, aggravated assaults, burglaries, vandalism, arson, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, crimes against property, violent crime, forgery, counterfeiting, buying, receiving selling and possessing stolen property, illegal weapons possession, prostitution, commercialized vice, sex offenses, drug violations, drunk driving, offenses involving family and children, driving under the influence, liquor laws, drunkenness, vagrancy, curfew and loitering,

That was one CRAZY weekend.
Tequila... It happens.
You aren't going to shut us up, you aren't going to force us to live in fear.

We WILL fight back against black criminals, and those that deny the reality. Anybody reading this post, including you moderators and liberals, can be a victim at any time. It's just a matter of chance.
No one is trying to ‘silence’ you and other racists.

Indeed, ensuring that bigots and racists have ample opportunities to express their stupidity and hate is the most effective way to guard against the bane of bigotry and racism.

And no one is forcing you to live in fear – you’re already afraid; it’s your fear and ignorance which give rise to your racism.
The white supremacists live in fear they will never get their power back.

And they won't.
Not per capita. And per capita matters. Unless your black, and it ruins your point...

Per capita doesn't matter.

As much as I hate to agree with the OP ... when you're talking about crime rates ... it really does.

No it dos not You use it as a excuse. Whites commit at least 2.5 times the number of crimes as anyone else. So you use per capita to try making it look like you do less. Yeah we have fewer people than whites so no matter how low our crimes numbers will be, more than likely on a per capita basis they will be higher than whites. And then there is the selective use of it by whites such as when blacks say they are getting shot more by police. Suddenly more whites are getting shot more, totals count then and per capita doesn't matter So no, it doesn't count.
Not per capita. And per capita matters. Unless your black, and it ruins your point...

Per capita doesn't matter.

Of course it does. Learning how to compare different sized groups is something most people learned in elementary school.

It doesn't count. Learning that you don't get to use per capita for an excuse to deny whites commit more crime is something you should have learned in grade school too.

You aren't going to shut us up, you aren't going to force us to live in fear.

We WILL fight back against black criminals, and those that deny the reality. Anybody reading this post, including you moderators and liberals, can be a victim at any time. It's just a matter of chance.
Wouldn't be smarter to 'fight back' against all criminals? I think I am going to fight back against the short, fat, out-of-shape, unarmed criminals and I will leave the rest for the police.
Not per capita. And per capita matters. Unless your black, and it ruins your point...

Per capita doesn't matter.

Of course it does. Learning how to compare different sized groups is something most people learned in elementary school.

It doesn't count. Learning that you don't get to use per capita for an excuse to deny whites commit more crime is something you should have learned in grade school too.
Black people commit the majority of crimes, even if you want to ignore the alarming per capita numbers. You lose in either case.
Not per capita. And per capita matters. Unless your black, and it ruins your point...

Per capita doesn't matter.

Of course it does. Learning how to compare different sized groups is something most people learned in elementary school.

It doesn't count. Learning that you don't get to use per capita for an excuse to deny whites commit more crime is something you should have learned in grade school too.
Black people commit the majority of crimes, even if you want to ignore the alarming per capita numbers. You lose in either case.

Whites commit the majority of all crime. You have to divide in order to come up with per capita. I don't have to divide to show the real numbers.

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